Golarion History of Absalom Timeline
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History of Absalom

With nearly 5,000 years of prosperity, influence, and continuous activity, Absalom is second to none in shaping the Inner Sea’s destiny. Situated between a host of influential nations, Absalom consistently exerted influence by controlling Inner Sea traffic, attracting talent from countless realms, and assimilating disparate beliefs into a vibrant, multifaceted culture that has steered innovation and thought ever since. But the city is not a shining metropolis without flaws. Its buildings stand atop the past’s rubble, the wounds of countless sieges scar its walls, and the sins of generations past stain its streets.

Age of Aroden

0 -AR 400 AR

The Isle of Kortos owes its existence to Aroden, who raised the Starstone and the surrounding sea floor. Aroden took the Test of the Starstone and became a god. A primordial version of Absalom emerged from the ground as the Starstone Isle coagulated into its permanent shape, designed to match Aroden’s vision of a perfect city. For several centuries afterward, Aroden oversaw Absalom’s growth and helped defend its shores, granting the city unmatched influence. Virtually no records from Absalom survive from this time, though the nascent island’s neighbors maintain ample documentation of the city’s meteoric rise.

  • 1 AR

    1 Abadius

    Absalom founded

    Aroden raises the Starstone, forming the Isle of Kortos and founding Absalom.

    Additional timelines
  • 23 AR

    1 Arodus

    First Siege of Absalom
    Military: Battle

    Even as its divine patron ensured its advantage in diplomatic affairs, Absalom’s growing wealth attracted envious eyes. Legends preserve the minotaur warlord Voradni Voon’s siege of Absalom, the first of many over the millennia, during which Aroden personally led the defenders from atop Azlanti Keep. Voon’s army of centaurs, harpies, and minotaurs were shattered and scattered across the land. Absalom’s adventurers gave chase, in the process exploring Starstone Isle, documenting its countless surprises and uniting into so‑called hunting lodges dedicated to these exploits.

  • 166 AR

    Phantom Siege
    Military: Battle

    The archmage Nex, tired of warring with his ancient enemy Geb, turned his attention from southeast Garund to the Inner Sea, drawn at least in part by the prospect of claiming the Starstone for himself. The archmage also coveted the lore of Absalom’s House of Secrets (today known as the College of Mysteries), which amalgamated and attempted to preserve many of the human magical traditions discovered by Aroden in his disguised travels around the world during the last several centuries of the Age of Destiny.
    To mount this assault, Nex erected a mile‑tall featureless tower—the so‑called Spire of Nex—in the Cairnlands north of the city, then wove together a series of abducted demiplanes within it to create a battery of phantom versions of the heroes, villains, and monsters trapped within. Nex sent wave after wave of these magical creatures against the city in an ultimately fruitless bid to penetrate its walls. Dozens of so‑called “hunting lodges,” independent associations of adventurers and explorers until then based largely in the island’s interior, rushed to Absalom’s defense, beginning a tradition of adventurers defending the city in its times of need and of the city’s populace tolerating and even embracing such heroes.

    Spire of Nex
  • 400 AR

    Aroden departs Absalom
    Era beginning/end

    The oldest of Absalom’s surviving documents dates to this period. Near this year, Aroden departed Absalom to pursue exploits elsewhere on Golarion and into the Great Beyond.

Age of Independence

401 AR 1618 AR

Over the ages, Aroden increasingly departed from Absalom to pursue other godly objectives, and by the start of this period, he had visited the city for the last time. Absalom now controlled its own destiny. Increasingly, the island attracted prestigious visitors and avaricious raiders alike, enticing waves of Garundi, Tian, and Vudran immigration and influence. For all the wealth and innovation the booming population brought, the city swelled beyond the infrastructure Aroden envisioned centuries earlier. Thus, during this time, Absalom constructed many of its key structures and walls.

  • 430 AR

    Pirate Siege
    Military: Battle

    Three decades after Aroden withdrew from Absalom for adventures in the Great Beyond, the city’s enemies could no longer resist temptation. Over a century, a seemingly endless series of opportunistic pirate fleets blockaded the Isle of Kortos and blackmailed it into penury.
    Famine wracked the Isle of Kortos as supply lines to and from the city remained blocked for decades at a stretch. Pestilence knows no embargo, however, and even when the city was at its most isolated, disease found its way into Absalom. Several plagues wracked the populace, notably a devastating outbreak of the infamous Yellow Death sickness that claimed hundreds of lives and was only turned back by the great Arodenite patriarch Sarnax using an Ancient Azlanti artifact called the Radiant Spark.
    The assistance of foreign mercenaries eventually thwarted the pirate menace, sinking its final fleet to make the earliest contribution to the Flotsam Graveyard in the city’s harbor. With little gold left, Absalom’s Grand Council was forced to promise land and titles to these outlander saviors. Many of the city’s oldest noble houses trace their origin to this era, as does the town of Diobel and Absalom’s Navy.

