
Jarlmoot was a landmark in Icewind Dale, serving as the former seat of power for the Frost Giant jarls in the region.

Purpose / Function

The site comprised seven giant-sized stone thrones, arranged in a circle facing one another. There was one throne for each of the Frost Giant's jarls, one of which was claimed by Jarl of Jarls, Reggaryarva.   Hidden beneath Reggaryarva's throne was an underground hallway that featured six braziers inscribed with Jotun runes. By lighting each of the runes with its required ingredient, a person could gain access to a grand chest holding the giant's treasure.   The six Jotun runes were dod, fjell, krig, liv, vind, and wyrm.   A poem inscribed upon the wall offered clues on how to correctly lite each of the braziers.


Jarlmoot was located atop a hill, some ways west of the Shaengarne River.


On nights of a full moon, the ghosts of the jarls appeared at their thrones, sharing tales about the feats and exploits they accomplished in life.
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