Lain Steel Foundry

Lain Steel Foundry is the operations location for the Lain Steel Company. Built at the same time the company was founded in 2283, both are owned by Adrien Lain, the millionaire steel magnate from Orleans.    The Foundry itself is a series of of 10 Blast Furnaces, all pumping out 10,000 tons of steel a day each. It employs over 1500 workers, with 500 per 8-hour shift, the foundry never stops functioning, with the city of New Vegas and several companies being the biggest buyer, the Foundry generates millions of caps in revenue every quarter.    The Foundry itself was built out of the immense amount of scrap from the salvaged ruins of old Vegas. The building is over a mile long with the blast furnaces taking up the first floor, with a 5 story height before the second floor begins, built around the smokestacks of the furnaces. This second floor contains break rooms, nap rooms, locker rooms, and cold rooms for relief from the downstairs heat. The third floor contains office rooms, conference rooms, and the CEO's office.
Founding Date
Parent Location
Owning Organization


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