The Grande

The Grande is New Vegas's main concert hall, where names like Tommy Torini, Carson Crane and Lady Violet perform. To perform at the Grande is to know you've made it big in the music industry.   Owned by the Courier, and ran by the Executives, the Grande is technically government owned, mostly to ensure that Neon Nico didn't completely control the industry, or the artists.   Located along New Vegas Boulevard and Main Street, the Grande is made in a neo-gothic style, with bright neon accents and ostentatious designs. The entry hall has arched ceilings and down the center along the maroon carpet are three statues, of Mr. Torini, Mr. Crane, and Lady Violet, symbolizing their contribution to music. It is already known that if one becomes truly successful, and reaches those heights, leaving a lasting imp[act on music, they too will be immortalized in this hall. Along the sides of the entry hall are stairwells leading to various upper levels of seating and private viewing booths. The Main Hall itself is a semicircle of progressively elevated seating, and the walls along the sides lined with private balconies for VIP viewing. In front is the stage, with lights behind the curtains, elevated sections for instruments and players, with the mic front and center. Lining the front of the stage edge are marble spades, and the stage floor is made of polished mesquite wood. Maximum capacity of the Grande is 5,000 people, and it sells out months in advance.   Ticket price for back section seating is 120 caps, for mid section seats it is 250 caps, front rows are 500, and VIP booths are 1,000; and with shows once a week, the grande provides the Executives, and the performers, with 1.6 million caps per week.
Founding Date
Theatre / Concert hall
Parent Location
Owning Organization


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