Session 34/35 Air DnD Report in Kaomora | World Anvil

Session 34/35 Air DnD

General Summary

Session 34&35 (AirDnD)

Shadar kai - tried to make a deal with Zaelix
The Raven Queen is praying on the secrets of
Calista 1 charge of Secret Syrum
Vial of Kahrazoons loyal servant (Finger)
Dorian explains around IkToth - and his desires to go to wyrmbone outpost.
Jeritza shared his story of the Gynosphynx with Velouria
Dorian got his letter from Nerdalye and shared it
ABJ got a double-walled box for cold storage of meat
Posey has been discovered by Gordalla
Caught up with Gordalla
Taken to pocket dimension, She explained that the extensis tubes are not for private messages, Pronoia is an old champion of Ioun and you must be of pure mind, body and soul to enter her chambers.
Learnt of the Weave which is what allows the use of magic within Kaomora
Learnt that Zaelix is not welcome seemingly within the hells
Scryed on Prixtra Boltas - found her in her quarters in the north sector of Red Mesa - a shop known as Boltas Blacksmithry
Gordala Kelpkeep is not impressed with To'Reli and the way the order is currently running.
Explains the original Arcanis Council, each member had a cube and they were high wizards that originally ran Kaomora, each gifted in certain sectors of magic. The head of Divination Von Maysterstuck sought To'Reli and she then controlled the council from there.
Name of interest is Yorgi Kahrazoon, they learnt that powerful magic greater than a 9th level spell can come at a great cost - he was the head of Necromancy and To'Reli thought this was very dangerous, she initiated a cleanse of Kaomora and in doing so created the peach that Kaomora enjoys today.
To'Reli over took the The Order of Undying Knowledge and rebranded and rebuilt it as The Order of the Timeless
Gordala Kelpkeep's family have been in the order for generations
The binding pillars are creations of To'Reli which draw the material plane to align closer to the good-aligned planes.
Learns that if Jeritza is drained of all his power then he will become mortal and die. To save him she must seek celestial artefacts to re-energize Jeritza
Ioun is rewarding of those who seek knowledge and adventure
They learnt that there are also harmless creatures such as boggles in the shadowfel but most creatures there are dark and evil, such as boneclaw's
Trevor the Crab in Posey's hair
ABJ learns more of the path of a prime Meridean
A prime meridians position is not to dwell in the material realm, but sail the astral sea intercepting any evil that tries to trespass its waters on the way to Good-Aligned realms
There are two Prime merideans an Alpha and an Omega - Omega controls the seas towards the evil planes, the alpha controls the passage to the good aligned planes
Currently if he is the Alpha Prime Meridean then there is nothing protecting the good allgined planes
ABJ instructed to seek The Great serpent Leventus he will aid in his ability to create gateways between planes
If these souls are not being transported to heaven or hell and are indeed stuck in the shadowfel, then they should try and get to the celestial gates that are at the base of mount celestial
The other option is the River Styx however this may be far more challenging if ABJ is the Alpha and not the Omega
Dorian seeks further information about the Wyrmbone outpost and realises it is a few days ride from the Red Mesa, the assistant to the collector is named Sitka and she does most of his deals.
The collector is also after three tomes held by the order
Zehir, the Cloaked Serpent - Lord of Snakes
Worship of the truly devout - The true guide to the worship of the serpent lord
Fangs, Teeth and bloodsport - Zehir's sacrificial blood sport
In return Dorian must log their heroic journeys and make notes in particular about
What of Zaelix
What of Good and Evil
What of Balance
Scry on Claude - he is heading through the sands currently, he is a more athletic build and he walks with purpose and wears a green cloak with bug detailing on the shoulders
Scry on Nyctaeus - find he is being ridden by an undead soldier wielding a runic blade who is attacking the devils in the shadowfel
Scry on Leventus - known to inhabit the Ink Oil tides - smashed Gordala Kelpkeep's mirror in the process
Visited The Twig & Twill Botanist and the proprietor Lianthorn Twigblight
Met with his pet Gibbers
Spoke of Kameleon Dust and that someone is mucking up his supply, he receives some of the ingredients from up north
Posey swaps his old Ioun book with her newer version of the text. One of the curious twigblights starts shredding pages, when Lianthorn Twigblight hears of Ioun his eyes turn black and the concerns of an allip occur
ABJ becomes a water elemental and then grabs the other book and destroys it
Twigblights go for a swim in ABJ and then start to grow coral flowers
Posey discovers her father houses a secret that can turn him to a allip
Posey General request on how to cure an Allip

Bump into a rotund halfling who is a book store owner
Go to Donna's Emporium of Books
Meet her son Nonda
Calista gets a book on inventors in Red Mesa featuring Prixtra Boltas Explains she did collaboratively with CLCxxx - PTR0061 & PTR0523
They purchased the book of pets
Monkey & Flying Monkey Care
How to care for your crab (Buy shell pellets)
Visit Bomush at his store Radiant Reliquaries
Do a deal and buy more magic items
One is a key to Mummy Lords tomb as they are the only ones that Bomush would know to have a Soul-Sundering weapon

Learn of the mining of arcane residuem dust which can replace material components, this is done through a dwarven mining company that is based out of Hammer Deep in an underground location known as the Titans Spine which is rumoured to also have Titan Residuem.
Operation liberation activated - The party raid Zambozuk's and Vulita is on survelence while the party sneak in, Posey is caught by 2 black abashai a fight breaks out, the party capture the animals and run.
They then secure the animals to realise that the black abashai are too much and run. In doing so the black abashai fill their contract by slaying Vulita. They disappear
The party elect to resurrect Vulita, question Saamir al-Tawil briefly before sending him to the service of Kahrazoon
In turning over the store they discovered
A secret ledger that was selling animals to Jemarcus Kris'een - assumedly for consumption rather than as pets
Also someone under the initial N has purchased an Ivory Khagra for 4,500gp from Zambozuk
There was a painting of the old family of Saamir al-Tawil - he his sister and father at the front of Zambozuk's - the painting was done around 35 years ago and was painted by a painter named Aeburh
Leave the Gribbick to eat the corpse of Saamir al-Tawil
Party go to Needle & Point and meet with Shtiegvarr Chester exchange brief notes and discussions. do not purchase anything
Learn of Shtiegvarr Chester trying to find his son Heldren Chester and he has a wife Morg'hana Chester and that they can write to her in Sweet Water but does not want songs written or sung about her.
The party come back to Rue's he queries their shopping and if they are ready to help face Noxxarion - not quite yet.
ABJ cooks Rainbow Potatoes and Fey Goose Fillet - however, backfires and ABJ and Velouria randomly honk like geese for the next 5 hours (which may interrupt sleep)
Calista Cannith deal is with a demon named Sauraxis who controls the red reavers
Dorris Delphinium seemingly has made a deal with a devil of fertility - Akhos as Florizel read out the deals leger that he has access too.
Report Date
03 Jul 2024