Kortos Mounts Geographic Location in Golarion | World Anvil
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Kortos Mounts

The soaring mountains of central Kortos loom large behind Absalom’s skyline when viewed from the sea and are as identifiable to sailors and islanders as the Absalom Lighthouse, Eastgate’s Blue Tower, and the Spire of Nex. Several large mountains, some capped with snow and ice, cut distinctive enough silhouettes against the sky as to take on cultural significance even to folk who never leave Absalom. Most notable are Mount Ganog, Arazlant Mox, and the Weeping Grandfather, each of which has its own legends, tavern songs, and folklore. Twisting crevices and sharp ridges make travel through the region a treacherous proposition, to say nothing of the vicious harpies who roost in secluded defiles and crude villages at the tree line’s edge, or the drakes, wyverns, and dragons who lurk nearer the rocky peaks.
Mountain Range
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