The Savanna People

Living in the wide grasslands or savanna to the south of the Great Desert and Pearl Sea, the Savanna people are Humans with far darker skin than any living in the Known World or around the The Middle Sea. They are ethnically and culturally united, but form only the loosest of political bloc or alliance. Many petty kingdoms, villages, cities and nomadic extended families exist - all recognize the spiritual and cultural leadership of the king ruling the city of N'Djamena next to Lake T'Chad, although he holds no political sway over most of the Savanna people.   Religiously, the Savannah people venerate the goddess of Love as the giver of life but also pay homage to the various other gods and goddesses.   Because the King of N'Djamena is the most prominent of the Savanna people and his city is next to Lake T'Chad, the Savanna people are sometimes known as Chads.


Common Myths and Legends

A myth relating the THE SHINY SHIELD states that the bearer of THE SHINY SHIELD will defeat monstrous evil and marry a Chad princess, becoming the father of a great dynasty.


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