The Scarlet Spire

The priests of the Scarlet Spire watch over Alhaster's dead, and the local Boneyard is often conflated with the spire itself. The Jasidin can be seen coming and going from the cemetery at regular intervals, maintaining their wards against undeath and other disturbances. but the day-to-day operations of the spire centre mostly around its services as a beauty parlour.   Visitors who can afford it are treated to the services of the most expert cosmeticians this side of the Nyr Dyv. The Jasidin of the Spire offer not only makeup, but accessorizing and hair-styling, as well as a particular tincture which confers the beauteous aura of the Scarlet Lady on the recipient.
Alhaster is the capital of The Principality of Redhand, and sits on the northern coast of the Nyr Dyv.   Low Alhaster comprises areas 1-18, High Alhaster encompasses areas 19-39. Areas 35-39, including the Shanties and Eel Town, are geographically outside the city proper, but still belong to the city.    
Temple / Church
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