  • 430 AR

    536 AR

    Pirate Siege
    Military: Battle

    Three decades after Aroden withdrew from Absalom for adventures in the Great Beyond, the city’s enemies could no longer resist temptation. Over a century, a seemingly endless series of opportunistic pirate fleets blockaded the Isle of Kortos and blackmailed it into penury.
    Famine wracked the Isle of Kortos as supply lines to and from the city remained blocked for decades at a stretch. Pestilence knows no embargo, however, and even when the city was at its most isolated, disease found its way into Absalom. Several plagues wracked the populace, notably a devastating outbreak of the infamous Yellow Death sickness that claimed hundreds of lives and was only turned back by the great Arodenite patriarch Sarnax using an Ancient Azlanti artifact called the Radiant Spark.
    The assistance of foreign mercenaries eventually thwarted the pirate menace, sinking its final fleet to make the earliest contribution to the Flotsam Graveyard in the city’s harbor. With little gold left, Absalom’s Grand Council was forced to promise land and titles to these outlander saviors. Many of the city’s oldest noble houses trace their origin to this era, as does the town of Diobel and Absalom’s Navy.

  • 537 AR

    The legendary Vudran maharajah Khiben-Sald visits Absalom
    Cultural event

    The legendary Vudran maharajah Khiben-Sald visits Absalom. The maharajah delighted in Absalom’s old Azlanti architecture, cosmopolitan style, and hospitality, declaring it the “Jewel of the Inner Sea.” The citizens delighted in the attention. In Khiben‑Sald’s wake, he left an ebullient city now enamored with Vudran culture, art, and spices—all of which Vudran merchants happily imported at great cost.

  • 544 AR

    The Forty-Four Foul Incident

    The smell of the “Forty-Four Foul” sewer incident overwhelms Absalom’s residents.

  • 546 AR

    The First Great Sewer Expansion begins
    Construction beginning/end

    The First Great Sewer Expansion begins, lasting 8 years.

  • 580 AR

    Construction on Absalom’s original city walls concludes
    Construction beginning/end

    Construction on Absalom’s original city walls concludes.

  • 744 AR

    Siege of Kin
    Military: Battle

    Though the slight that provoked this siege has long been forgotten, the answering wrath of the fey prince Juroveal fell upon the citizens of Absalom in return. Juroveal led comparatively small armies of satyr and minotaur allies but evened the score with powerful magic. When Absalom proved capable of resisting his first assault, the seilenos cast a terrible ritual over the city, binding the unfortunate citizens unprotected by Azlanti Keep to act as puppets under his command. From atop a slave‑built tower and palace, Juroveal then animated trees from the nearby Immenwood to act as living siege engines against the city walls.
    The fey prince was routed not by Absalom’s armies, but by its peerless scholars and lorekeepers—Juroveal was tricked into banishing himself from Golarion. His palace was then built into the city walls, turning his assault into Absalom’s strength.

  • 810 AR

    Silversurf Pact finalized
    Diplomatic action

    City officials and azarketi ambassadors finalize the Silversurf Pact, establishing stronger protections for gillfolk and securing their aid in training the newly founded Wave Riders.

  • 1298 AR

    Siege of the Prophets
    Military: War

    The Prophet‑Kings were five petty tyrants who had carved out kingdoms for themselves in Northern Garund’s Scorched Coast, on the eastern edge of modern Rahadoum, where the mighty city‑states of the Tekritanin League had controlled much of western Garund in the early days of the Age of Destiny before their ultimate defeat by the Empire of Osirion.
    Pushed from their lands by local unrest, they fixated their attention upon the Isle of Kortos, swearing to topple Absalom and claim the Starstone as the culmination of the prophecies that had brought them together and into power in the first place. Each Prophet‑King brought their own army to the island, striking from a different beachhead. An army of Inlanders and dwarves of Galizhur ground themselves into extinction destroying one of these armies—that of Garial the Thankless—in the deep harbor north of Diobel, which to this day is sometimes called Ungrateful Bay. The Dunmire swallowed the army of Valigar Seven‑Sword. Egrizail, Xcaril, and Zerishar made it to Absalom, where the three Prophet‑Kings sieged the city for months before famously breaching the Postern Gate. Egrizail and Xcaril survived that disastrous climactic battle but fled across the Scrape with the remnants of their broken armies. When harsh terrain and the native centaurs dwindled the survivors to the point that they no longer posed a threat to Absalom, the city’s First Guard called off its pursuit, and a handful of ships filled with shaken, demoralized zealots—two would‑be godlings among them—were soon all that remained of the once‑glorious army.
    These survivors limped their way to the Isle of Erran, then restricted to the clergy of Aroden. Perhaps because of the Last Azlanti’s connection to prophecy, the church secretly gave succor to the remnants of the defeated Prophet‑Kings, allowing them to settle the northern forests and mountains of the small island where their strange tombs remain to this day.

