Mojave Campaign

The Mojave Campaign, marks the first half of the NCR-Legion War, and was the New California Republic's attempt to expand into the Mojave Wasteland, and integrate it into the Republic as a new state. The necessity for this was Hoover Dam, which could provide power and fresh water to the struggling NCR. In 2255 the NCR Army entered into the Mojave from Mojave Outpost, and travelled up I-15 and I-95 toward New Vegas and the Dam. Along the way they encountered local settlements and Raider groups, neither of which were to fond of the encroaching army. Thankfully, the only outright battles took place between the Rangers and the Raiders. At the Dam, the encountered Securitrons from Robert House, who forged a treaty with the NCR, which the Military was not too fond of. In exchange for Vegas retaining its independence and 5% of the power and water from the Dam, the NCR could garrison the rest of the Mojave, and take the rest of the output from the Dam.   Almost immediately the problems began. None of the Settlements except Boulder City and Nelson joined the NCR, and the raiders were practically out of hand, especially in the ruins of the Vegas outskirts. The NCR garrisoned Camp McCarran, Camp Golf, Camp Hope, and Camp Searchlight, and set up various ranger stations throughout the region. The same year, near winter, Caesar's Legion arrived in the area, and began skirmishing the NCR Rangers and troopers across the canyon and Lake Mead. From the beginning the Legionaries instilled fear in the NCR Troopers, fighting to the death, trapping bodies, and charging lines with SMGs and Gladii. The once unparalleled NCR Military was put on the defensive, and had very clearly met its match.   At the same time, for twenty years, the Legion would send raiding parties, snipe NCR Personnel from across the river, and crucify captured troopers for all to see, all the while the raiders throughout the Mojave stretched supply lines, caused casualties, and kept focus away from the true threat. By the time of 2270 the Campaign was becoming unpopular, if not for the heroics of Aaron Kimball near Camp Guardian, repelling an assault of almost 200 Legionaries, the senate might have voted to end the campaign. Named a hero of the Republic, Kimball rose to the rank of general in 2271, and commanded the entire Mojave Campaign until his retirement in 2272. The next year he won the presidency, using the renewing fervor in the conflict as his political platform. Kimball's focus on the Mojave, and his willingness to skirt or change the laws or rules to aid the military, caused a massive breakdown in NCR infrastructure, and trust in the government. Popular opinion was turning against him in 2277, and his successor to the Mojave Command, General Lee Oliver. They needed a victory, and the Legion gave it to them. In 2277, Caesar and his right hand Legate Joshua Graham arrived in the Mojave, along with 50,000 troops. Late in the year, the attack began.   First Battle of Hoover Dam (2277) NCR Victory   On October 16th, 2277, the Legion advanced upon Hoover Dam with a force of 50,000 troops, against the 10,000 defenders. the NCR Troopers on the Dam quickly began to be overrun, and General Oliver ordered them into a slow withdrawal. Seeing this Ranger Chief Hanlon ordered his Rangers to begin firing down on the officers and veterans in the rear of the Legion's Formation. The problem with Graham's deployment was that he always deployed large portions of troops with recruits in the front, primes in the middle, and veterans and officers in the rear, not only breaking up his squads across three groups, but also giving his officers an obvious place in the open. Seeing his Officers dropping, and chaos starting to take hold, Graham ordered his veterans to punch through top the front and attack the snipers on the ridge, causing even more chaos as his recruits did not know what to do in a situation like that. Seeing the oncoming charge, Oliver and Hanlon coordinated a quick withdrawal into Boulder City, which had been evacuated days prior, and rigged explosives throughout it. When the Legion Veterans and primes charged into the city, they realized too late that they had entered a trap, and the city exploded around them. Losing almost all his veterans, Graham's forces faltered, and the NCR seized their chance to turn the tide, and pushed the legion back into Arizona, across the Dam. In total the Legion lost around 14,000 troops, almost all of them experienced officers and veterans, while the NCR lost around 4,200, 103 of them were killed by their own explosives in the City. The hero of the day was Hanlon and the rangers, whose quick thinking brought the chance of victory, this would lead to a bitter rivalry on Oliver's part, as he did not want to be overshadowed again. The Victory reinvigorated the NCR populace, won Kimball reelection on January 3rd, and celebrations rang out across the Republic, and the Mojave, but did not last. That January General Oliver ordered his troops across the Dam and into Arizona, trying to capitalize on their success, and win himself the same glory of Hanlon and Kimball, and failed miserably.   Battle of Arizona Banks (2278) Legion Victory   On January 8th, five days after the NCR Elections, General Oliver ordered the remaining 5,000 NCR Troops at Hoover Dam over their fortifications, and into Legion Territory. They were met with around 40,000 Legionaries, who now had the defensive advantage. Taking command himself, Caesar had Graham lit aflame and thrown into the Canyon for his failure, and began the defense. The 5,000 troopers were met by their crucified comrades the whole way to the bank, along with mines, traps, suicide bombers, and trench lines. In a battle that lasted about 12 hours, the NCR suffered 4,000 casualties. and the Legion barely broke 1,000 deaths. Oliver ordered a retreat to the Dam, and fortified everything he could, waiting for a counterattack that never came. The Battle of Arizona Banks was looked over by the reports and government, not wanting to circulate a result that could prove the victory at Hoover Dam was a fluke. Ultimately Caesar did not give chase, he knew even if he took the dam, he no longer had the force or commanders to take the entire Mojave, and so he bade his time for two years, regaining strength and experience. At the same time the NCR sent an additional 50,000 troops into the Mojave, many of whom volunteered after Hoover Dam.   