Immenwood Geographic Location in Golarion | World Anvil
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The vast, primordial woodland north of Absalom has provided lumber to the city and its vassals for almost as long as it has sheltered its enemies and outcasts.
To the west, past the bustling town of Meravon—epicenter of the island’s logging trade—the magic of the Old Forest Aeon Tower once enriched the soil and bolstered regrowth. In the island’s earliest days, trees in the western Immenwood grew taller and faster than elsewhere on the island, and Kortos grew rich exporting wood to Qadira and the northern coast of Garund. The death of Aroden weakened the tower’s magic, however, and now the harvested trees replenish at the normal rate—perhaps even slower—and the lumber barons of the Kortos Consortium look to druids in hopes of restoring the forest to its previous glory. The central Immenwood is older and craggier than the outskirts, prone to tangled undergrowth, an intertwined canopy, and long shadows. The forest’s eastern reach touches the Tyrant’s Grasp, where blighted trees grow warped and twisted by the necromantic corruption left by Tar-Baphon’s defeat, and the clearings are haunted by undead wretches and sinister cultists of the Whispering Way.
The Immenwood hides many ruins and lost settlements, along with several active fortresses. The wooded foothills of the Kortos Mounts hold mines, both active and inactive, almost all of which have inhabitants of one kind or another. Patrols of the First Guard’s Eagle Garrison range the trails connecting the forest’s settlements, which often fall prey to outlaws. The centaur tribes that dwell in the forest are more hospitable than their violent, xenophobic cousins of the Scrape, but they’ve suffered terribly at the hands of Absalom in recent years, and tensions remain high.
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