Velqwen Settlement in Forgotten Realms | World Anvil
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Velqwen is inhabited solely by members of Clan Zirthund.


The Clan is overseen by a Speaker, who is elected to the lifetime appointment unless a subsidiary vote of dissidence is made.


Though in disrepair, the still standing walls and interior structures provide reprieve from the winds of the valley. Armed patrols encircle the camps and keep watch of the surrounding area. At any given moment, roughly 20% of the population actively serves as members of the rotating military and protective forces. In all, approximately 60% of the population is of the age and ability to serve in combat if called upon.

Industry & Trade

Velqwen survives as a mostly self-sufficient community of hunters and gatherers. Though they have lived in Velqwen for nearly 100 years, the members of Clan Zirthund remain nomadic at heart and in habit.


The dungeons beneath the ancient ruins are rumored to be full of unfamiliar treasure and hidden secrets.

Guilds and Factions

While Clan Zirthund is a close knit community that practices communal sharing of resources, there are two major camps the clan can be broken into. First, there are the Traditionalists, who believe the nomadic way of life is still the best means of survival and take each threat as a sign that the Clan has overstayed its welcome within the ruins. Second, there are the Followers, who lean on the prophetic visions from Bahamut to guide them and await further instructions before deciding it is time to venture forth.   In addition, a third group called the Seekers is composed of individuals who show a particular interest in exploring the past of the buried ruins in hopes of an explanation for the Clan's future. Members of both of the previous tribes fit into the Seekers, as the reason for delving into the ruins can vary by each individual.


Prior to the Spellplague, this region went undisturbed and uninhabited, considered the dangerous marching grounds of orcs and too close for comfort to the brood of dragons to the East. During the chaos of the Year of Blue Flame, the ruins appeared without warning. Shortly thereafter, Clan Zirthund crossed the Moonpass Valley and inhabited the ruins following a prophetic dream directing them to the settlement.


In a jarring contrast, the nomadic hide tents of Velqwen's citizens sit alongside or have been build onto the sandstone ruins of the mysterious former kingdom.


Resting on the eastern bank of a river, Velqwen resides in the eastern portion of the Moonpass Valley with the Nether Mountains to the north and Doomspire Mountain to the east.

Natural Resources

The fertile riverbed allows for lush growth of a variety of root crops and grains while the nearby forest provides the necessary wood for fires and the slow work of repairing the city ruins.
Outpost / Base
Location under
Owning Organization


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