Penoir Nettlehut's Story

  • 207 AHM

    9 Rainfall

    The Farewell

    Penoir says goodbye to Paari, Beruka sick. Penoir must find cure   Chapter 2 - The Farewell   "Your mother and I are so proud of you Paari Nettlehut, you've made it so you can support a family and have a great life at the Bilden Mine."   Today was the first time Paari Nettlehut had seen his father shed a tear. Penoir Nettlehut was a stern father who grew up on his ancestors farm. He always wanted to leave but his family kept him firmly rooted to the homestead. Penoir Nettlehut was not crying because he was losing a son, but his family was gaining a man. As the plain dwarf's beard sponged up the tears of joy, Beruka Nettlehut stepped forward to kiss Paari Nettlehut's forehead before he boarded the carriage. After waving goodbye Beruka Nettlehut turned to Penoir Nettlehut   "Shouldn't you be planting the potatoes?" she abrubtly asked.   "I haven't had a day off in years, can't I just rest for today?" Penoir Nettlehut joked.   "Not if you don't want me to leave you for the nice millwright that lives down the path." Both the husband and wife laughed   "You've been using that line for 40 years now, if you were serious you would've done it by now." Penoir Nettlehut kissed Beruka Nettlehut and headed off toward his farm but after a few minutes of work.   'CRASH!'   The sounds of pans falling echoed into the yard. "Beruka Nettlehut!". Penoir Nettlehut ran as fast as his short legs could manage...   "Whats wrong with her Doc?"   "I can't say for sure, seems as though she has been poisoned, she can't even speak."   As Penoir Nettlehut stood in shock of the unfolding events, neighbours started getting curious and peered into his farmhouse window. The neighbours started yelling into the house who they suspected.   "A Giant could of done it!"   "Maybe a Wraith?"   "Was it a plague?"   "It could of been his son?"   Penoir Nettlehut, infuriated, ran to the window   "How dare you accuse my son of such blasphemy!"   The neighbour remarked back "He did just skip outta town, but there is another suspect. My boy was strolling past when he heard Beruka Nettlehut telling you she was going to leave you, motives right there."   As the crowd erupted in anger and fear the doctor calmed them down, pointing out the lack of evidence. If the doctor had not stepped in Penoir Nettlehut may have been attacked.   The only possible solution to Beruka Nettlehut's sickness would be to talk to the master wizard in Skygarde. After grabbing what little belongings he had, Penoir Nettlehut set off for the Magi Guild, hoping to clear his name, and save his wife.

