In the vast expanse of the Aliens universe, corporations reign supreme, their influence stretching across the stars and into the deepest corners of human civilization. These powerful entities are not just businesses; they are the architects of humanity's future, shaping the destiny of countless worlds through their relentless pursuit of profit and technological advancement.   At the pinnacle of this corporate hierarchy sit the mega-corporations, titans like Weyland-Yutani and Hyperdyne Systems. These conglomerates wield power that rivals, and often surpasses, that of governments. Their logos are emblazoned on the hulls of colonial ships and the facades of towering space stations. They finance the construction of entire colonies, terraform planets to make them habitable, and extract precious resources from the most inhospitable environments. Their reach is ubiquitous, their influence undeniable.   Governments, while still present, often find themselves in the shadow of these corporate behemoths. In many regions, it is the corporations that enforce laws, provide security, and dictate the terms of daily life. They maintain private armies, deploy advanced surveillance systems, and influence political decisions to safeguard their interests.   Yet, this immense power comes with a dark side. The drive for profit leads to ethical breaches, dangerous experimentation, and a disregard for human life. Corporate agendas prioritize the bottom line over the well-being of individuals, resulting in cover-ups, conspiracies, and a pervasive sense of mistrust.

Articles under CORPORATIONS

Cover image: by DALLE


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