The Government of Greyhawk

The Directing Oligarchy

The City of Greyhawk and its domain are ruled by a Directing Oligarchy, a group of technically coequal members who head various major interests within the city. The number of Oligarchs (also known as Directors) usually varies between 12 and 18, depending on the political circumstances. Replacement of an Oligarch who dies or retires is not _ required. If a vacancy in the Oligarchy should be filled, the new Oligarch is chosen by vote of the current Directors. The Oligarchy meets every Starday during the year to cover business relevant to the City, the Domain, and themselves.

The Directing Oligarchy periodically elects a Lord Mayor among its members to lead them. The election of a mayor occurs whenever the old mayor dies, retires, resigns, or fails a no-confidence vote consisting of a two-thirds majority of the Directing Oligarchy. Since 570 cy, Nerof Gasgal has been the Lord Mayor. So far, he has been one of the best.

The Oligarchy is currently (S91 Cy) at its maximum number of members, but this may change in the next year. Each Director is named and described below, — with his or her current age (and apparent age) and areas where that person is most likely to be encountered in the City and Domain of Greyhawk. Important notes for the DM on each Director are included, An asterisk (*) indicates that person is a member of a secret “inner circle” of the Oligarchy that determines which issues are most critical, then crafts most major policies.

From Adventure Begins

Articles under The Government of Greyhawk


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