Gun Runners

The Gun Runners are a weapons manufacturer and merchant company based out of New Vegas in 2300. With branches located throughout the Southwest, they are considered the foremost weapons manufacturers in the Wasteland.   Originally founded in 2155 inside the ruins Los Angeles, originally a loose gang of raiders holed up in an old factory. Over the years they began using the machinery to their advantage, eventually selling the surplus of weapons they made. This became so lucrative they ultimately stopped raiding all together. The Company really started to rake in caps when the New California Republic was founded in 2189, as with the republic came its military. The Gun Runners were the sole supplier of firearms and other weaponry to the NCRA, and still are despite their shift in location. When the NCR lost control over Hoover Dam and the Mojave Wasteland, the failure of the Mojave Campaign combined with the economic and political upheaval told the Runners all they needed to know about the future. In 2288 the Gun Runners turned their Los Angeles HQ into just another branch, and moved to their factory in New Vegas. What was once a small factory became their largest yet, coupled with contracts for the Mojave Rangers and New Vegas Army, they supply both the NCR and the Free Economic Zone of the Mojave with just about all their ordinance, ammo, and weapons.


The Gun Runners doesn't have a proper structure. Each factory is ran and owned by its employed machinists and weaponsmiths, focusing on creating the finest high-grade weapons, ammunition, and ordinance for everyone in need of it. Decentralizing structure by relying on local factories with short delivery routes allows the Gun Runners to practically monopolize the weapons market. Weapons are constructed in local factories using pre war schematics and better-than military-grade equipment, ensuring consistent quality of arms, and delivered to all nearby clients in bulk or sold directly to individual customers. Using caravans that are loaded with supply, and guarded by a large escort of heavily armed mercenaries, few dare go after their caravans. On the odd chance that the guards are killed, the cases containing the merchandise are rigged to explode if someone without proper knowledge tries to open them.

Technological Level

Nearly 150 years of accumulated experience in machining and manufacturing weapons and ammunition have made the Gun Runners one of the most capable organizations in the wasteland. The Gun Runners can manufacture weapons, ammunition, ordinance, and large scale artillery for both the NCRA and FEZA, as well as restore old and damaged weapons to full functionality. Although the Gun Runners primarily use old military schematics to manufacture weapons, they frequently study and reverse-engineer new weapons to expand their catalogue. This has resulted in numerous new weapon series and models throughout the wasteland.
Founding Date
Corporation, Manufacturing
Alternative Names
The Runners, Gun Merchants


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