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Sileen Alliance


The ancient gorgons were mighty people, possessing the ability to turn their foes and rivals into solid rock with a mere gaze. Many had picked up the sword and shield to eradicate them all who were just considered "monsters" or a story to tell their kids. The gorgons had found out early the only way to survive was to group up and protect one another from those who would seek to do harm against them. While groups had sought refuge in neighboring countries or migrated to find a safer alcove, none appeared to have flourished natively or stood the test of time. The mountainous terrain and spiraling caverns that were dug out by their gorgon ancestors allowed for several cavernous cultures of mountainous gorgons to survive the constant invasions of early would-be adventurers seeking to trespass and cause harm to their people. Not much remains of these cultures, it was often best to keep a light gear and not hold anything of value, for it could gleam the eye of a nefarious adventurer, or slow you down during your escape to thwart a group of combat veterans from finding you or your family.
After several millennia, and with several physical changes to the surviving Gorgons, they had reached the age of metal, such as copper tool-making. Many Gorgons had unknowingly been using stone tools embedded with copper fragments, granting them a very slim edge in combat. After it's discovery, they had found many of their caverns were brimming with natural copper deposits. With it's many advantages they quickly turned their caverns into sprawling mining facilities. With a new powerful material, they were able to extend their reach and power from beyond the caverns and the mountains, to claim the land surrounding them, such as luscious valleys and grasslands. Many of these groups had turned into communities and commercial systems in which they exported their metallic discovery into wealth and power. Many early attempts were 'cursed' by most foreign groups as "Gorgon Metal" which had much superstition around it, but they could not deny it's overall improvement and powerful use in a growing and adaptive society. While copper was found elsewhere, the quality of copper in Sileen was often superior and more abundant, in addition with copper no longer coming only from the gorgon homeland, this only increased their commercial trades.
With the power of wealth, came nobility. Several aristocratic families rose up in these early days, seeking to maximize the gains of what they all claim to be their original founding. Many had access to ships, in which allowed them to setup a powerful trading network. This in turn would lead to citizens settling in foreign places to exclusively and efficiently mine out the copper deposits before the aristocracy would remove their capital funding, leaving their settlements and the people in it behind. Many of these settlements heavily relied on external systems to keep them afloat with supplies and food. Those with the knowledge to survive and thrive would begin to adapt on foreign soil, with the goal to capitulate the aristocracy who left them for dead. Much to the Aristocracies surprise, these groups were able to locate and communicate quickly with one another. While weak individually, together formed a strong force that would sow the civil unrest that permeates in Gorgon society today.
It was not long before a civil war had soon begun. Over-time, the differences of the aristocratic and multiple leaders in the revolt had largely turned it into a free-for-all. It is largely split between the "Sileen Alliance" and the "Royalist" but these agreements are often hard to define as internal corruption and subterfuge permeates both sides equally.This had not only weakened the overall structure of society gorgons were building for themselves as the dominant trading force in the region, but early empires and kingdoms used this time to expand their territorial reaches into the ever-weakening Gorgon homeland. With a combination of Tin found elsewhere, the combination for Bronze had become a powerful tool for the aristocracy over each other as well as the revolutionists, for only they had the capital to invest or purchase said metal. Although separated by sea, it largely became implausible for both revolutionists and the aristocracy to obtain foreign tin, as neither side wanted to risk the life of their naval fleets as it would be the decisive result of the revolution. While many land skirmishes and invasions had taken place, the sea was an expensive stalemate in which neither side is willing to drop it's facade of how fractured their internal structure really is.


Within Gorgon society exists a several religious groups who all pay tribute to The Oracle, a divine-chosen individual by the gods who acts as a gateway for anyone to offer tribute to speak to them. Each diety has their own Oracle, who all reside within a historically divine location told in a story painted on it's walls. This takes place somewhere in the city of Talever at the Chamber of the Gods, which is restricted to Gorgons only. It's location is largely unknown to the general populace, and those who seek answers from the gods and come with good tribute may have to swear into secrecy, a divine oath, or be bound in a way that they cannot decipher their location until their arrival. Many of these funds go to communal services for cities abroad, as well as religious practices and teachings. However, given the civil war there have been much less visits to the Oracles, despite the cities religious background and meaning, it has been proven to not be safe of subterfuge or strife.


