Shaengarne Ford

Shaengarne Ford was a small logging village on the shores of the Shaengarne river in Icewind Dale. It remained a prosperous settlement in the Dales well into the late 15th century DR.


Shaengarne Ford was a humble hamlet not far from the city of Targos, to the southwest of Maer Dualdon along the Shaengarne River. The town relied on trading with the Ten Towns and Targos to survive through harsh seasons, exchanging goods for food and supplies.   Despite its size, the town had a busy sawmill. One of its inhabitants was an apothecary, who survived the attack of 1312 DR, but his home was taken apart and used to build fortification by the invaders. Outside of the town, several Ranger cabins were built and occupied by forests, along veering mountain and forest paths along the Shaengarne.   Over time, the village was expanded with numerous timber and earth-berm-sheltered houses, complete with thriving vegetable gardens.


Sometimes in or before Mirtul of the Year of the Griffon, 1312 DR, traders of Shaengarne Ford exchanged an enchanted axe, Kegsplitter for supplies, leaving it with the Gallaway Trade Depot in Targos.   In 1312 DR, tragedy struck Icewind Dale, and Shaengarne Ford did not escape strife. As the city of Targos laid besieged by a force of savage goblins of the north, Shaengarne Ford was taken over by Torak Skullsplitter and his Broken Tusk Clan of orcs. The invaders arrived through the Northern Pass a month before the siege of Targos began, razed several buildings in the village and took its inhabitants hostage. Broken Tusk orcs built a dam on Shaengarne. If it were to remain, come summer, the cities on the shores of Maer Dualdon would be flooded and destroyed. The fortifications and the dam were built using the sawmill's lumber, sword by enslaved villagers.   A band of mercenaries from Targos was sent to the Shaengarne Bridge, not far from the Ford, to free it from occupation, allowing reinforcements from Neverwinter to reach besieged Targos in time. The mercenaries accomplished the task and dismantled the dam. By what means and if there were villager casualties, however, remained unclear, as accounts of the events varied.   Orc and Goblin attacks against the village all-but-ceased in the 1450s DR, which led to greater prosperity for the village's people. Shaengarne Ford eventually grew to become a major supplier of dressed lumber for Targos and the Ten-Towns thanks to a boost in wild tree growth in the area.
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