Caer-Konig (/kɛər ˈkoʊnɪg/ kair KOH-nig)

Caer-Konig was one of the towns of Ten Towns in Icewind Dale.


As of the late 15th century DR, the town could muster a mere 27 militia members to its defense.


The town straddled the round harbor in a semicircle, with a line of buildings at the edge of the harbor, an uphill slope, and a circular round with buildings.


Caer-Konig originated as a mere camp, founded by a group of mountain-climbing travelers from the Moonsea region of northern Faerûn.   Some time later the castle of Caer-Konig was constructed, though it was destroyed shortly thereafter by a horde of orcs.   Dorim Lugar was the councilman of the town in 1351 DR until he was killed over a fish sometime before or during the Year of the Worm, 1356 DR. His second-in-command, Schermont, became the new councilman after the incident. Schermont was known for his heavy-handed approach to rulership, and he held a particular grudge against Caer-Dineval.   After the war with Akar Kessell and the Battle of Icewind Dale, Caer-Konig was given to the barbarians. Revjak, the king of the Tribe of the Elk, served as "speaker for the barbarians" in council until his leadership was successfully challenged by Berkthgar in 1364 DR, ending the period of cooperation between the Reghed tribes and Ten-Towns.


Caer-Konig was located on the northern shore of Lac Dinneshere, not far from Caer-Dineval, behind the shadow of the imposing Kelvin's Cairn. The fishing waters of the lake were shared between the two towns, but fishermen nevertheless often squabbled over territory.   The settlement was entirely isolated save for a trail to Caer-Dineval and a ferry that traversed the lake to Easthaven.


  • Caer-Konig
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