  • 207 AHM

    13 Rainfall

    The Burning Hunt
    Life, Achievement/ Win

    Charison fights a Dwarven Cat, he feels triumphant to have defeated a beast so soon after he left home.   Penoir digs grave for murdered Dwarven Cat   Chapter 4 - The Burning Hunt   Charison had never left the Jags. He had heard of the other fire Elves becoming weak or losing their powers altogether when they left the heat of the mountains but not Charison; if anything, he felt stronger. As Charison reached the bottom of the Firefang Jags, he was astounded. The young Fire Elf had never seen such blue sky before. He was so used to the smog of the mountains that he didn't realize how beautiful the view could be. As Charison peered at the blue beauty before him, he saw two shadows of what looked to be Fire Elf in shape but with great wings spanning from their backs.   "RAAAAAWWWWWR!"   Charison's head snapped down to see an immense feline standing before him. The golden cat stood tall and proud before the unknowing Elf. It's mane covered most of its head, stomach and back. The teeth were the length of an arm and its paws even bigger. Charison, believing to have found his adventure, sprinted towards the Dwarven Cat conjuring flame swords as he ran. The Cat pounced at the Elf, narrowly missing the young warrior. Charison ducked and rolled under the beast, slicing and charring it's stomach as he did. the Dwarven Cat, clearly wounded, pounced at Charison again and put a large gash in the Fire Elf's light green skin. In a fit of pain and fury, Charison's temper erupted like the lava oceans of his home. The furious Fire Elf conjured an enormous flame construct, resembling the Dwarven Cat itself. The beast growled at the Fire Cat to no avail, the Construct leapt forward, melting into a river of flame as it neared the Dwarven Cat.   Charison was calming down and his construct faded away to reveal the giant cat motionless in a singed crater, some of its fur was still aflame. The Fire Elf started walking away from the beast towards a distant castle, whether it was through intelligence or fear, Charsion made the right decision in walking away from where the Dwarven Cat came from.   Chapter 5 - The Burning Carcass   With the sight of the great towers of Skygarde coming into view through the morning mist, Penoir Nettlehut smelled something out of place. He could smell campfire, burnt food and the disturbing scent of burnt fur. As the mist faded, Penoir Nettlehut could see the nearby trees singed, some of the bushes and flowers were still aflame. Before the Dwarf, a Dwarven Cat lay dead on the ground. Penoir Nettlehut checked the pulse of the beast but there was no hope to save the mistreated animal. Penoir Nettlehut knew what must have done this; Fire Elves are the only beings in all of Galfin with enough knowledge of Fire Conjuring to cause this much destruction. The Plain Dwarf had only met one Fire Elf before, it was almost thirty years ago; this Elf was brash but valorous and Penoir Nettlehut trained him to be more level-headed so he could control his great powers. Penoir Nettlehut's generosity had run out years ago, he no longer sought out to help strangers because they most likely didnt deserve his charity. Penoir Nettlehut spent the rest of the morning digging a grave for the large cat, he knew that Beruka Nettlehut was stable in the doctor's care and his Gods would smile upon her if he properly sent the Dwarven Cat to the afterlife. After the grave was filled in and a short prayer was uttered, Penoir Nettlehut set off; following the path of the burnt landscape towards Skygarde

