Albion Korugar’s Story

  • 207 AHM

    38 Newbloom


    Malstrom and Boto discuss with Albion Morningstar, no word from Yacobius but Malstrom remembers reading something on memory spells

  • 207 AHM

    46 Newbloom


    Albion Morningstar wonders where the Goblins went during this migration, No one has seen any Goblins for awhile

  • 207 AHM

    12 Aridheat


    Albion enters Shockgrove Cave, fight Shockgrove Bear

  • 207 AHM

    20 Aridheat


    Albion is captured by Goblins, questioned if working for Terras, sucked into a rock wall told of Terra Elves and about the Underdirt Civil War

  • 207 AHM

    25 Aridheat


    Albion helps Leo find a home away from the Civil War and away from the intruding Goblins

  • 207 AHM

    38 Aridheat


    Albion helped Leo and Shacklore set up village on cliffside, Albion is now residing with Terra Elves, Quake and his rebellion are now fighting the Goblins

  • 207 AHM

    43 Aridheat


    Smud Bladescum is a mercenary sent to kill his cousin Albion, Smud was hired by Heap King due to raids from Quake, sorcerer dictator of the Underdirt Rebellion, Smud get wand

  • 207 AHM

    50 Aridheat


    Albion is trained in Terraforming from Leo Scotchmaster

  • 207 AHM

    13 Coolbreeze


    Albion meets Kodiak, a vampire hunter, Albion is warned about the Vampire menace, join up

  • 207 AHM

    18 Coolbreeze


    Albion tells of the relic that Stephanio has, Leo and Kodiak are astounded

  • 207 AHM

    19 Coolbreeze


    Kodiak and Albion meet up with Snakeroot outside of Grimbind Manor

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  • 207 AHM

    20 Coolbreeze


    Kodiak explains his team to Snakeroot and Albion, why they hunt the undead

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  • 207 AHM

    21 Coolbreeze


    Snakeroot, Albion and Kodiak enter Grimbind Manor, Pictures of Grimbind through the ages, with many wives and children   Albion finds Damien Grimbind's wife's journal, ran away to raise a child away from Bogdan

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  • 207 AHM

    41 Coolbreeze


    The group finds Damien's Terra Elf wife, son Olivander is getting stronger

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  • 207 AHM

    18 Firstfrost


    Olie's mother dies, Albion takes him as son,

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  • 207 AHM

    38 Firstfrost


    Snakeroot and Albion return back to Mooncrest Woods

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  • 207 AHM

    44 Firstfrost


    Nidnoir sets up Treants around woods on guard. Albion raise kids while Snakeroot takes charge

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  • 208 AHM

    24 Firstfrost


    Goblins invade mooncrest woods

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  • 208 AHM

    33 Firstfrost


    Snakeroot is defeated by Heap King, Nidnoir scares off

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  • 208 AHM

    34 Firstfrost


    Albion trains Olie at terraforming, olie is better than albion

  • 208 AHM

    37 Firstfrost


    Boto, Malstrom, Albion and Oli return to the Wizard's Guild and start rebuilding.

  • 208 AHM

    51 Firstfrost

    The Path to Solitude

    The Guild has been rebuilt out of the walls, bringing some money to the Forgotten Slums. Jaibaird Joins as member   Penoir is told by Boto that he needs to speak with Yacobius about his wife. Vague message about "The Path to Solitude"

  • 208 AHM

    1 Glaciate


    Gustav warns of a new man in the slums, Bogdan. Need to keep Oli hidden so Bogdan doesn't know there is someone holding back his full power.

  • 208 AHM

    10 Glaciate


    Malstrom engages Bogdan, Bogdan caught off guard by not having full strength, captured by the wizards

  • 208 AHM

    16 Glaciate


    Oli starts acting strangely, Bogdan warns the Power is too much for the young boy.

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  • 209 AHM

    9 Rainfall


    Jako joins the Wizard's Guild outside of Skygarde

  • 209 AHM

    18 Newbloom


    All non-Humans are to be arrested. Jako and Albion are taken to jail by Priests. Boto's magical artifacts are taken. No telepoter.

