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Kingdom of Tranorn


Many early Tranorn cultures had found themselves in a constant war-like state, vying for land and conquest against all others, instilling law and fear into the defeated. Their loyalty and ferocity to their kin allowed them to overcome many opponents, and rule over other creatures with ease. Most cultures were trailed by groups of laborers and thralls who had been forced into serfdom through conquest or by right. They were able to revolutionize an early form of governance through Right by Might". Many foreign cultures who wanted to protect their own kin, or to mirror their success adopted this policy. While the Tranorn at this early stage did not build permanent shelters, Many large ruined structures that make up Sigom are believed to have been constructed by early Tranorric cultures or clans, usually built for long-forgotten purposes.   With rule, came the law of the land. Many early societies had relied on strength and superiority to enforce their ways, but overtime these traditions faded in favor of a new system of governance, in which rules were exchanged verbally and enforced by those with power. This at the time had set a groundwork structure of how their society would govern themselves and interact with the outside world, long before any other. While still a warlike society, they had a method to instill discipline and order amongst themselves and those who were conquered.   Many audacious and ambitious Tranorric people would seek to prove themselves in battle, a common way of impressing elders as well as achieving a higher societal status. Most had taken it upon themselves to rid the world of monstrous and hostile creatures who's only goal was to kill. This was also a way to honor their gods, who all had given their life to rid Sigom of "ferocious colossal beasts" that used to inhabit it. Many would wear trophies of mythical beasts and creatures that they or their ancestors had personally slain. One of their longest conflicts are The Unearthed, a race of humanoid beings who emerged from the insides of Sigom itself, through massive surface-level caverns that litter the surface beyond No Mans Peak.   While the Tranorn were late to adopt copper as well as bronze, they had started building early fortifications around valleys that separated their lands and against everything which existed on the other side of No Mans Peak. The Unearthed had suddenly sparked in activity, causing waves carnage and bloodshed across their lands, as The Unearthed would . These fortifications soon acted as powerful strategical Hill-forts which controlled a sizable amount of land around them, and prevented The Unearthed from crossing beyond the valleys. Each hill-fort was ruled by it's won Elder, who often was the most powerful or honor-bound warrior. With an ever increasing waves of The Unearthed attempting to overrun the Hill-forts, The elders had formed a War Council, uniting under one banner, and evenly dividing their fiefdoms amongst each other, which is still the oldest kingdom alive. This powerful unification enabled patrols and even some fortresses to thrive beyond No Mans Peak, as the invaders were of little threat to the honor-bound warriors of Tranorn.   Finding much success and honor in protecting the valleys from their ancestral rivals, they had found little purpose to instill their laws and authority over the other cultures and races of Sigom. Their status had largely been known to most as they traded success over protecting and maintaining order over their lands. However, with their late adoption of copper and now bronze, many had taken advantage of this which allowed them to seize control of local tranorric tribes and Hillforts, turning them into proper organized villages so they could rule over them instead. Numerous campaigns were funded and brought fourth to reunite the tranorric people, however they would end in phyrric victories and gruesome defeats. Eventually, it was deemed unrecoverable by the War Council to reclaim what had been lost to them long ago. The War Council instead elected to allow all foreign tranorric citizens who could prove their ancestry to migrate and become fully fledged citizens. Once Bronze-working had become readily available for their military, Many hill-forts had succumbed to a powerful plague which would disproportionately affect Tranorns. Given their recent hardships, they are a mere fraction of the kingdom they used to be, reduced to several splintered Hillforts which remain largely to fend off The Unearthed who still lay siege daily.


Many of the Tranorn still provide lip service to honor all of their (now dead) gods. Most of their traditions and rituals involve unity and order, with no real tribute to any divine or powerful being except that of the Kingdom and often each other. However,several pious Tranorn members seek to pilgrim across Sigom to visit many of the ancient ruins their people had left behind millenniums ago. Many claim certain sites are actually of religious significance, and still maintain a level of 'holiness' of their gods power. Several small groups have formed, who seek to revive their ancient ways, claiming their gods may be dead, but they are not "sleeping" yet.