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  • 207 AHM

    15 Rainfall

    The Mindspawn
    Gathering / Conference

    Charison kills a Forgotten Mindspawn, terrified of the night, only has fire to protect him.   Charison's ego was inflated, he had slain his first monster. He lased out on the dwarven cat and created a fire construct more powerful than anything he had ever created. He felt good. The young fire elf could see a silouette of a large city towards the sunset. With dusk approaching, Charision decided to rest for the night.   A fire for warmth was easy to manage, shelter was a bit more difficult. Fire elves are not the strongest of the Galfin races, the elves from the Firefang Jags used natural outcrops and caves to from their houses. Charison was in the middle of a small forest, very far from his comfort of home.   The night remained quiet as Chaison sat by his fire, looking over his shoulder frequently. The brave elf would never admit it but he was scared. A subtle purple glow could be seen from behind some distant trees. His young mind was running rampant with what could be watching him at that moment. His imagination had gotten the better of him as he watched the faint glow get brighter. And small sound from an insect to the wind caused Charison to jump. The glow continued to creep closer to the elf. Charison formed a small fireball in his hands and prepared himslef for an attack.   The creature emerged from behind a tree. The twisted humanoid had grey skin and elongated limbs, it stood around 4 heads tall. It's giant, black eyes blankly stared at Charison as it slowly moved closer. The creature's transparent skull held a purple crystal that was creating the glow.   Charison enlarged the fire balls in his hands. The tattoos on the elf's leg started shining bright orange. A snake-like trail of fire spiralled around Charison's arms and formed gauntlets made of fire. The grey creature realized that this strange creature he was stalking was about to attack and panicked. A wave of psionic enrgy emanated from the purple crystal in the small creature's skull. Charison leaped over the wave and rolled towards the terrified, grey monster. With one swift fiery punch, the creature layed dead on the ground.   Charison was not proud of this battle. The elf killed this monster out of fear not bravery. Charisonn was still alone. He was still afraid. He had no idea how long it would take him to fall asleep on this dark night.       Penoir uses leaf from a Softbirch tree to throw his voice and calm Charison down, builds shelter in hillside, Join up   Chapter 14 - The Understanding It was as black as coal and getting colder. Wind whistled through the trees to create fake sounds of others in the small forest. Penoit the plain dwarf was not equipped to survive in the woods. He had only intended this to be a day's trip to see the master wizard but burying the dwarven cat had set his plans back. The plain dwarves had built their homes with their bare hands. Using rock and mud to create livable homes for centuries. If only Penoir had brought a lanturn to let him see what he was doing. Better yet, he would use the flame to start a fire since a Coolbreeze night was not to be taken lightly in the Great Plateau province. As Penoir Nettlehut's large boots crushed the twigs under his feet, he saw a distant orange glow flickering beyonf some trees. Penoir did not want to run into the impulsive fire elf that killed the dwarven cat so he began to tread with caution. Not knowing if the elf was friend or foe, Penoir prepared himself for a scuffle with the elf.   As he slowly approached the person by the fire, he saw the pale-green hued skin of the fire elves on the frightened youth. The elf was clearly on edge, he had fireballs readied in his hand and was looking nervously around. Penoir did not want to get torched by this terrified, impulsive boy. It was amazing how a race could have so much power at their disposal and not be fully trained how to control it.   Penoir had no formal schooling but knew enough about nature to get by. Penoir reached up and ripped a cone shaped leaf from the tree above him. This was a softbirch leaf. Using an old rangers's trick he learned years ago, Penoir Nettlehut was able to throw his voice in which ever direction the cone pointed.   "Be wise, young elf." Penoir whispered to the left of the fire elf.   The plain dwarf's deep voice frightened the elf. In the opposite direction of Penoir, the young elf blasted one of his fire balls. A bush was now aflame.   "I'm not here to harm you, just want to come to an understanding." The dwarf said in a fatherly tone. Penoir was starting to realize that this wasn't some elf that wanted to create destruction. He was just young and had a lot of power to handle. The elf was frantically looking around as the voice was coming from all directions.   "Show yourself!" The elf bellowed.   As Penoir slowly walked into the light, the elf's face went from terror to relieved to smirking.   "Well. You're kind of short" The elf pointed out.   "I'm a dwarf, what were you expecting?" Penoir chuckled.   "You had a voice that was deep, I thought your race had squeaky voices," The elf seemed honestly curious, even though he came off rude.   "That would be gnomes my young friend. Do you not get out much? I mean, I haven't seen many fire elves in my years, and that would be a lot of years." Penoir sat down next to the fire, warming his hands up.   "The Flame Master doesn't really like it when we leave the Jags." the fire elf sat down near Penoir, happiness was showing on his face. He clearly did not want to be alone.   "The Flame Master, eh? Seems like kind of a dumb title." Penoir chuckled to himself. The tattoo on the fire elf's leg started to glow. Penoir took an interest in this as the elf got more angry.   "You take that back!" The elf changed emotons very fast.   "Simmer down, young one. We're all friends here." Penoir jokingly put his hands up. The elf calmed quickly.   "I guess its true what people say about a fire elf's temper. Some rumors are yet to be seen. I have been told that your hair sets on fire when you get angry. I have also heard that there is nothing more brave than a fire elf warrior, you seemed outright terrified of me." Penoir looked over at the young elf.   "I wasn't scared. There is a difference between fear and being battleready. Not that you would know anything about that, Dwarf." The elf said bluntly.   "That must be true because that bush you set on fire seemed like a real battle threat. Also, my name is not dwarf. It is Penoir Nettlehut. Happy to meet you, young fire head." the dwarf farmer responded.   "Fire elf hair isn't actually made of fire." The elf snapped back.   "Fire head was refering to your temper, not your hair style." Penoir smiled at the elf.   "It's Charison." the fire elf mumbled as he looked into the flames.   "Well it's a pleasure to meet you, Charison." Penoir was now looking into the fire.   "I think we could help eachother out." Penoir continued.   "It will way too cold tonight for me to fall asleep and you are way to on edge to do the same. If you allow me to stay by your fire, I could grab some rocks from that mound over there and build a quick but funtioinal shelter. I mean, a wall is at least better than sitting here with your back exposed. Charison glanced over at the dwarf. He knew the old man was right. Penoir continued.   "If dwarves are good at anything, it's building and farming. Now since I don't see my crop anywhere near me, that must mean I have some building to do." Penoir lit a stick as a torch and started walking towards the rocks.   Charison seemed less stressed now that he had a companion to last teh night with. As they both layed their staring at the stars, each discussed why they were wandering the Great Plateau in the middle of the night. Charison had no real goal yet and offered to aid Penoir in clearing his name and finding the antidote for Beruka. Both of the new allies fell asleep with warmth and a shelter.

