In the shadow of the mountains The Fellowship Timeline
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The Fellowship

Of the events of our Fellowship.

Third Age

  • 2946 TA

    21 Thrimidge
    2946 TA

    27 Thrimidge

    Festival of the Five Armies
    Cultural event

    The Fellowship participate in the Festival of the Five Armies in Dale and hear the proclamation of King Bard.

  • 2946 TA

    13 Forelithe
    2946 TA

    13 Forelithe

    Reclaim the Odvarr Farmstead
    Diplomatic action

    On a mission to secure the Odvarr Farmstead⁣ for King Bard⁣, the Company scare off the brigand Treal and help Pridee secure employment with Blossom Odvarr on the farmstead.

  • 2946 TA

    14 Forelithe
    2946 TA

    20 Wedmath

    Travel through Mirkwood

    Guard the pony train of Baldor and his son through Northern Mirkwood . The fellowship rescue Baldor from the Old Castle and save Belgo from an ancient horror before eventually reaching Rowanhold .

  • 2946 TA

    21 Afterlithe
    2946 TA

    12 Wedmath

    The Hunt for Dindy Brandybuck

    Find Dindy Brandybuck, brewer at The Easterly Inn.

  • 2946 TA

    21 Afterlithe
    2946 TA

    24 Afterlithe

    Travel to Beorn's House
    Diplomatic action

    The Company deliver King Bard  message to Beorn.

  • 2947 TA

    1 Astron

    The Murder of Rathfic
    Life, Death

    Track down Oderic, an escaped Beorning prisoner, and return him to Beorn for justice at The Carrock⁣.

  • 2947 TA

    24 Astron
    2947 TA

    24 Astron

    Battle of The Old Ford
    Military action

    After a stark warning from the fellowship, Beorn musters his folk to repel a large force of outlaws led by Valter the Bloody.

  • 2947 TA

    1 Thrimidge
    2947 TA

    15 Wedmath

    Fellowship Phase, 2947
    Life, Achievement/ Win

    Fellowship Phase, 2947.

  • 2947 TA

    16 Wedmath
    2947 TA

    27 Wedmath

    Those Who Tarry No Longer

    The company are called upon to escort an elven noblewoman from Mirkwood to the High Pass. Irimë is a High Elf of the house of Gil-Galad. She has lived in Middle-earth since the days of the First Age, and now tires of the world. She is travelling West, to the Havens and from thence to the Undying Lands.

    Related Article

    Episode 1: The Borders of the Forest Episode 2: Tainted Dreams of Ages Past

  • 2947 TA

    28 Wedmath
    2948 TA

    15 Rethe

    Fellowship Phase, 2947-48
    Life, Achievement/ Win

    Hathus spends his time at Rhosgobel helping out the villagers and befriending the old wizard Radagast the Brown who lives nearby. Monin enjoys the company of the simple folk too, sufficient for his personality and mood to lift as Spring returns. Sigmarr, spends much of his time alone in Woodland Hall, hopeful that the dark dreams plaguing him most nights will lift. The fellowship meet again on at Rhosgobel as the last of the snows melt. Monin and Hathus are in good spirits and eager to show Sigmarr and Amalfrida the wonders of the strange wildlife living close to the settlement, but Sigmarr is still in a fug following his miserable winter of solitude.

  • 2948 TA

    17 Rethe
    2948 TA

    10 Afterlithe

    A Darkness in the Marshes

    News has come to Radagast the Brown of a growing danger somewhere west of The Anduin. The Orcs who attacked the Lady Irimë were in league with this mysterious threat, as were the outlaws who attacked the land of the Beornings.