Legion Embassy

The Legion Embassy is a very interestingly styled building, with limestone columns, and concrete walls, its palisades are etched with symbols of the Bull standing over a broken bear, which is visible from the NCR Embassy. To top off this unique style, Legion banners and red tapestries decorate the outer walls and fence. The building itself acts as Caesar's Legion's main diplomatic base for diplomatic missions to the Free Economic Zone of the Mojave. Located on the New Vegas strip on the corner of Desert Avenue and Alley #14, the building is only one block away from the NCR Embassy, and the two have snipers on the roofs, aiming at one another at all times. The single building has three floors, with the reception and offices on the first, barracks and living quarters on the second, and the Ambassodr's Quarters, secure storage, and communications equipment on the third. THe premisis has a constant security force of 40 Veteran Primes, 4 Decani, 1 Centurion acting as the chief of Security, and 4 Praetorian Guards who protect Ambassador Alturus Ultaius at all times in shifts of two.
Founding Date
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