    Additional timelines
  • 207 AHM

    16 Rainfall

    Sparing a Life

    Charison proves himself to Penoir when he spares a necromancers life (Black Sun Elf- burnt face)   Charison and Penoir reach Wizard's Guild, Izill Darkdance turns them away   Penoir meets a young wizard named Malstrom Briwood. Gets an audience with Boto Silverstaff   Boto Silverstaff give Penoir and Charison the cure for Beruka, head back to the Great Plateau towards Penoir home village

  • 207 AHM

    18 Rainfall

    Disaster / Destruction

    Snakeroot run into Penoir and Charison. "What village?", village of Valdau is burnt to the ground. Giant footprints are all over. Three join up

  • 207 AHM

    20 Rainfall

    Defeating the Outsiders

    Penoir, Charison, and Snakeroot find Outsider Camp. Take out most Outsiders. Igor joins, Mother Bronzemounth defeats Igor then dies, Snakeroot adopts baby Bronzemouth, names it Rockshell Penoir, Charison and Snakeroot head to Bilden Mine to inform Paari of Beruka's death

  • 207 AHM

    21 Rainfall

    No Control

    Encounter Goblins in the Great Plateau, Goblins are starting to migrate. Charison accidentally burns Snakeroot. Snakeroot and Rockshell leave due to frustration   Paari is devastated by the news. He has to make a delivery to Orich of the Arctic Dwarves from Oidi of the Mine Dwarves. All go on boat to the Hold

  • 207 AHM

    46 Rainfall

    Arrive at Orichlan
    Gathering / Conference

    Penoir, Charison and Paari's ship is attack by a Mershark, a nearby Narwheye fisher man assists and gets them to the Hold safely   Penoir Paari and Charison meet Orich of the Hold, Paari delivers the letter from Oidi Grandhunter   Charison decides to head back to Firefang Jags, ready to accept the title of Flames Master from his father

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  • 207 AHM

    51 Rainfall

    Thundertops Stampede
    Disaster / Destruction

    The Gnomon main city is being attacked by a Thundertops. Yacobius, Stephanio (from southern bridge), Charison and Penoir (from northern bridge) defend Gnomes. Gizomo defeats Thundertops with help from allies

  • 207 AHM

    53 Rainfall

    Gizomo the Gnome Inventor
    Gathering / Conference

    Gizomo joins Charison, Penoir and Paari. Set up camp just inside of Vargen Swamp border

  • 207 AHM

    54 Rainfall

    Gizomo of Icarus
    Life, Death

    Gizomo see Blade Master coming and takes him on alone, Gizomo is slain. Paari, Penoir and Charison hide from Blade Master   after an argument over Gizomo, Penoir and Paari head back to Bilden Mine and Charison returns to Lightning Island to tell of Gizomo's death

