Lady's Hand Monastery Building / Landmark in Forgotten Realms | World Anvil
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Lady's Hand Monastery

We will rebuild. For what is stone and timber against the will strengthened by the whip and a willing spirit. Where there are now ruins will soon stand the new home, the destination of pilgrimages of pain for all those who worship The Willing Whip and embrace her malicious embrace.


"We find freedom in the willing whip. Lashes received of another’s malice or ambition, while a welcome pain from the Maiden herself, is but slavery of ones suffering to another. Yet here, we find freedom in our flagellation. We seek strength in earnest that we endure even more. That we might further aid one another in our pursuit of pain. We pray for the pleasure of knowing Loviatar knows each of her children by our cries. Those who are willing, walk through the wax and wick and welcome the whip."
  • Parchment found in the chapel of the monastery
  • Where one would expect pews and alcoves for prayer and reflection, the chapel instead contains several shallow pools empty of water and instead filled with barbed wiring, thorns, glass, and other materials. Towards the front of the chapel, dozens of half-spent candles in unadorned sconces stand in two long rows just far enough apart for an individual to pass through with their shoulders grazing the wax.


    A simple grey stone structure, much like the earlier construction of Avraathe, this monastery has clearly seen better days. Deep gouges in the courtyard as well as the poorly repaired holes in the roofing and still crumbled sections of walls imply some sort of assault, perhaps by a monster or sizable creature.   The massive entrance hall features tall and wide winding columns that have had whiptails carved in relief, though not particularly skillfully. Similarly, the two massive arched wooden doors feature the symbol of Loviatar hastily crafted into the wood.


    In the Year of the Unstrung Harp, 1371 DR, the tower of Lady's Hand collapsed under the attacks of a Morueme dragon, which was later torn asunder mid-flight by the monks' magic. After that, more Morueme dragons destroyed most of the buildings in the monastery but were unable to wipe out the monks who, in the meantime, retreated into the caves. The Moruemes then sent a small army of hobgoblins to execute the final assault, but the monks prevailed once again.   After the dragon assault, High Whipmistress Lorthalae Shamrass ruled a clergy just over forty strong, who were involved in rebuilding the fortress.


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