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The Savorians are not truely a people, but rather a term used by outsiders, as a catch all for the people who live in swamps of Savor and in the northern parts of Vadania, who call themselves the Auvkarite. Many different small communal clans used to call the mire home, and to the south of it used reside the a series of city states used to compete for land resources and glory to that of their gods, who call themselves the Savori. Though in these days many who live here now refer to themselves as Savorians.   Savorians are often noted for their strange stubbornness and yet also their seeming flexibility, a concept they coin Vasorn, meaning to remaind steadfast to your ideals and personal dreams, yet bow before those with power, and speak their words. To outsiders, this initially made them deem Savorian culture to be subservient, but would quickly find the saying that mean to bow with sincerity, but with patience and weapon at hand.   To a Savorian a promise means nothing, unless the person they make it to matters, their is honor in ones word no unseen shackle in a contract, all that matters is if you want to keep. Inter personal relations is all there is to them, there is no grand societal contract which must kept, only the benefit one can receive from adhering to societal ritual   Savorians have always venerated the gods Calium, Valatau and Fennesia as a triumvirate of the Auvkar. Each representing to them what it meant to live, survive and thrive. Though it is common to see Valatau replaced by Feniké in the southern parts and then it is called the Church of the Three


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