Cathedral of Hextor

The front steps of this temple are rarely empty, with Hextor's many worshippers coming and going throughout the week. The stained-glass windows depict many battles, most of which depict a young warrior with a plumed helmet and long black hair striking down knights in blue and silver armour. Other recurring images include brutes on wyvern-back ransacking towns and bloody battles between armies with unfamiliar heraldry.   The interior of the cathedral is less ornate than one might expect from the size of the building. Its main hall is fitted with benches and a few tables, where worshippers can sometimes be observed planning battles and conquests, or arranging other means of subjugating the weak.   In the main sanctum, below the highest tower, a statue of the six-armed god dominates the large, square area. The floor around the statue is scarred by past shows of strength, and the statue's face seems to jeer, as if it had seen all the warriors of the North Kingdom spar before it and found them all wanting.  


  While the dogma of Hextor makes it antithetical to offer healing even for a fee, clerics of Hextor can commonly be bribed for magical or mundane help in battle, with the required bribe depending on both the rapport with the cleric and the apparent esteem the supplicant has in Hextor's eyes, which is assessed by their ability to earn power through strength.
Alhaster is the capital of The Principality of Redhand, and sits on the northern coast of the Nyr Dyv.   Low Alhaster comprises areas 1-18, High Alhaster encompasses areas 19-39. Areas 35-39, including the Shanties and Eel Town, are geographically outside the city proper, but still belong to the city.    
Cathedral / Great temple
Parent Location