  • 1308 AR

    The Resplendent Phoenix visits Absalom

    An immense Tian junk called the Resplendent Phoenix visits Absalom.

  • 1464 AR

    The Reborn Rebellion

    The “Reborn Rebellion” results in bloody door-to-door fighting.

  • 1532 AR

    Osirian immigrants flee to Absalom
    Population Migration / Travel

    Kelesh takes control of Osirion, beginning the Keleshite Interregnum. Absalom struggles to accommodate waves of Osirian immigrants.

    Additional timelines
  • 1542 AR

    The Sun Scarab Siege
    Military: Battle

    Menedes XVII besieges Absalom in the Sun Scarab Siege.

Age of Excess

1619 AR 2925 AR

With centuries of prosperity and cultural dominance, Absalom’s populace began to consider itself superior to neighboring states. Sweeping legislation mandated foreign labor take an ever‑greater role in maintaining the city, ostensibly to free its enlightened citizens to pursue more high‑minded endeavors. These laws instead opened Absalom to foreign agents, encouraged indolence, and slowly drained the treasury. The first two mortals to pass the Test of the Starstone and apotheosize after Absalom’s establishment truly embody this era through their areas of concern: Norgorber, god of greed, secrets, and murder; and Cayden Cailean, god of alcohol, bravery, and freedom.

  • 1619 AR

    The Radiant Siege
    Military: Battle

    Kharnas the Angel-Binder launches the Radiant Siege.

  • 1620 AR

    First Radiant Festival

    The first Radiant Festival is held to honor those who died in the Radiant Siege, establishing a centennial tradition.

  • 1893 AR

    Norgorber ascends
    Religious event

    Norgorber completes the Test of the Starstone.

    Additional timelines
  • 1997 AR

    The Proxy Laws are established
    Political event

    Absalom establishes the Proxy Laws, which in turn paves the way for two foreign powers—the Blue Lords and the Cult of the Hawk—to compete for control of the city.

  • 2110 AR

    The “Mount Absalom” construction boom begins
    Construction beginning/end

    The “Mount Absalom” construction boom begins.

  • 2254 AR

    Cult of the Dawnflower assassinations
    Political event

    Apparent assassinations tied to the Cult of the Dawnflower leave eight Osirian officials dead before Absalom’s own Sarenites intervene to stop their overzealous colleagues.

  • 2502 AR

    The Siege of Krakens and Kings
    Military: Battle

    The Siege of Krakens and Kings pits two foreign-funded mercenary companies against one another in Absalom. The Foreign Quarter suffers extensive damage.

  • 2640 AR

    The elves’ return to Golarion from Castrovel sparks countless new fashions inspired by Castrovelian art and architecture
    Cultural event

    The elves’ return to Golarion from Castrovel sparks countless new fashions inspired by Castrovelian art and architecture.

  • 2765 AR

    Cayden Cailean ascends
    Religious event

    Cayden Cailean passes the Test of the Starstone.

    Additional timelines
  • 2850 AR

    The Conjured Siege
    Military: Battle

    Absalom’s primarch executes swaths of the Grand Council, replacing them with blindly loyal followers. At last disgusted with Absalom’s corruption, Arclords affiliated with the Arcanamirium launch the Conjured Siege, which Absalom repels by relying on unscrupulous allies.

  • 2920 AR

    Earthquakes devastate Taldor and Qadira
    Disaster / Destruction

    Massive earthquakes devastate both Taldor and Qadira, killing tens of thousands and flattening many cities. Some Taldan nobles accept this as proof that Qadira worships Rovagug and threatens to unleash the Rough Beast from his prison, while Satrap Gheber II declares this proof of Taldan allegiance with evil gods and requests leave to invade Taldor. The empress refuses.

  • 2920 AR

    The Blue Lords and Cult of the Hawk withdraw from Absalom
    Political event

    An earthquake devastates Taldor and Qadira, causing the Blue Lords and Cult of the Hawk to withdraw from Absalom.

  • 2921 AR

    Absalom overturns the Proxy Laws
    Political event

    Absalom overturns the Proxy Laws.