Destruction of Camp Searchlight (2280) Legion Victory   When Caesar thought he had enough troops to start attacking NCR again, he knew better than to strike at the Dam right away, and instead switched his tactics into a war of psychological and literal attrition, knowing that the NCR populace would begin to lose faith and support for a failing war. The first move on this list was Camp Searchlight, a military Outpost used by the NCR Air Force, holding three of their precious Vertibirds there, along with an entire Army Garrison of 5,000 men. On the orders of his Frumentarii, Legionaries snuck into the camp and detonated a radiation bomb inside the walls. Within a few hours, almost the entire camp had died or been turned into Feral Ghouls, only around 100 troops made it out alive, and their Vertibirds were deemed unusable. This resulted in massive repercussions, as the NCR Air Force was now to afraid to send what little air power they had into the Mojave, and the NCR public was shocked. Over the past two years, the Legion was actively inflicting over 2000 casualties a year on the NCR, and now they had lost almost 5,000 in the blink of an eye, along with precious air power. Caesar's plan was working.   Second Battle of Camp Guardian (2280) Legion Victory   After the Destruction of Camp Searchlight, Caesar ordered a two pronged strike at both the north and west bank of the Colorado River. The north, guarded by Camp Guardian, was the site of a previous NCR Victory, the same one that made President Kimball famous. Before, in 2270, the Legion struck with 200 men, now it struck with over 8,000. The camp, guarded by almost 5,000, was struck at night, and slaughtered to the last. The news of Camp Guardian devastated Kimball's popularity, and was the second in four quick successive losses that turned NCR opinion negatively to the Campaign, permanently.   Seizure of Cottonwood Cove (2280) Legion Victory   At the same time of Camp Guardian's defeat, there was a smaller, but just as important strike at Cottonwood Cove. A Century (100 troops) under the command of then Centurion Aurelius attacked the landing, which was defended by over 400 rangers and Troopers. The defenders, like in Guardian, were killed to a man, and the Legion lost only ten troops, and gained a firm foothold in the Mojave. The victory at Cottonwood was minor compared to others, but it still received news coverage in NCR, and further lowered morale. The aftermath of this battle proved to be the most devastating of the entire 2280 push, as the opening that Cottonwood provided would be used for every advance until the Second Battle for Hoover Dam.   Battle of Nelson (2280) Legion Victory   Confident in his momentum, Aurelius requested permission to go on another offensive at the mining town of Nelson, Caesar granted his request. Ordering his best Decanus, Dead Sea, to take 20 men to the city, Dead Sea delivered. Seizing the town, sending the remainder of the defenders and townsfolk on the run, and crucifying those who stayed, the legion secured its fourth consecutive victory in the span of three weeks. The victory at Nelson showed Caesar that the NCR was spread far thinner than he originally anticipated, and showed just how fearful the troopers were of his Legionaries. For the NCR this battle rounded out a devastating month, no victories, and over 10,000 casualties in quick succession caused riots in Hub and Vault City, as the amount of losses and combat made it impossible for them to keep up with supplies. The result would be an even lower output of supplies, especially ammunition and medical supplies, that would plague the NCR Army the entire campaign.   Captain Garney's Rout (2280) Legion Victory   Garney's Rout was NCRs summer attempt to dislodge a raiding camp that the legion had set up in the spring. It was doomed from the beginning. Caravans from Hub were still being withheld due to strikes and riots, Lake Mead supplied water, but the water merchants were regularly killed by raiders or Legion Snipers. The result was a battalion (512 troops) of dehydrated and under-equipped troopers charging a fortified defensive position with around 200 defenders. The Official Report from General Oliver's office noted that around 40 troopers passed out from dehydration before they reached their rally point, before the mission even started. The same report noted around an additional 148 casualties, with an additional 40 wounded that were left behind, with the dehydrated troopers being too weak to carry them back. Out of the 512 that entered the area, only 284 troops left, and an additional 17 died of Heat Stroke on the rout. Captain Garney's 8th Battalion had lost an entire company, and his remaining three companies were considered compromised. Garney, despite following General Oliver's orders, was left with the blame, and forced to transfer to Oregon, and the 8th Battalion was disbanded, with its remaining troops being integrated into other battalions. The response from the public was outrage, the very idea that the army could not supply water to its troops, and that many died from it prompted a senatorial inquiry, but the Mojave proved too dangerous to send any senators to, and so nothing resulted in it.   