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Ny-Aza is the largest settlement in Azerheim and mostly consists of azerdwarves who have settled down permanently. They have chopped down trees and built longhouses as descriped by the imperial dwarves, and are slowly but steadily claiming the forrest for themselves. They come under near-daily attacks from monsters in the forrest trying to reclaim their land, but still the azerdwarves are optimistic in ther integration with The Gold Empire. There is also a group of silver dragon and bronze priests in Ny-Aza responsible for converting the azerdwarves to the faith of Aurathear Darastrix, as well as a group of dwarves rom For Sur looking to aid the azerdwaves in returning to their roots.


Most of the people of Ny-Aza are dwarves, with most of those again being azerdwarves. In addition to these there are a few gnomes and humans with the alchemical archeological delegation and a handful of elves with the clerical delegation.


Ny-Aza is nominally ruled by the Allting, the azerdwarves' national assembly, but its day-to-day managment is administrated by the tingstyrer, the speaker of the Allting. The tingstyrer is democratically elected from among the representatives of the Allting and is put in charge of Ny-Aza. In reality however, the different families mostly manage themselves, with the tingstyrer being responsible for the defence of the city and for settling disputes between families.


Ny-Aza is defended by the allvåben, a group of mostly-dwarven warriors who recieve state-sponsored weapons an armour they get to keep in peacetime and retirement in return for standing up for the city in times of crisis and serving as a town guard.

Industry & Trade

A great number of the dwarves living in Ny-Aza work in lumbermills around the town itself, where they slowly but surely move through the woods around the disparate rivers of Ny-Aza, rendering the forrest down to its component pieces and selling them for a profit.
Quite a few of the dwarves are hunters, travelling in bands around Azerheim hunting beasts and monsters. This is both to secure the safety of the few stable roads in the azer forrest, but also to potentially earn a great deal of money selling the pelts of rare beasts and fey creatures.


Ny-Aza lies around a connection of several rivers with docks for riverships heading to Ælmesleóht and further downstream. Some of the rivers connect further upstream to lumbermills and industrial villages, and are thus used for easy transportation of timber. There is also a large industry dedicated to hunting, both for procuring meats and raw materials for tools but also for luxuries and rare arcane artefats.

Guilds and Factions

Jeger family
The Jeger family is one of the most influential families of Azerheim, owning great swathes of land in the Northern Wilderness of the azer forrest. They are fanatically loyal to the empire, having fought in its war against the akshusian nomads and being blessed with gifts from the hand of the Gold Emperor himself. They pride themselves on their physical prowess and determination to see every battle through to its end. They own many lumber mills in the Northern Wilderness and most of the hunters of Ny-Aza are in the employ of the Jeger family, turning a fine profit and making them the richest family to boot. The Jeger family owns a majestic hunting lodge north of Ny-Aza made in the style of the Ari family of Sceya and have a sizeable trading company in Ny-Aza itself, from where it conducts business with outsiders. Their leader is æreskommandør Helena Jeger, who distinguished herself in the sacking of the City of Towers and earned a medal from the Emperor himself.
There has recently been talk of the Allting taking steps to curb the violent expansion into fey territory made by the Jegers, as the number of attacks from beast and spirit have increased exponentially as the Jegers expand their operations, but the Jegers are lobbying hard to make sure the Allting does not pass such legislature.
The counterpoint to the Jeger family is Økseligaen, the Axe-league in elvish, which represents the combined influences of several families in the Eastern and Southern Wildernesses. These families are millers, lumberers, hunters, farmers, warriors and as such disagree on many key points of politics, such as how far one should go in the exploitation of the natural resources of the forrest and how one should interact with the fey spirits they share the land with. But they are united in one key policy: that the different families, no matter their numbers, military prides or wealth, should have equal say in the Allting and be equal in the eyes of the law. They also believe that all dwarves should own the land they live on, rather than be caught in generations of rent and debt.
Økseligaen has no official leader, but many of its member families take their cues and listen to the advise of the Fredriksen family, led by representative Emma Fredriksen. Emma is a proud, temperamental and stubborn woman who has earned the respect of many members of the azerdwarven community with her relentless fighting for the rights of the smaller families and young dwarves. The Fredriksen family is neither the wealthies nor the most powerful family, but it does have a great network of respect and influence it has earned by virtue of the village it leads, Økselund, being one of the most peaceful, happy and productive villages in the azer forrest. Many dwarves believe that the Fredriksens have discovered the secret to working the land of the azer forrest in peace, and as such the patriarch and matriarch of the family, Fredrik and Emma, hold sway over Økseligaen.
Aurathean Church 
The Aurathean Church has two different chapters in Ny-Aza: the Silver Dragon Church and the Bronze Church.
The Silver Dragon Church
The Silver Dragon Church in Ny-Aza is led by father Thaddeus Dorne, who is also Imperial Representative to the Allting. He is also elected leader to the local fertility clinic, although he was the only eligible person and already chosen by Silver Dragon Bishop of Sceya.


Ny-Aza was founded by prospectors from azerheim and imperial explorers.
Founding Date
Large town
Location under
Owning Organization
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Related Reports (Primary)


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