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Village of Codblorp

A settlement with ties to an ancient clash of cultures, currently home to Ribaultians and Aligotarians alike who sit on the southern coast of the island a short walking distance away from it's coast facing towards the mainland of Sigom. Here existed the original people who met the first Folken to reach their isolated island.


Erect in the center of the village lies a massive boulder stone carved in an ancient language of the Ribaulti known as Ancient Tol'Geta. Historically all swampland's had boulders erected to mark the center of their swamps, seen as a gathering spot for elders and leaders to meet. Compared to most Ribaultian and Alogtarric villages, there is more structure and pathways between the different buildings much like older Folken villages. A trait the locals may have adopted or changed through close interactions with the older Ohmreg Kingoms. Long ago the Island had been largely forgotten and abandoned by the Ohmreg long ago, for unknown reasons. The island has since been ruled by a politically powerful Ribaultian abberician named SpruffTuk Zarmuk, who resides in one of two other villages on the Island named WogSnips Boulder.


It sits on the southern coast of the Island. The shoreline can be seen after a short walk to the south, often giving inhabitants easy access to the coast while remaining hidden from it. In the center of town lies

Important Figures

Guards - Not technically Aligotarians, but Crocodilians. Something very stuble only Rizk would truly notice.
Daytona - An Alligrox that lives near the Magg Stone, in a den near trees and other smaller boulders. He is probably the only one of his kind, often thought to be mythos/folklore on the mainland. Alligrox are unable to feed themselves so only swamps/villages could support them through communal hunting. Often believed to be a symbol of power, Alogtarric Tribes Warlords are said to use them as a proof of status amongst others for to feed them as a pet. The more you had, the better.
Tuk Fin - The villages appointed Tuk by Zarmuk, a local who grew up in Codblorp.
Asks about knowledge of the mainland, Island hasn't heard of news since his grandfather - Thinks he said something about a drought once and a war.
If party mentions they slept in a cave with clay automatons he'll suddenly treat the party as holy messengers.
Shaman Anchor - An old pirate whose crew became stranded on the island long ago, has basically become a local through age - as he knew the grandparents of all inhabitants.
Rovar - Local hunter and alleged historian.
Dirk - Local carpenter and rumor monger
DugDug- Ribautian trader, roams all three villages spreading news, also trades with the giants on the island. Big trickster. Has a few overpriced magic items he'll give to a player for a quest.
Quest: Ring Finger - Swap a ring in a locals house.
Blorp - Skilled fighter
Nicknames: Unknown
Official Titles: Watchers of the Alligrox
Region: Island of Markess on Sigom
Location: Southern point of Island
Size: Small Village

Population: ~200
Primary Belief: Magg Stone 
Alignment: Good
Demonym: Codblorpians

Government: Diarchy (SpruffTuk/Warlord) Ruling Organization: SpruffTuk Zarmuk, branch of Ribaultian Clans

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