Erasure of Ranger Station Charlie (2281) Legion Victory   The attack on Ranger Station Charlie in July of 2281 was Caesar's first step in cutting off the Mojave Outpost (and thus the rest of the NCR) from Hoover Dam and the Mojave Garrison. With I-15 closed at Sloan due to Deathclaw invasion, I-95, which ran dangerously close to Legion territory, was the only way for NCR Troops and supplies to reach their posts. Ranger Station Charlie was the only NCR post left on the road, and was manned by about 50 Rangers. Deploying from the nearby raiding camp, around 100 troops occupied the cliffs overlooking the camp, and rained explosives down on them. After the bombardment, the Legionaries descended into the canyon and camp, and began killing all within. The Rangers put up a desperate fight, but ultimately lost their lives. Though the Legion suffered about 39 casualties, the battle was won, and the victors began booby-trapping the bodies and buildings, before pulling out, leaving scouts and snipers all along the cliffs. Charlie went weeks before being discovered, and when it was, the traps took the lives of an additional 17 troopers, ultimately the snipers and traps locked down the entire stretch of the highway, cutting off the northern part of I-15.   Sack of Nipton (2281) Legion Victory   Nipton was an unaligned town within the southern Mojave, located along the I-15, and was the second, and final step, in Caesar's plan to shut down the NCR's routes into the Mojave. Despite not being aligned, Nipton harbored NCR troops and Convicts, despite warnings from Legion agents that they were violating their neutrality, the mayor refused to stop allowing the businesses from taking NCR money and troops. Eventually, the Legion approached the Mayor with a counteroffer, get all the troops and convicts he could in the city, and the Legion would jump them, leaving the civilians alone, and paying a gold coin for each trooper caught, and a silver for each convict. When the Mayor did so, the Legion sprung the trap, on everyone, including the townsfolk. The Legion issued lottery tickets with different "winnings." The first tier were crucified, the second tier was burned alive, the third tier was taken as slaves, and then the final two people left were considered the winners. Second place had his legs broken and was set free, first place was let free, without penalty. The Legion then set fire to the city, and took anything of value, leaving scouts in the nearby hills, and setting war hounds loose in the town. This October strike coincided with the anniversary of the First Battle of Hoover Dam, the 16th. The NCR lost 56 troopers, and ultimately all 431 townsfolk were killed or taken. In a brutal strike, Caesar had accomplished two things: Shut down the rest of I-15, and sent a message to the rest of the towns of the Mojave, if you are neutral, mean it.   Second Battle for Hoover Dam (2281) Vegas Victory   The Second Battle for Hoover Dam was the culmination of Caesar's entire Mojave Plan. With his new Legate Lanius at his side, Caesar had amassed 120,000 troops against the NCR. On December 15th the attack began, and Lanius had drastically altered the battle strategy of the Legion, no longer splitting up his veterans and regulars, he relied more on his squads and centuries, allowing his troops to have their veterans with them, providing insight and confidence, and giving his frontline Centurions far more freedom to pursue their objectives. Finally, he made use of his surroundings, having almost 200 men enter the empty intake tanks to attack the Dam not only from the front, but its undefended depths as well. Additionally, this attack would correspond with advances on Novac and Camp Forlorn Hope. The ultimate result is considered by both sides to have most likely ended in a Legion Victory, with the NCR Rangers severely underpowered and the NCR troops being drastically outnumbered, undersupplied, and morally depleted. Fortunately that did not happen. As the the advance was underway, and the NCR was breaking, the Securitron Foundry beneath Caesar's fort came to life, and about 5,000 bots attacked the camp from within. Caesar, along with his entire council, and the 50,000 troops held in reserve inside the Fort's walls were killed inside of an hour. The Courier along with his companions, then stormed across the Dam, locking the intake valves, and having a Bomber from Nellis rain destruction upon Lanius's forces. It is not entirely known how the Courier convinced the Legate to retreat, but he did, and Lanius with his force left the Fort and retreated deeper into Arizona, leaving behind the successful advances on Novac and Forlorn Hope, these remainders in the Mojave would be pushed out by the Free Economic Zone of the Mojave in the following weeks. When the NCR finally took stock, it was met with a horrifying reality: it had lost another 12,000 troops across the front, and Vegas had secured its independence.   The Mojave Campaign was ultimately a failure. General Oliver and Ranger Chief Hanlon resigned only two days later. President Kimball did so on December 29th, though it really didn't matter, he would've lost the election on January 3rd anyway. The Mojave Campaign marked a drastic downturn from the traditional successes of the Republic. And the frequent bending or suspension of laws and rights morally bankrupted the government in the eyes of the people. For their drastic failures since 2277 the NCR Rangers were disbanded, which only hurt the Republic more, as many of the rangers then opted out stay in the Mojave and start the Mojave Rangers, rather than return west in disgrace. Ultimately the Mojave Campaign has lead to economic, political, and supply crises that the Republic still had not recovered from by 2300.