  • 207 AHM

    14 Newbloom

    A Retired Old Dwarf
    Life, Career

    Penoir asks Oidi Grandhunter if he can work in Bilden Mine

  • 207 AHM

    24 Newbloom

    Fall of Kronimane
    Life, Death

    Kronimane activates the guardian Statuelurks, Finds Relic of Guiltloss (every life taken gains taker power) Charison and UgcolEk's army arrive to fight Statuelurk, King Skytracer's dead army reborn and joined army starts to lose   Snakeroot tells Charison that Jaggedforge was a Statuelurk. Charison knows magic won't defeat the Statuelurks   Penoir arrives with Mine Dwarves, Swarm attack the Statuelurks   Arrive on scene to witness the carnage ensuing, Kronimane announces that he gains power for ever life he has taken and that he cannot die until all reborn have also died   Kronimane kills all common soldiers, even his own Necromancers   Malstrom tells Kronimane of the Jungle Warrior's death. No reborn left. Boto readies himself   Boto and Kronimane start to battle, Boto starts to lose, Charison and Malstrom help Boto   Boto Silverstaff weakened Kronimane the Necromancer enough that the unstable court jester Stephanie was able to kill the dark wizard with his knife.   Stephanio gets final stab in the back, Skytracer see that Stephanio is with Yacobius, he is incredibly furious   The Charmsand Cloaks think Stephanio is a hero and give the Relic of Guiltloss to Stephanio. Stephanio regains memories of killing   Boto tries mind wipe spell again, Stephanio is too powerful, Boto's mind is wiped instead   UgcolEk convinces Stephanio that the Cloaks gave him the Relic as a gift from the reigning Tombking, Stephanio agrees to stand down

  • 207 AHM

    34 Newbloom

    The Trio Depart

    Snakeroot, Charison and Penoir head to their respective homes

  • 207 AHM

    49 Newbloom

    The Founding of Valdaur

    Penoir and the Mine Dwarves build village around Bilden Mine. Plain Dwarves farm on top, Mine Dwarves mine below. Valdau

  • 207 AHM

    22 Aridheat

    Treasure Amongst Triumph

    Penoir discovers gold mine in Valda

  • 207 AHM

    38 Aridheat

    Arson Among Attrition

    The farmland around Valda keeps getting burnt down

  • 207 AHM

    42 Aridheat

    The Hero Succeeds Control

    Penoir lets Oidi take control of Valda and Bilden Mine, Penoir second in command

  • 207 AHM

    16 Coolbreeze

    Fort Valdaur

    After raids from Gaijin, Oidi turns Valda into Fort Valdau for protection

  • 207 AHM

    30 Coolbreeze

    Dwarven Disappearance

    Dwarves from Fort Valda start to dissappear

  • 207 AHM

    33 Coolbreeze

    The Cult of the Harvest Star

    Cult of the Harvest Star attack Fort Valda

  • 207 AHM

    36 Coolbreeze

    The Killcrow

    The Fort gets attacked again by Cultists and Killcrow, Killcrow fights and kills Oidi Grandhunter

  • 207 AHM

    44 Coolbreeze

    The New Accountant

    Penoir meets Gabo Redlock, allows him into Fort Valda

  • 207 AHM

    52 Coolbreeze

    A Reason He Was Good With Money

    Gabo is found to be a member of the Syndicate, Penoir chooses not to get Flatland Milita

  • 207 AHM

    2 Firstfrost

    A Softer Voice

    Penoir is elected leader of Fort Valda, Gabo handles money

  • 207 AHM

    9 Firstfrost

    The Voice Cracked

    Paari is killed by Magus Mandrake, Penoir is heart broken, Gabo placed in charge

  • 207 AHM

    34 Firstfrost

    The Night Returns

    The Night got out because Stephanio escaped not the Night. The Night destroys Fort Valda,Bilden Mine collapsed, Gabo hiding in mine, Penoir stands up to the Night

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  • 207 AHM

    45 Firstfrost

    Harbouring A Criminal

    Militia and Patrollers arrest Penoir for harboring a member of the Syndicate

  • 207 AHM

    50 Firstfrost

    A Reasonable Knight

    Grai Cross believes Penoir is a good person and had no evil intentions

  • 207 AHM

    52 Firstfrost

    Escaping Valdaur

    Penoir and Grai defend the city and escape the castle together

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  • 207 AHM

    1 Glaciate

    The Harvest Star Eclipse

    Grai and Penoir confront Magus Mandrake on his farm, he explains the Cult, Summon Killcrow, Grai Cross defeats the Spawn with help from the Cardinalhood, magus has a heart attack, Grai is a member, Penoir says bye to Paari