  • 2925 AR

    Witherwheat Crisis

    Mass emigration of skilled labor triggers the Witherwheat Crisis.

Age of Expansion

2926 AR 4605 AR

A series of mainland earthquakes caused many of the controlling foreign powers to withdraw from Absalom. The citizens reclaimed control, overthrowing corrupt leaders and overturning pernicious laws. With newfound energy, Absalom renovated its dilapidated edifices and supported its neighbors in thwarting evil—particularly against Aroden’s ancient foe, the Whispering Tyrant. Absalom’s pride remained as strong as ever, and its missions abroad imposed the city’s values on foreign lands, looted treasures, or even conquered territory. Yet, the rash of retaliatory invasions that followed quashed Absalom’s imperial and moralistic ambitions.

  • 2972 AR

    Absalom legalizes slavery
    Political event

    Absalom legalizes slavery.

  • 3005 AR

    Absalom expands its city walls
    Construction beginning/end

    Following millennia of the city’s growth, Absalom at last renovates, expands, and raises its city walls.

  • 3200 AR

    3800 AR

    Hunting lodges are popular
    Cultural event

    Hunting lodges enjoy a 600-year-long golden age of prominence and popularity.

  • 3632 AR

    Siege of the Machine Mage
    Military: Battle

    The “Machine Mage” Karamoss besieges Absalom.

  • 3754 AR

    The Shining Crusade begins
    Military: War

    Taldor launches the Shining Crusade to destroy the lich Tar-Baphon and his undead armies.

  • 3823 AR

    Arazni is slain
    Life, Death

    The Whispering Tyrant slays Arazni, inspiring a huge wave of support from Absalom for the Shining Crusade.

  • 3824 AR

    Iomedae defends Absalom from sea ghouls
    Military: Battle

    The mortal Iomedae defends Absalom from a retributive invasion of sea ghouls.

  • 3827 AR

    Tar-Baphon is defeated
    Military action

    Tar-Baphon is defeated and imprisoned within his former fortress of Gallowspire.

  • 3832 AR

    Iomedae ascends
    Religious event

    Iomedae passes the Test of the Starstone.

    Additional timelines
  • 3908 AR

    The Silent Tide invasion is thwarted
    Military action

    Local heroes thwart the Silent Tide invasion.

  • 4008 AR

    The Charge of the Gorgon begins
    Cultural event

    Absalom begins the macabre Charge of the Gorgon tradition.

  • 4092 AR

    Maejerx Steeleye rises to power

    The powerful dragon Maejerx Steeleye rises to power in the Kortos Mounts.

  • 4137 AR

    Cheliax besieges Absalom
    Military: Battle

    Under the banner of the mad prince Haliad I, Cheliax unsuccessfully besieges Absalom for the first time. Gains in Garund, however, grant Cheliax complete control of the Arch of Aroden, cementing a naval supremacy that remains to this day. A month later, Absalom adopts the Edrentar Doctrine to defend the Inner Sea.

  • 4138 AR

    Absalom establishes the port of Escadar

    Absalom establishes the port of Escadar.

  • 4142 AR

    Absalom outlaws slavery
    Political event

    Absalom outlaws slavery.

  • 4208 AR

    The Beast is constructed
    Construction beginning/end

  • 4217 AR

    The Yellow Death devastates Absalom
    Plague / Epidemic

    The Yellow Death devastates Absalom.

  • 4307 AR

    The Pathfinder Society holds its inaugural gathering in Absalom
    Gathering / Conference

    The Pathfinder Society holds its inaugural gathering in Absalom.

  • 4319 AR

    The Pathfinder Selmius Foster travels to Vudra and opens up greater trade with the subcontinent

    The Pathfinder Selmius Foster travels to Vudra and opens up greater trade with the subcontinent.

  • 4320 AR

    The Pathfinder Society breaks ground on the Grand Lodge
    Construction beginning/end

    The Pathfinder Society breaks ground on the Grand Lodge.

  • 4323 AR

    The Qadiran general Taliq Asad besieges Absalom
    Military: Battle

    The Qadiran general Taliq Asad besieges Absalom.

    Additional timelines
  • 4414 AR

    Absalom dispatches the first of its Virtue Corps to Katapesh

    Absalom dispatches the first of its Virtue Corps to Katapesh.

  • 4499 AR

    The Red Siege
    Military: Battle

    Rahadoum launches the Red Siege against Absalom in retaliation for waves of unwelcome Virtue Corps.

  • 4500 AR

    Siege of the Ravenous Raja
    Military: Battle

    Also in retaliation for presumptuous Virtue Corps actions abroad, Vudra besieges Absalom in the Siege of the Ravenous Raja.

