Radiant Reliquaries Building / Landmark in Kaomora | World Anvil

Radiant Reliquaries

Location description
This shop is the brother shop of the Golden Gauntlet.
What you see outside
The billowing silver shade sails catch and dance light across the pavement in front of the large two storey clay structure.
What you hear
The large internal chamber is eerily quiet except for the occasional hum or muted pulse of a thrumming arcane item and the shifting of pages and scratching and scrawling of ink on paper from the proprietor in the back.
What smells come from it
The scent that catches the nose is of old books, musty tomes and a pungent aroma of all things old,
What it looks like inside
The interior is a vast display of perfectly arranged rare antiques, the interior by comparison the glistening sail out front is rather dull, the large central chamber is dimly light by arcane braziers that are affixed to the walls - each casting out soft silvery light. The interior is intentionally dark almost as if the large sails out the front repel the light from entering the building.
Who is inside
A large minotaur is hunched over some paperwork at the back of the building.
Shop, Magic
Parent Location
Characters in Location