Isle of Kortos Geographic Location in Golarion | World Anvil
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Isle of Kortos

Thousands of years after Earthfall tore a rift across continents to form the Inner Sea, the legendary hero Aroden emerged from the darkness of history to claim his divine destiny. Using arcane power gathered over millennia, the last survivor of Old Azlant raised an otherworldly crystal, the heart of the weapon that slew his homeland, from the depths of the Inner Sea. Aroden’s interaction with this alien gem, the Starstone, tested his character, and he emerged from the experience a living god. Immediately thereafter, he lifted the whole of the Isle of Kortos from the ocean depths and founded the settlement of Absalom at the site of his apotheosis to serve as the gathering point of his growing cult. He named the island Kortos—“Starstone” in the ancient Azlanti tongue. Nearly 5,000 years later, despite the death of the god who founded it, this settlement has grown to become one of the largest metropolises on Golarion, known to many as the City at the Center of the World.
Aroden declared himself the patron not just of the Azlanti, but of all humanity, and called mystics from all the human lands to gather in Absalom and share their secrets. Pilgrims came to Absalom from Osirion, Qadira, Taldor, and beyond to honor the city’s mighty god-king, marvel at his seemingly impossible accomplishments, and strive to accomplish fantastic deeds of their own, many founding orders and institutions of esoteric learning that continue to the modern day.
The swiftly growing riches of Absalom—and the priceless jewel at its heart—drew more than just pilgrims in those early days. Lured by far-flung tales of Aroden’s ascension via the Starstone, the Minotaur warlord Voradni Voon, conqueror of central Casmaron, plotted to wrest the stone from humanity’s god and take his own place among the deities. Voon constructed the massive Brazen Gate upon the great eastern plateau of Kortos, and through it marched his horde of minotaurs, harpies, and centaurs from the distant land of Iblydos to Kortos, and thence to Absalom. Voon’s attack, later remembered as the First Siege of Absalom, reached all the way to the walls of Azlanti Keep before being turned back by Aroden himself. The Last Azlanti pushed Voon and his army back to the plateau, wracking it with a series of powerful earthquakes that shattered the Brazen Gate and scattered the minotaur’s forces. Voon’s assault was but the first, however; would-be conquerors have besieged Absalom more than 100 times in the 5 millennia since the First Siege. Yet the city has never fallen.
Not every would-be god came to Absalom with an army at their back. Over the years, at least three humans—Norgorber (1893 AR), Cayden Cailean (2765 AR), and Iomedae (3832 AR)—used more subtle means to gain access to the Starstone Cathedral and use it to ascend to godhood. Their followings, as well as those cults dedicated to countless hopefuls who weren’t so successful, added to Absalom’s growing religious communities, with new temples attempting to make converts among the city’s assembled religious truthseekers and fanatics.
The Whispering Tyrant Tar-Baphon, an old foe of Aroden, is Absalom’s most recent would-be conqueror, having launched a surprise attack on the city just 2 months ago in a bold assault that drew parallels to the initial siege of Voradni Voon. Adventuring heroes came to Absalom’s defense, as they had so many times in the past, to defeat the lich-lord and send him back to the Isle of Terror. Absalomians are certain that the Tyrant will return again in the coming years with an even greater force of undead horrors, however. The only question is how many would-be conquerors will show up outside Absalom’s walls between now and then.


  • Starstone Isle
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Starstone Isle
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