  • 207 AHM

    4 Glaciate

    The Jester's Fall

    Grai, Penoir, Rhytyn's and Stephanio defend city. Night takes over to try and kill Dwarf leader (target) Grai fights the Night, Rhytyn's saved by Gabo Redlock

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  • 207 AHM

    5 Glaciate

    The Prince's Prison

    Prince Fortcrusher II puts Rhytyn's, Grai, Gabo and Penoir in jail

  • 207 AHM

    20 Glaciate

    Off to Ourellia

    The group in jail is sent to the Courtyard by Fortcrusher. Located in Ourellia, prisoners fight to the death for their freedom

  • 208 AHM

    47 Rainfall

    The Courtyard

    Grai, Rhytyhn's, Penoir and Gabo win fight and gain sponsors, Grai defeats Kruhtch

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  • 208 AHM

    50 Rainfall

    The Sacrificial Knight

    Grai Cross remains as champion of the courtyard so friends can leave

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  • 208 AHM

    1 Newbloom

    Newcomers to Nesthaven

    Rhytyn's , gabo and penoir go into nesthaven

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  • 208 AHM

    2 Newbloom

    The Hollowbone's Revolution

    Talk to Skyflyer, learn about army ready to take over Darkshadow and destroy Ourellia

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  • 208 AHM

    4 Newbloom

    Fatherly Presence

    Penoir teaches the Rhytyn's farmwork in Nesthaven

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  • 208 AHM

    7 Newbloom

    Take Back the Night

    Rhytyn's want Penoir to decide who is most worthy to be Tombking. Make way back to Valda   Penoir decides Viumu is the best choice for killing Stephanio, he was most reluctant to kill at the Courtyard, least likely to abuse power. Move to town south of Fort Valda

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  • 208 AHM

    14 Newbloom

    The Lifebringers

    Penoir and brothers meet Lifebringers, Boto has vision that Stephanio is ready to let Viumu kill the Night, he will take control long enough to kill, must be holding relic

  • 208 AHM

    32 Firstfrost

    A Force for Good

    Skytracer is contacted by Boto, joins Lifebringers in Cottonbreeze

  • 208 AHM

    35 Firstfrost

    Terrormaw's Rampage

    Battle ensues on Great Plateau, Terrorfist defeats Lifebringers, Donni battles Terrorfist, Viumu kills Stephanio Boto and Donni defeat Terrorfist, Undead dissapear, UgColEk retreats, Baboa Skaar and other monks return to rebuild Saint's Congress. Skytracer leaves Fortcrusher for death, reclaims throne, Yacobius captain again

  • 208 AHM

    39 Firstfrost

    The Remnants of a Lost Disease

    Penoir is getting sick

  • 208 AHM

    51 Firstfrost

    The Path to Solitude

    The Guild has been rebuilt out of the walls, bringing some money to the Forgotten Slums. Jaibaird Joins as member   Penoir is told by Boto that he needs to speak with Yacobius about his wife. Vague message about "The Path to Solitude"

  • 208 AHM

    4 Glaciate

    The Lost Priest

    Penoir learns of old Pastor who used to speak of this path, no one knows where he went.

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  • 208 AHM

    12 Glaciate

    A Community Restored

    Penoir finds Bilden, a town founded by Gabo and Orm, many of the jobless Mine Dwarfs have taken up farming

  • 208 AHM

    18 Glaciate

    The Search Continues

    Penoir tells Gabo and Orm of "The Path of Solitude" and Orm knows who might know. Zane Feerskar

  • 208 AHM

    26 Glaciate

    The Favourable Vampyre

    Penoir meets the vampire thief Zane, they join up and go ask Boto to teleport. Zane once knew a man named Dominik Heartstring who spoke of Path to Solitude

  • 208 AHM

    29 Glaciate

    Arctic Adventure

    Penoir seeks out Boto to help find Dominik, Malstrom knows his whereabouts. Penoir, Zane and Malstrom teleport using Boto's artifact   Penoir, Zane and Malstrom arrive at Lightning Island

