Lacey's Latex Ladies

Lacey's Latex Ladies is a bondage/bdsm club located on the New Vegas Strip, on the corner of Flamingo Street and Denning Drive.   The fetish club is often regarded as the "Professional's Sweetie's", where at Sweetie's anything goes, at Triple L there are rules. There is no leaving marks that could last longer than a few hours, there is no defying of safe words, there is no fluidplay, payments are up front in full, and every room is cleaned after use.   Ran by Mistress Lacey herself, the club is a place where high class and ordinary people both come to fulfill fantasies of their dreams, provided its not abhorrently dangerous. Lacey keeps a very tightly run business, with every ledher, girl, and client all accounted for at all times. Additionally the building is protected not bouncers but by fully armed mercenaries, who shoot anyone who harms the girls, or disobeys the rules.
Founding Date
Brothel / Whorehouse
Parent Location
Characters in Location


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