Camp McCarran

Camp McCarran is the main military base for the Free Economic Zone of the Mojave's capital of New Vegas, located in its industrial district. Once the main base for the New California Republic's operations during the Mojave Campaign, it lay in shambles, with the NCR Army even garrisoning its troops in tents in the old parking lot. After the Vegas Army took over, McCarran was renovated heavily, intended to be used as a fallback position if the Legion struck back at the Dam during its retrofit. Its walls were renovated first, then its airfield, as the Mojave Air Army became a functional arm of the military. Its internal was also completely overhauled from an old airport into a legitimate military base, complete with barracks, officers' quarters, and underground bunkers. McCarran also serves as one of the final stops along the Mojave Railway, and often carries supplies from accross the Mojave, but more importantly, it carries pmts for power and dignitaries from NCR. THe second line from the camp is a monorail that leads directly to Monorail Station, Vegas Security's Citywide HQ.


Camp McCarran is home to over 1,000 Securitrons, most are kept in condensed storage, but about 100 are active at any given moment. There are also over 80 armored troops and 40 Mojave Rangers stationed there. Additionally there is 10 vertibirds on standby at the airfield, ready to be dispatched at any moment. In terms of automated defenses there are over 100 turrets and automated artillery cannons along the walls.
Military base / complex
Parent Location
Owning Organization


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