  • 209 AHM

    48 Newbloom


    Jako reads writing on wall, talk about the Dharans torturing of Gaijin to become Carrion Warriors. Prevent Foulrot followers, Skrum tells them about the Conduit

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  • 209 AHM

    47 Aridheat

    The King's Vengeance - Battle for Skygarde

    Scorn attacks Skygarde. High Guard and Church defend. Fire Elf Army destroyed by guards, Scorn tries to run, Takes an arrow to the knee then killed by Skytracer. Skytracer is much more violent, Fire Elf and Dharans at breaking point. Smog has control of Fire Elves, works with Owendu to fix Anchorbridge   Quake breaches the Skygarde tunnels and plans for assault with his rebels.   The rebels arise in Skygarde and start to take over, Quake confronts Skytracer. The Elves will rise again   Quake frees Bogdan, Farwit talks to Oli.   Albion is defeated by Farwit, Bogdan takes Olivander and Farwit with him   The struggle continues as the High Guard tries to stop the rebels. Sir Kristoff and Sir Barney and Yacobius are the current leaders of the High Guard   Skytracer kills Quake,Yacobius questions his actions, argument "I dont fight for the church, I fight for my divine lord" Yacobius goes to join Saint's Congress, Skytracer not the same after son's death

  • 209 AHM

    53 Aridheat


    Albion and Boto discuss Bogdan and Oli, train new recruits

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  • 210 AHM

    36 Newbloom


    Albion and Jako are in the old man Penoir was looking for's cell. Visions are scribbled down all over the room

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  • 210 AHM

    9 Aridheat

    Breaking Out

    Albion , Skytracer and Jako make a plan to get out.

  • 210 AHM

    25 Aridheat

    Gathering / Conference

    Yacobius, Baboa , Sir Kristoff, Sir Barney, Jaibaird and Boto enter Skygarde. No one is outside only priests.   Yacobius, Baboa, Boto, Malstrom, Kristoff, Barney, Penoir and Dominik form alliance ready to take down church of Dhara, Oli is kept in Wizard's Guild   While UgColEk Storms the castle, The group explore the church to find their friends All watch as the Conduit rises from the Church depths.   The gang meet up with the Elves, Charison apoligizes to Skytracer for Scorn, Skytracer breaks down and begs for forgiveness   UgColEk channels Foulrot as the Pastor explains that the Conduit is also channeling Dhara. An epic battle ensues and the Conduit kills UgColEk

  • 210 AHM

    26 Aridheat

    The Conduit's Rise and Fall
    Religious event

    The Priests are defeated by the heroes and then they turn to Conduit Yacobius prays and the Conduit freaks out. Declares that he is God. Dominik realizes where he has seen Yacobius before, the genocide Jako and Boto unleash on the Conduit while others take cover. Find the old Pastor. Tells that Dominik is supposed to be the true son of Dhara, the church couldn't allow an elf be the harbinger of their religion. Conduit demanded the Snowpoint Genocide. Penoir flips out on the Pastor for his wife and son's death. The brave dwarf decides to end it. Penoir charges from behind and tackles the Conduit. Conduit blasts Penoir off of him as Dominik closes in. Conduit is stricken by the prophecised Frost Elf and lets the true Son of Dhara get too close Dominik Heartstring puts a ice spike through the Conduits heart. Ending the terror. Charison says goodbye to Penoir as he passes away. "Elf...cough...cough...I'm proud of what you've become..." Penoir's eyes closed with a smile on his face, he was at peace.

  • 210 AHM

    45 Aridheat


    Albion goes and live on cliffside village, accepting retirement with Leo

  • 210 AHM

    50 Aridheat


    Shacklelore is making the Cliff village a society

  • 210 AHM

    12 Coolbreeze

    A Gathering of Friends
    Gathering / Conference

    Charison, Snakeroot and Birchbreaker meet up with Shacklelore, Leo, Albion and Oli

  • 210 AHM

    13 Coolbreeze

    The Hearthic Invasion
    Military action

    Armada of gargantuan ships is seen crossing the sea from the Bretharian Heartland   [Hearthic people rally together following Teyranus to take back the Galfin Mainland, also known as the Bretharian Heartland.]   Sons of Hearthen rally together following Lord Teyranus to take back the Galfin Mainland, also known as the Bretharian Heartland to the foreigners. They believe it is their ancestral homeland since before the Lumis Elves. They are devout followers of the Voidal Mother Danara.

  • 210 AHM

    23 Coolbreeze

    The Warning
    Political event

    Birchbreaker defeated by Willard and Snakeroot defeated by Gabriella, they were only stalling.   Willard and Gabriella get out at terra elf city, warns all to run from the Sons of Hearthen. Charison chooses to return to Jags, Snakeroot asks him protect wood elves.

  • 210 AHM

    24 Coolbreeze


    Shacklelore orders terra elves return to the Underdirt

  • 210 AHM

    25 Coolbreeze


    All of the terra elves successfully retreated into the Underdirt

  • 211 AHM

    27 Newbloom


    Albion receive a letter from someone claiming to be the Heap King. Albion watched him die, Albioin decides to investigate.

  • 212 AHM

    27 Aridheat

    Battle of Border

    The Battle of Border ensues in the Goblin Wars, soldiers are losing moral in their leaders. Swipes almost kills his brother Alvin. They escape into the Shockgrove Caves. Face Kila to a draw.