Diobel Settlement in Golarion | World Anvil
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The so-called “Back Door to Absalom” squats upon a wide, wooden boardwalk at the end of a shallow harbor on the island’s southwest coast. Cargo-laden barges skim over rich oyster beds between the bustling trade town and the Trawl, a maze of steep stonework walls crusted with seaweed, barnacles, and small shellfish. All commercial traffic coming through the Trawl falls under the careful scrutiny of the Kortos Consortium, an association of guildmasters and merchant lords who control the island’s considerable mining, farming, trapping, fishing, and oyster-harvesting trades and administer Diobel’s many thriving markets. It’s an open secret that they also control a conduit for illicit goods smuggled into and out of Absalom by road without risking the scrutiny of the Harbor Guard.
Large town
Location under
Ruling/Owning Rank
Owning Organization

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