The Scrape Geographic Location in Golarion | World Anvil
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The Scrape

When Voradni Voon’s Brazen Arch thrummed to life as a magical portal at the center of the isle’s eastern plateau, the warlord called his armies from a continent away, and a seemingly infinite horde of minotaurs, harpies, and centaurs burst onto the Isle of Kortos. The plateau thundered with the hooves of 10,000 centaurs, whole tribes surging in vast interlocking circles to unleash a terrible earthquake upon Absalom, just as they had brought upheaval to so many of the ancient cities of Casmaron. Aroden reversed their seismic magic back upon them, killing Voradni Voon and shattering the Brazen Arch into a dozen jagged fragments. Countless centaurs toppled into deep rifts as the landscape cracked and seethed in violent destruction. After the rending of the Brazen Arch, the devastated eastern plateau became known as the Scrape. Most of the surviving minotaurs fled into the Riven Hills, where they harry Absalom and its allies to this day from their settlement at Hazrak. Voon’s feral harpies, the last to give up the fight, fled to the highlands of the Kortos Mounts, and they have grown no more hospitable over the centuries.
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