Tranorn - Primary species
Special note: Anyone who serves in the Tranorn Military is a legal citizen in their eyes and comes with the basic legal and honorific protections granted to all their citizens.


Tranorn train from birth to become adept fighters and hunters, just as their ancestors and gods did. To live and die on the hunt was noble and moral for anyone to achieve.
Attribute: Strength
Skill: Kinesthetics
Equipment: Tranorric Pick

Pick one from below

You patrol the hilly and mountainous terrain No Mans Peak, patrolling to engage The Unearthed whenever possible. You would often be without contact from civilization for days at a time, however, the less that make it to the mainland of Sigom, the better life will be for all who inhabit it.
Skill: Survival
Tools: Medicine kit
Equipment: Medicine Kit, A trophy from a monstrous beast you had slain, engraved tribal horn to signal for aid and to prove your occupation, warrior robes, 1 tent
Feature - Mountain Breaker
After surviving numerous fights with The Unbidden, you have learned how to hone in on weak spots, and to maximize your blows, so that they are less likely to stand back up. When arriving at any hillfort, you and your companions can receive free lodging and food provided you are willing to patrol the mountains. When you hit a creature with any attack, it takes an additional 1 damage per dice roll if it is not at max HP.
Remnant Pilgrim
You have travelled Sigom visiting ruins of a colossal scale, feeling some kind of explainable power that still permeates from their structures. Said structures would be the largest buildings known, yet who built them and for what purpose has been lost to time.
Skill: Religion
Tools: Weaver's tools
Equipment: Weaver's tools, traveler's clothes, An etching of symbols from a colossal building you found, shortbow, 10 copper arrows
Feature - Soul-Touched
You know of several colossal ruins that cover the grounds of Sigom, and know the existence of a few more that have never been touched but do not know of their location. You know of a priest in Tranorn who is heavily-invested into collecting and researching these colossal ruins for religious purposes. Choose a single cleric domain, you may use that domain's channel divinity once per week and cast at character level.
Social Outcast
You care little for the laws and duties of the day-to-day Tranorn. What good is their thankless work if no one is willing to appreciate it? Other societies just bat an eye at the actions of the Tranorn Council all over the bloody history it has caused. While your attitude has minor support, you have been ostracized form working and partaking in most Tranorn customs.
Skill: History
Tools: Painter's supplies
Equipment: Painter's supplies, Common clothes, a keepsake from your family
Feature - Altered Path
You consider The Unearthed to be a major concern that all should band together and solve, yet they would rather squabble over who is living on what land and who to rule over. Originally a job only governments can solve, you have decided to take the matters on the fate of the world into your own hands. While there are few who also feel this way, finding others who share this viewpoint would prove to make powerful friends. You gain a cantrip from the warlock spell list and cast it at character level.  
Fortress Guardian
Sieges were a daily occurrence, and you had a duty of ensuring the enemy would never make it past the palisade. After going through rigorous training, you have become a skilled at holding formation.
Skill: Athletics
Tools: Gaming set
Equipment: Gaming set, wooden shield, engraved tribal horn to signal for aid and to prove your occupation, warrior robe, a token gift from a slain comrade. extra 20 starting gold
Feature - Staggered Swings
Your skills on the field are well-known by War Council members, who may request your audience and grant you gifts in return for limited service. You have advantage on attacks of opportunity.  
You lived in Tranorn territory that has now be occupied by a foreign power. An insurgency group had quickly formed to rebel against he foreign invaders that still exists today. Most members feint their loyalty to their occupiers, while using couriers to keep tabs with the War Council. You have since then made your escape.
Skills: Deception
Tools: Disguise kit
Equipment: Disguise kit, Common clothes, wooden effigy to prove your membership
Feature - Rebel Yell
In occupied territories, you can use your past to find insurgency groups to join and support them. Being a foreigner to the land, you can travel in and out of these territories without being accosted by guards, allowing a way for you to potentially spread information or smuggle in goods. When a creature you can see within 60 feet of you that can see or hear you makes an ability check, you can use your reaction to impose a -1 penalty on the check.  
At the farthest mountain ranges exist rustic hillforts occupied by weather-resistant tranorn. The temperature acts as a repellent to The Unearthed who seem to steer away from these icy fortresses. While less occupied than most hillforts, their inhabitants are often bulkier, and possess powerful frost abberaturgy.
Skills: Arcana
Tools: Mason's tools
Equipment: Mason's tools, Winter clothing, an engraved obsidian rod to prove your citizenship
Feature - Winter Resilient
You had little choice but to adapt to the remoteness and weather of these normally inhospitable hill-forts. All frost spells you cast have +1 DC, in addition You have a DR 1 against frost spells. You are unaffected by cold weather.  
Frenzied Warrior
When you fought in the military you had no intention of returning alive, seeking to cut down your foes where they stand. The thrill of combat and hunting would overtake your sense of caution, pushing you to risk every advantage in a fight you could get. With the War Council less on the offensive, you have been honorably discharged given your extensive rapport.
Skill: Intimidation
Weapon Proficiency: Tranorric Hammer-Toss
Equipment: 6 Tranorric Hammer-Toss, engraved tribal horn to signal for aid and to prove your occupation, warrior robe, a token gift from a slain comrade. extra 50 starting gold
Feature - Callous Shot
You are a dangerous warrior on the field, and anyone would be foolish to challenge you in combat. Soldiers who fought along side you can find a place for you to hide, rest, or recuperate among others in their service unless you have shown yourself to be a danger to them. Whenever you land a critical hit, you can make another attack.


