Dallen Waller Character in Greland | World Anvil

Dallen Waller

Royal Architect Dallen Waller

Dallen Waller was a member of The Allerton Guild of Masons. Following The Revolution of 441KS, and especially The Storming of Bayglen Castle and the undermining of Bayglen Castle's walls, the position of Royal Architect was created for Dallen to oversee the repairs.
The reign of King Tyon I Cray also saw Dallen called upon to make numerous other adaptations to the castle, such as quarters for The Kingsguard of Tyon I Cray and adaptations to make the castle and its grounds more suitable to disabled visitors such as The Jewelled Bird as well as to Yrrch. Dallen Waller died in 453KS at the age of sixty-five.
Other Ethnicities/Cultures
388 KS 453 KS 65 years old


Story Points
Military Units
Useful Lists


Player Characters

Lady Ophelia Foxworth-Hayford
Lady Terin Gaunt-Foxworth
ser Mattheo Foxworth
Colrin Blest
King Tyon I Cray
Sigrid Ashwood
ser Allon Stormborn
ser Odric Vortane
Lord Tylan Hewlett
ser Callor Perryn
ser Ashtin Phyrefenn
The War For The Foxworth Secession 454KS

Player Settlements

The Settlement Creation System
Settlement Management Sessions
Settlement Conquest
Greater Stallken


Player Councils

Anatomy of a Ruling Council
Royal Council
The Duchal Council of House Foxworth
The Council of Southbay
The Duchal Council of House Southbay
The Council of Greater Stallken



The Continent of Greland
The Kingdom of Hillhurst
The Kingdom of Rotheval
The Kingdom of Irogonie
The Lamas Plains
The Swamps of Baycotte
The Kingdom of Somercrag
The Foxworth Duchy
The Blackbar Duchy
The Skanler Duchy
The Gaunt Duchy
The Southbay Duchy
The City of Southbay
The Hayford Duchy
The Continent of Amoth


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