Bruz (Br-ooz)

(a.k.a. Paragon of Light, Paragon of Justice)

This character description was written with the assistance of Nolan D.      "The beginning of the journey out of Riverweld went fine and they enjoyed good weather and calm water. After several days the Surf Kicker had arrived at the tributary of one of Jangala's many rivers. During the sixth night of the journey Bruz awoke with a start as the boat lurched around him. After hastily donning his armor. He sprinted up to the deck and watched slack jawed as the ship snapped apart in front of him. Crew and passengers were tossed into the dark churning water. Bruz's half-orc eyes allowed him to see the ship splinter apart before him just before he was tossed into the water himself." - Excerpt from the Prologue, The Heroes of the Valley , Season 1

Physical Description

Specialized Equipment

Starting in the year 3520 until the year of his death Bruz weilded The Seeking Sword, a weapon of immense power with the ability to collect the blood of its slain enemies. Bruz resisted the call to chaos and adventure that the sword put into his mind. However, the flashbacks that plagued him told the story of his previous discovery and wielding of the sword as the warlord Tavaseer.

Mental characteristics

Personal history

"Bruz awoke one day on his back on the bank of a river. Around his neck he found a necklace with small bronze horns on the end of it. Bruz had no memory of how he got to this river bank, where the necklace came from, or anything that happened to him before this point. Bewildered by how he had come here he set out for answers. Eventually, he learned that this was the symbol of the god Joth. Bruz had no idea why this necklace was put on him, so he continues to try and research and learn about why this happened to him. He assumes that he has been blessed by the god, and so he now worships Joth. Bruz came to RiverWeld in the hope that he could learn more about Joth, what their connection means, and to also try and learn about his past, which he has no memory of."


Bruz never attended any specific temple for religious education. Instead, he learned about Joth through his own research and speaking to others. Additionally, the values of Honor and Glory came easily to him.


Bruz briefly worked as a mercenary prior to his learning about what the Followers of Joth were and how they conducted themselves. Prior to helping found The Heroes of the Valley Bruz worked as a guard on The Arcanum expeditions that set out from Riverweld.

Accomplishments & Achievements

Bruz served with The Heroes of the Valley from 3519 to 3521 and was instrumental in the rescue of the Lizardfolk from the Valley of So'Thoth in Jangala , the cessation of the troubled nights in Riverweld with the defeat of the vampire Rodarian Ling, re-discovery of the forgotten temple of Ravan, and the defeats of Commander Greenwhisper and General Lightbringer of the Ferdir Ah' Dain during the Battle for the Azmar Valley. His final act of heroism was to seal the rift between the realms that the Ferdir Ah Dain had constructed in Azmar Valley.

Failures & Embarrassments

Due to his unknown past. It came as a shock to the members of The Heroes of the Valley when Bruz discovered that he had been ressurected and had previously been a vicious warlord called Tavaseer who had served Beltanor. This past life was point of embarrassment and shame for Bruz who worked tirelessly to atone for the acts of evil he had committed before his resurrection as a paladin of Joth

Mental Trauma

Having been resurrected by acolytes of Ravan at the request of Temple of Joth Bruz has flashbacks to moments in his previous life. Unaware of what triggers these flashbacks Bruz may suddenly be assaulted by memories of his past misdeeds. Bruz used these traumatic memories to fight harder on the side of Honor and Glory for Joth.
Year of Death
3521 AF
Circumstances of Death
Sealing a Platomire Rift
Place of Death
Close cropped on the sides and longer on the top
Skin Tone/Pigmentation
Lighter shade of green that fades to grey
Quotes & Catchphrases
Pain will be your teacher
Appears in...

Character Portrait image: by Toni Gill