Government Type: War-Council
Government Style: Stratocracy
Government Structure: Fiefdoms
Ruler: Tranorric War Council
Political Reach: Limited region in Sigom
Size: Politically-controlled territory in Sigom
Headquarters: Yard
Purpose: Acclimation of Tranorric interests, thwart of southern invaders
Common Languages: Tranorn
Religion: Tranorric Folklore
Demonym: Tranorric


Mutual Alliance

Many LupusJaws had lived in Tranorn society. The Tranorn have aided them in reconquering their land against the Ohmreg. The Tranorn find LupusJaws's loyalty to family an honorable engagement and proof of their good nature.

Friendly (Legacy)

Many tribes that occupied what used to be Tranorn territory still recognize them as the official rulers of the provinces, rejecting Ohmreg rule.
Tranorn claim to know of secret Magg Stones guarded by their kin.

Limited contact

Rhullians find Tranorn to be impressive creatures. Elder Tranorns warn of the "depths" and the unknown horrors from below that had befallen the lands millenniums ago. There exists a superstition anything from the ocean going on land is a sign of bad luck.

Isolationism, good terms

Many tribes that occupied what used to be Tranorn territory still recognize them as the official rulers of the provinces, rejecting Ohmreg rule. Tranorn claim to know of secret Magg Stones guarded by their kin. Though they often met with Alogtarric Warlords and instead of Ribaultian SpruffTuk given their isolationism.


The Kingdom of Tranorn find the Nebuians ability to gain sovereignty through battle as proof of their status as equals, but reject aiding them in any sort of fashion. Some Nebuian settlements take refuge in old Tranorn land.

Closed Borders, Somewhat hostile

Sardassi has tried to amend with the Tranorn, and explain that other Silenus Kings were the original occupiers of their land, and that they are different. Tranorn find Silenus trickery a stain on their people.

Hostile, ancient alliance

Tranorn used to be politically aligned with the Lower Ohmreg but generally stay out of Ohmreg affairs. They aided the Throjak Kings in unifying their lands against the Ohmreg. Ohmreg currently occupy old Tranorn settlements

Ancient Rivals

Ancient Tranorn cultures had overlapping territory, and had seen them as monstrous beings who are a threat to the land. Now given both of their weakened states, there is little to continue fueling the fires of the past, though many Tranorn still seek to hunt and eradicate their kind and potentially gain land through conquest in their weakened state.


Graphion Domain is recognized as a hostile force which consistently attacks it citizens. Kingdom of Tranorn had some success in the past to thwart and mitigate their hostile actions but have had difficulty in recent times.

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