Ansaj Barahi

Ansaj Barahi (a.k.a. Caravan Killer)

Ansaj Barahi, commonly known as the Caravan Killer, was a mass murderer in New Vegas. Born in Westside, Ansaj was initially an orphan before being taken in by the Followers of the Apocalypse at the age of 8. While there he learned a lot, but never agreed with how horrible things were, and how no one tried to change them. Eventually, when he became an adult, he was exiled from the Followers, due to his violent views on how to end crime, and force businesses to stay in line.   After this, he appeared in Vegas again, this time to apply to join Vegas Security in 2294. While chances seemed good at first, he was ultimately rejected due to his records from the Followers and remarks during the interview that made him seem "unhinged".   Reports of his whereabouts are scarce from then until May of 2299, when he was seen drinking in Sweetie's, when over the radio, Mr. New Vegas announced that the Northern Caravan Company failed to reach an agreement with the Followers, meaning that much food, water, and medical supplies would still not be able to reliably reach areas that they were desperately needed in. Patrons witnessed him shout curses, before storming out of the bar before the 40th Street Demons could kick him out, or worse. He would not be seen again until May 11th, where, armed with a light machinegun and a rusty 9mm SMG, he entered the Northern Caravan Company Headquarters and placed C4 on the ceiling of the men's bathroom on the 5th floor, directly beneath the Merchant Guard Barracks Room. He would then sneak onto the roof, posing as a merchant going on for a smoke break, and barricade the door behind him.   At 12pm exactly he detonated the C4, and opened fire on the merchant stalls on the grounds below. For over five minutes, he would fire in rapid succession, until the LMG ran out of the ammo he brought with him, and he would then settle into a defensive position on the roof. When Vegas Security arrived via Vertibird at 12:08 they opened fire on him from the air, while Ansaj returned fire with his SMG. The exchange was brief, as he was shot a total of 36 times in the chest, 9 in the head, and various others in the legs and arms.   In total Ansaj Barahi killed 84 people, and wounded 219, 20 of those deaths were the guards killed instantly in their bunks by the C4. VS launched an investigation, finally releasing the report of his actions that day 72 hours later. It was also revealed that he bought the firearms from Gun Runners using funds he stole from a friend while staying on his couch.   In the end, Ansaj is remembered as a madman by the general public, and a troubled, frustrated man by those who knew him. Regardless, though, he will go down in history as the Free Economic Zone of the Mojave's first mass murederer, the Caravan Killer.
Date of Death
May 11th
2261 AD 2299 AD 38 years old
Circumstances of Death
Shot by Vegas Security
Place of Death
North Caravan Company Headquarters
Balding, Brown
Skin Tone/Pigmentation
Light Brown
5' 8"
210 lbs.


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