Hoff's Solutions

No fewer than 14 mercenary companies work through Hoff's contracting service. The front room of the building is an office, where Scabface, a scarred halfling assistant to Hoff, works the desk and manages the hiring-out of mercenary companies. The rest of the building is an abnormally-comfortable barracks where the leaders of associated companies can stay when in town and available for hire.   The manner of work these groups can be hired to do is between the contractor and the group leader, Hoff's interests extend as far as taking a cut of the payment, which also varies based on the work and on whether the entire troupe or only a few members are being hired.
Alhaster is the capital of The Principality of Redhand, and sits on the northern coast of the Nyr Dyv.   Low Alhaster comprises areas 1-18, High Alhaster encompasses areas 19-39. Areas 35-39, including the Shanties and Eel Town, are geographically outside the city proper, but still belong to the city.    
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