Fenmuzu Auction Rooms Building / Landmark in Kaomora | World Anvil

Fenmuzu Auction Rooms

The distinct red sails extend out from this large three-story clay building.
Tall archways wrap around all sides giving clear visibility to the ongoings inside.
The internal chamber is a large open room bustling with activity, there are two mezzanine levels with small chambers one after the other and each with a clear view looking in on the auction room floor below. These are the viewing seats for the wealthy looking to secure new stock for their inventories. Anyone with coin may place a bid but it is a strong sign of status to have access to one of these elevated chambers. The rich smell of perfume, sweat and incense permeates from Fenmuzu the aroma often an exciting invitation to bidders and onlookers alike.
The chatter and general hustle and bustle are only hushed as the head auctioneer takes their gavel and begins proceedings for the day.
The typical order of events for any given day is as follows.

Raw and rare materials
Objects of Interest
Reliquaries and antiquities


Arcane Creations and magical items
Rare texts, magicians tomes and grimoires
Maps, Markers and verified rumours
Slaving Auctions
Slaves of brawn and burden
Slaves of aid and intelligence
Slaves of flesh and fantasy
Slaves of adequacy
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