Gorgon - Majority population  


Gorgons had to withstand social and economical pressure for millenniums, they did not become hardy people by choice, but by necessity. Now with their place surely written into history, holding a significant trad empire that has yet to be seen, their hardships have been replaced with civil unrest, government corruption, and rebellions. All over the Kingdom the echoings of the Gorgon's elder can be heard. They cry out to the people, warning them of the turmoil of a kingdom plagued with strife, only for it to fall upon the deaf ears of their leaders.
Attribute: +1 Constitution
Skill: Intimidation


A rare event in which two Gorgons are born simultaneously. It is believed to the an act of the gods blessing the unborn. Some of Gorgons oldest hero's are Twin-Born, and have often been a gateway for entering nobility. The twins are usually quite opposite physically and can have varying personality traits. In either situation they always follow each other
Requirements: Race must be Gorgon
Equipment: two wooden shields, two stone clubs
Feature: Twin Companion
You are always accompanied by your Twin-Born, as you two have followed each other since you can remember. In combat and some social situations you will have full control over their actions. Depending on desires, GM can create the character or you can make the character.  
You have mastered the art of crafting durable material from melted rock - a luxurious skill sought out around the world where demand only goes up. Your early access to Bronze smithing has only bolstered your effectiveness.
Skill: Investigation
Tools: Smith's tools
Equipment: Smith's tools, Craftsmen clothing, 1 bronze and copper bar. extra 75 starting gold
Feature - Gorgon Bronze-making
In addition to understanding how to properly mix copper and tin to forge a bronze bar, your early practices with copper have allowed you to forge significantly tougher metal compared to most, granting your equipment the ability to hold edges and survive blows a competitive advantage. You can easily make money and work almost anywhere in the world as your tool of trade will prosper people anywhere. Any equipment you craft will be twice as durable, in addition to costing less resources to repair. You can smelt metallic material back into metal bars, though this process takes time.
Copper Mountaineers
You are part of a militia that loosely worked for the Sileen Alliance, and frequent patrols would take place along the mountainous tails and peaks to drive out banditry, as well as control the border between the Sileen Royalist to hopefully secure those fleeing from the other side.
Skill: Athletics
Tool: Leatherworker's tools
Equipment: Leatherworker's tools, A love letter handed to you by an unknown migrant meant for a woman behind them who never showed up, 1 martial weapon of your choice
Feature - Seasoned Mountaineer
You served an extensive amount of time patrolling the mountains and clearing out banditry and incursions. While not an official branch of the Sileen Alliance, the efforts of the milita is well-known. Many towns in the Sileen Alliance can offer you direct aid for your services as well as performing limited favors for you. You gain advantage on any skill checks and saving throws to avoid falling off an edge of a height greater than 10ft. You are immune to mountainous difficult terrain.

