
Bremen was the westernmost of the Ten Towns of Icewind Dale. It attracted all manner of gold prospectors, travelers and treasure-hunters.


Circa the Year of the Warrior Princess, 1489 DR, Bremen could rally a meager force of about 25 soldiers.

Industry & Trade

Gold, textiles


Bremen was originally founded by a group of dwarven prospectors.   The town was nearly destroyed just prior to the Year of the Griffon, 1312 DR in the invasion of the Icewind Dale by the Legion of the Chimera.   In Year of the Worm, 1356 DR, Bremen and Caer-Konig were given to the barbarians of Icewind Dale after the war with Akar Kessell. Revjak, the king of the Tribe of the Elk, served as "speaker for the barbarians" in council until his leadership was successfully challenged by Berkthgar in 1364 DR, ending the period of cooperation between the Reghed tribes and Ten-Towns.   The spokesman of the town around the Year of the Turret, 1360 DR was Gil Haerngen, who, like other Bremenites, had a hobby of searching for gold and treasure on the floodplains along the banks of the river.   In 1483 DR, the adventurer Catti-brie set up a home base in Bremen while waiting for her appointed rendezvous with her friends.

Points of interest


  • Ewin's Trinkets, a small shop that sold magical trinkets uncovered by treasure-seekers.
  • Nine Knuckles, a resale shop run by Davrick Fain.

Inns & Taverns

  • Buried Treasures, a welcoming inn that catered to the many treasure-seekers that passed through town.
  • Five Tavern Center, a cluster of five taverns arranged on a circular gravel square. The proximity of the taverns led to outdoor bar fights nearly every night.
    • The Black-Bearded Brother, one of the taverns of Five-Tavern Center.
    • Even Keel, one of the taverns of Five-Tavern Center.
    • The Grumpy Moose, one of the taverns of Five-Tavern Center.
    • The River's Mouth, one of the taverns of Five-Tavern Center.
    • Stones, one of the taverns of Five-Tavern Center, a rowdy bar where travelers could often be found fighting local Bremenites.
  • Knuckleheader, a tavern run by Darby Snide in as of the Year of the Tasked Weasel, 1483 DR. Catti-brie had an agreement in which she would perform minor magical tasks in exchange for food and board when needed.


Bremen was located on the southwestern shore of Maer Dualdon, where the Shaengarne River met the lake. Bremen's position made it susceptible to flooding, although Bremenites knew the signs and lives were rarely lost because of it.


  • Bremen
Inhabitant Demonym
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