The Tipsy Nymph

The Tipsy Nymph might be the only tavern in all Alhaster that doesn't rely on stolen or imported alcohol. The owner, Kragen Vachus, brews the alehouse's famous ale in the basement, and guards his secret recipe jealously. The result is a strange, deep-purple colour, and a rich, earthy taste. The alehouse is decorated with taxidermies of sprites and imitations of feywild flora.
Name Price Description
Nymph's Ale, mug 1 sp A rich, purple ale with a heady aroma and an earthy taste
Nymph's Ale, bottle 1 gp As above, but bottled with the image of a stumbling dryad on the label
Feymeal 3 cp A meal with your drink
+ Exotic Meat 2 sp Add an exotic meat, courtesy of The Curious Owlbear 
Pub / Tavern / Restaurant
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