Naval Marine
You served in the Sileen Alliance navy, a prestigious position that received the most military funding. Which side that would end up controlling the waters would be the sure winner, however each side has always been locked in a forever stalemate, to afraid to risk losing their powerful navy.
Skills: Nature
Tools: Vehicle (water)
Equipment: 1 copper shortbow, 20 copper arrows, 25 extra starting gold, Seafaring clothing, a belt signifying rank
Feature - Experienced Marine
When you need to, you can secure free passage on a sailing ship for yourself and your adventuring companions. You might sail on the ship you served on, or another ship you have good relations with. You always know north and you also have advantage on Survival checks to navigate.  
Naval Marine (Variant)
You served in the Sileen Alliance navy, a prestigious position that received the most military funding. Which side that would end up controlling the waters would be the sure winner, however each side has always been locked in a forever stalemate, to afraid to risk losing their powerful navy.
Skills: Survival
Tools: Vehicle (water)
Equipment: 1 copper shortbow, 20 copper arrows, 25 extra starting gold, Seafaring clothing, a belt signifying rank
Feature - Experienced Marine (Variant)
Soldiers who fought along side you can find a place for you to hide, rest, or recuperate among others in their service unless you have shown yourself to be a danger to them. You suffer no aim penalty when using ranged weaponry when attacking from a ship.
Mercantile family
You come from an upcoming family who has started to amass a decent amount of wealth sticking to a good trade route on the open seas.
Skills: Persuasion
Tools: Artisan's tools
Equipment: Artisan's tools, extra 100 starting gold, a Branding stick (For marking goods owned by you)
Languages: 2 Languages of your choice
Feature - Honeyed Words
You have learned people are more accepting to selling or buying goods based on how you talk to them, even if they don't want to barter. Thus, you have always been able to settle a deal fair and square. You gain a +2 on persuasion checks related to bartering or negotiating.  
Theater Poet
For the earth and sky, the gods have gifted you. For the beauty they granted, none can compare. Anyone would be willing to lay, without this simple clue. and now that I know, you are my nightmare. How you play us with your facade, for I see now you are a mere curse. Spawned from a simple act of god, I don't think I could wish for anything worse.
Skill: Performance
Tools: Disguise Kit
Equipment: Disguise Kit, A love letter from a secret admirer, one musical instrument or dice, several clay tablets with poems on them
Feature - First Impressions From theater play, you have adapted your mannerisms and have taken charming presence. Without saying or doing much, you can always leave off a good impression onto those you interact with. When interacting with a creature that you just met, you gain advantage on the first Charisma check made against that creature.  
Copper Miner
The mountain range that covers the majority of Gorgon influence is filled with a precious copper ore that is wanted by all. While a dangerous job, most had little choice in their occupation to either escape debt or forced servitude. Many of the ancient home of Gorgon ancestors left behind valuable tunnels to be used for future ore extraction.
Tools: Mason's tools
Skill: Athletics
Equipment: Mason's tools copper pickaxe, a copper shovel, common clothes, extra 20 starting gold, an unopened geode
Feature - Stubborn Realist
Your experience in shaft mines have left you scarred physically and mentally, you have seen how one person slacking on the job can threaten the lives of many people who would have no chance of survival. You can easily find work and housing in any town that requires specialized mining operations. You are an expert at draining shafts and tunnels, as well as increasing support for them. You have advantages on Strength checks and saving throws against being shoved or knocked prone.


Government Type: Council League
Government Style: Sortition-style republic
Government Structure: Individualistic city-states
Ruler: Sileen Council
Political Reach: Limited region in Sigom
Size: Politically-controlled territory in Sigom
Headquarters: Silen
Purpose: Promote trade and centralization
Common Language: Sileenian
Religion: Gorgon Mythology
Demonym: Sileenian
Various settlements
Noyclah Sect
High-Lady of Silen



Sileen Alliance cities around Alogtarric swamplands have protected their interest against Sileen Royals, who have in turn helped in some skirmishes in a small capacity.

Trade Agreement

Trade between the Royalists and the Alliance is permitted

Closed Borders, massive trade embargo, Border disputes

Sileen Alliance had traded the city of Natok to the Ohmreg for supplies before it was captured by Gorgon Royalists who currently do not honor the deal.


Limited contact. Rhullia owes the rebellious Sileen Alliance a future favor.


Sileen Alliance cities around Ribaultian swamplands have protected their interest against Sileen Royals. They are still forbidden from entering their lands though.


Sardassia has taken over a few Sileenian cities since their civil war, but claim it is only to protect their interest during the ever-lasting revolt.

Ancient Rivals

Ancient Tranorn cultures had overlapping territory, and had seen them as monstrous beings who are a threat to the land. Now given both of their weakened states, there is little to continue fueling the fires of the past, though many Tranorn still seek to hunt and eradicate their kind and potentially gain land through conquest in their weakened state.


Graphion Domain is recognized as a hostile force which constantly attacks it's citizens. Sileen alliance and royalists have attempted to thwart and mitigate their hostile actions.

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