The Conflict


  • Removal of NCR and Legion Forces from the Mojave Wasteland
  • Death of Caesar and Legate Lanius
  • Death of Mr. House


  • Devastating economic and political crises within the NCR
  • 9-year civil war within Caesar's Legion
  • Disbandment of the NCR Rangers
  • Founding of the Free Economic Zone of the Mojave
  • Resigning of the entire executive branch of NCR, as well as almost every military officer involved.
  • Loss of many NCR Veterans, who chose to settle in the Mojave
  • Job Market Crisis within NCR as many companies relocate to the FEZ
Included under Conflict
Conflict Type
Military Campaign
Battlefield Type
Start Date
Ending Date
January 14th, 2282 (27 Years)
Conflict Result
Devastating Defeat for both the Legion and NCR


New California Republic

Led by

Caesar's Legion

Led by


~100,000 NCR Army Troops ~1500 NCR Rangers
120,000 Legionaries


~42,000 Deaths ~6,000 permanently injured
~70,000 Deaths


  • Integrate the Mojave as the next NCR state
  • Ensure safety of NCR Settlers
  • Defeat Legion
  • Maintain control over Hoover Dam, to ensure flow of power and water
  • Conquer the Mojave
  • Turn New Vegas into New Rome
  • Decimate NCR Forces
  • Continue west into NCR Territory
  • Transition the Legion from a Nomadic Army into a permanent Empire



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