  • 4503 AR

    Absalom recalls the last of its Virtue Corps
    Civil action

    Absalom recalls the last of its Virtue Corps.

  • 4514 AR

    Belcorra Haruvex is defeated

    Adventurers defeat the mage Belcorra Haruvex, preventing a devastating siege by her army of aberrations.

  • 4592 AR

    Adventurers slay Maejerx Steeleye

    Adventurers slay Maejerx Steeleye.

  • 4602 AR

    Scourge of the Sea Lions
    Military: Battle

    Absalom handily repels the Scourge of the Sea Lions, a naval siege.

Age of Inheritance

4606 AR and beyond

With the death of Aroden, Absalom staggered onward, demoralized. Increased conflict with Cheliax nearly saw the city overwhelmed in culture and military wars, and many of the tools Aroden left in the city’s care gradually lost their power. Although Absalom entered this era weakened by its founder’s demise, the catastrophe drove the city to establish its own identity and technologies to defend itself against new threats.

  • 4606 AR

    Aroden dies
    Religious event

    Aroden dies, producing several weeks of powerful, destructive storms across Golarion. His death triggers weeks of mourning and panic in Absalom and leaves the empire of Cheliax without a divine mandate. Chaos in Cheliax leaves the liege nation unable to fully govern Andoran.

  • 4620 AR

    30th Radiant Festival is canceled
    Cultural event

    The 30th Radiant Festival is canceled in the wake of Aroden’s death.

  • 4630 AR

    Siege of Lost Knights
    Military: Battle

    A conflict between Mendevian crusaders and Absalom leads to the brief Siege of Lost Knights.

  • 4635 AR

    Absalom legalizes slavery again
    Political event

    Absalom reinstates the Flesh Taxes, legalizing slavery.

  • 4640 AR

    House Thrune takes control of Cheliax
    Political event

    House Thrune emerges as the victor in the decades-long infighting over the throne of Cheliax, and institutes diabolism and the worship of Asmodeus as the official state religion. Emboldened Chelaxian sympathizers exert increasing influence in Absalom and stoke fears of invasion.

  • 4659 AR

    Primarch Seib dies, triggering riots
    Political event

    Primarch Seib dies, triggering riots.

  • 4660 AR

    Lord Gyr of House Gixx becomes primarch
    Political event

    Lord Gyr of House Gixx becomes primarch.

  • 4688 AR

    Grit originates in the puddles

    A drug known as grit originates in what is now the Puddles.

  • 4693 AR

    Lord Gyr establishes Black Whale Prison

    Lord Gyr establishes Black Whale Prison.

  • 4696 AR

    The Sewer Dragons tribe establishes itself
    Population Migration / Travel

    The Sewer Dragons kobold family begins carving out its subterranean empire in Absalom’s sewers.

  • 4698 AR

    Devil's Night Uprising
    Disaster / Destruction

  • 4698 AR

    A terrible earthquake strikes Absalom
    Disaster / Destruction

    A terrible earthquake strikes Absalom, devastating several districts.

  • 4704 AR

    The Linnorm King White Estrid sails to Absalom
    Diplomatic action

    The Linnorm King White Estrid sails to Absalom.

  • 4712 AR

    Construction on a secondary sewer system begins in Westgate
    Construction beginning/end

    Construction on a secondary sewer system begins in Westgate.

  • 4717 AR

    Black Echelon Uprising/Fiendflesh Siege
    Military: Battle

    An army of demonflesh constructs and undead marines attacks in the brief Black Echelon Uprising. Primarch Gyr disappears. Acting Siege Lord Wynsal Starborn orders the manumission of all slaves in Absalom willing to fight in defense of the city. Slave trading and slavery in Absalom is thereafter abolished by popular decree of the Grand Council.

  • 4718 AR

    The aging eccentric Captain Tanner wins the Kortos Regatta

    The aging eccentric Captain Tanner wins the Kortos Regatta, shortly afterward disappearing with the pearl-encrusted trophy.

  • 4719 AR

    Harbormaster Hugen’s ship mysteriously sinks
    Life, Death

    Harbormaster Hugen’s ship mysteriously sinks near Absalom, with the harbormaster presumed dead.

  • 4719 AR

    Siege of the Whispering Tyrant
    Military: Battle

    Tar-Baphon attempts to invade Absalom but is defeated when his own destructive magic is reflected back on him. Watcher-Lord Ulthun II of Lastwall arrives in Absalom.

    Tyrant’s Grasp
    Additional timelines
  • 4719 AR

    Major renovations of the ruined Precipice District begin
    Construction beginning/end

    Major renovations of the ruined Precipice District begin.