  • 208 AHM

    31 Glaciate

    Defending Teslite
    Gathering / Conference

    Penoir, Zane and Malstrom meet up with Charison, Snakeroot, jako and Shacklelore warned of ships coming to invade Lighning Island, decide to stay

  • 208 AHM

    32 Glaciate

    The Gnomon Militia

    Daxo needs Elves to train his Gnome defenders. Get ready for incoming ships

  • 208 AHM

    41 Glaciate

    A Great Loss
    Military action

    Burlock invade battle ensues, Einton is dying of old age. Council is in debate The burlock invasion is repelled. Gnomes elect new leader after Einton dies

  • 208 AHM

    42 Glaciate

    Sylvan Alliance Disbandment

    Daxo has device to clear pollution for the Nymphelfs, Malstrom, Zane and Penoir continue north to the Hold. Elves return home to see what they missed.

  • 208 AHM

    52 Glaciate

    The Corruption of the Dharan Church

    Penoir, Zane and Malstrom find Dominik. Reveals he is a Frost Elf and not the last. Dhara speaks to him about corruption in the church, orders are corrupted to change the future.

  • 209 AHM

    15 Rainfall

    The Berg Verki

    Dominik, Zane, Penoir and Malstrom can't make it back onto Lightning Island, stay in the Hold Dominik has a vision from Dhara, telling him that the Church can no longer trusted.

  • 209 AHM

    16 Rainfall

    The Snowpeak Genocide

    Dominik tells of Snowpeak Genocide, wants to find the generals and kill them.

  • 209 AHM

    36 Rainfall

    The Voyage East

    Penoir gets a boat from a fisherman, sail to east Galfin

  • 209 AHM

    51 Rainfall

    The Church's Manipulation

    Gang ventures into the Mooncrest Woods, locate Grimbind Manor. Penoir asks about Beruka. Dominik had a dream about the Church poisoning his wife so he would meet Charison

  • 209 AHM

    54 Rainfall

    Long Awaited Revenge

    Penoir knocks out Farwit while Zane Feerskar slays Bogdan, Oli blacks out

  • 210 AHM

    25 Aridheat

    Gathering / Conference

    Yacobius, Baboa , Sir Kristoff, Sir Barney, Jaibaird and Boto enter Skygarde. No one is outside only priests.   Yacobius, Baboa, Boto, Malstrom, Kristoff, Barney, Penoir and Dominik form alliance ready to take down church of Dhara, Oli is kept in Wizard's Guild   While UgColEk Storms the castle, The group explore the church to find their friends All watch as the Conduit rises from the Church depths.   The gang meet up with the Elves, Charison apoligizes to Skytracer for Scorn, Skytracer breaks down and begs for forgiveness   UgColEk channels Foulrot as the Pastor explains that the Conduit is also channeling Dhara. An epic battle ensues and the Conduit kills UgColEk

  • 210 AHM

    26 Aridheat

    The Conduit's Rise and Fall
    Religious event

    The Priests are defeated by the heroes and then they turn to Conduit Yacobius prays and the Conduit freaks out. Declares that he is God. Dominik realizes where he has seen Yacobius before, the genocide Jako and Boto unleash on the Conduit while others take cover. Find the old Pastor. Tells that Dominik is supposed to be the true son of Dhara, the church couldn't allow an elf be the harbinger of their religion. Conduit demanded the Snowpoint Genocide. Penoir flips out on the Pastor for his wife and son's death. The brave dwarf decides to end it. Penoir charges from behind and tackles the Conduit. Conduit blasts Penoir off of him as Dominik closes in. Conduit is stricken by the prophecised Frost Elf and lets the true Son of Dhara get too close Dominik Heartstring puts a ice spike through the Conduits heart. Ending the terror. Charison says goodbye to Penoir as he passes away. "Elf...cough...cough...I'm proud of what you've become..." Penoir's eyes closed with a smile on his face, he was at peace.