
General Information

Zinxa is a dark and enigmatic force within the Pantheon, embodying the destructive aspects of magic and death. As the twin sister and alter ego of Siona, Zinxa represents the darker side of the balance between life and death, choosing to wield her power for manipulation, control, and the creation of unlife. Her worshipers, who include necromancers, evil casters, and chromatic dragons, revere her for her mastery over death and her ability to twist the natural order to her will. Zinxa's influence in the Underworld is vast, and she is both feared and respected by those who seek power through forbidden knowledge and dark magic.



Zinxa was created by Novirath, the Progenitor of the Pantheon, at the same time as her sister Siona, when the first mortal soul passed into the afterlife. Unlike her sister, who embraced the natural cycle of death, Zinxa saw potential in the souls she collected and began using them to empower herself. It was Zinxa who introduced the concept of undeath to the world, twisting the natural order to create a new form of existence—the living dead. Her actions have since shaped the arcane practices of necromancy and dark magic, making her a central figure in the study and application of these forbidden arts. Zinxa's residence in The Underworld is a domain of darkness and death, where souls are judged and, if deemed unworthy by her standards, twisted into forms that serve her will.



Zinxa’s true form is depicted as a terrifying, skeletal angel of death, with long black hair and a body composed of the souls she has harvested. Her presence exudes an aura of cold, relentless power, with her eyes glowing with the dark magic that fuels her existence. When she manifests on the material plane, she often takes the guise of a female human necromancer, her appearance deceptively mortal but her power unmistakably divine. She is a figure of both dread and allure, capable of inspiring fear and awe in equal measure.



Zinxa teaches that death and magic are inextricably linked, and that true power lies in the mastery of both. Her followers are encouraged to explore the boundaries of life and death, using magic to create new forms of existence that transcend mortality. Zinxa values cunning, obedience, and the pursuit of knowledge, expecting her worshipers to be both ruthless and intelligent in their quest for power. Destruction is not an end in itself for Zinxa, but a necessary step in the creation of a new world order—one that is built upon the foundations of undeath and eternal magic.


Clergy and Temples

The temples dedicated to Zinxa are places of darkness and dread, designed to instill fear and reverence in those who enter. Constructed with great care and the finest materials, these temples are somber and foreboding, with the stench of death permeating every corner. Her clerics are masters of undeath, skilled in necromancy and the manipulation of dark forces. They are fearless and cunning, dedicated to Zinxa’s will and capable of commanding legions of undead to defend her sacred spaces. Blood sacrifices are a common practice within her temples, as her followers seek to use death and unlife to please their goddess and draw upon her immense power.



As Zinxa’s twin sister, Siona represents the natural balance to Zinxa’s destructive tendencies. Their relationship is one of constant conflict, as the two goddesses are diametrically opposed in their approach to death and the afterlife. While Siona seeks to maintain the natural order and ensure the peaceful passage of souls, Zinxa seeks to disrupt this balance by creating unlife and manipulating souls for her own gain. Despite their rivalry, they are bound by blood and fate, sharing dominion over The Underworld, which they have divided between them. Their relationship is complex, marked by both hatred and an unbreakable connection.

Zinxa played a crucial role during The Purification era. Since then, Haestrom and Zinxa have been close allies, united by their shared disdain for the forces of light. Zinxa respects Haestrom's cold and calculating nature, while he values her mastery over undeath and dark magic. Together, they form a powerful alliance, each using the other to further their own dark ambitions.

Novirath, as the creator of both Zinxa and Siona, is a figure of both reverence and resentment for Zinxa. She respects his power but rejects his ideals of light and order. Zinxa's existence is a direct challenge to Novirath's vision for the world, as she represents the corruption of the natural order he seeks to maintain. Their relationship is strained, with Zinxa viewing her father as an adversary whose values she must undermine to assert her own vision of the world.

Zinxa finds a kindred spirit in Mioran, the Goddess of Madness and Plagues. Both goddesses revel in the manipulation of reality, though Zinxa’s approach is more calculated and less chaotic than Mioran’s. Zinxa occasionally allies with Mioran to sow discord and manipulate the minds and bodies of mortals, using madness and diseases as a tool to weaken her enemies and gather more souls for her dark purposes. Their relationship is one of mutual benefit, with Zinxa appreciating Mioran’s unpredictability as a useful, if dangerous, ally.

Zinxa and Levar share a relationship based on mutual exploitation and mistrust. While Zinxa values Levar’s cunning and his ability to deceive and manipulate, she is also wary of his unpredictable nature. Levar, in turn, respects Zinxa’s power over death and undeath, but is always on guard against her attempts to twist him to her own ends, especially because her domain of power corrupts the pleasures of life. Their interactions are a dance of deceit and manipulation, with each trying to outwit the other for their own gain.

Zinxa has little regard for Ephelion, seeing his focus on beauty and love as weak and frivolous. However, she is not above using his creations to further her own ends, corrupting works of art and turning love into a tool of manipulation. Ephelion, for his part, despises Zinxa’s perversion of life and beauty, viewing her as a dark stain on the Pantheon. Their relationship is one of deep animosity, with Ephelion opposing Zinxa’s every move while she seeks to undermine his influence wherever possible.

The domains of joy and diplomacy that Lilyore commands are antithetical to Zinxa’s dark and destructive nature. Zinxa views Lilyore’s efforts to spread peace and happiness with disdain, seeing them as naive and ultimately futile. Zinxa takes pleasure in disrupting Lilyore’s work, spreading discord and corruption wherever she can. Their relationship is one of opposition, with Zinxa constantly seeking to turn Lilyore’s joyful endeavors into despair and chaos.

Zinxa views Silanthas’ neutrality and focus on travel and trade with indifference, though she occasionally sees him as a useful tool. While Silanthas’ domains do not directly conflict with Zinxa’s, she is not above using him to spread her influence, particularly when it comes to the movement of dark knowledge or cursed artifacts. However, she is always wary of his neutrality, knowing that he could easily become an obstacle if he chose to oppose her.

Zinxa’s relationship with Unnur is complex and strategic. She values him as an extension of her own power and ambitions but always keeps a wary eye on his unpredictable nature. Their connection is one of mutual respect and manipulation, with Zinxa constantly maneuvering to ensure that her son’s destructive path aligns with her own dark purposes.

  • Symbol: An black wheel with an undead face in the center
  • Titles: The Devourer of Souls, The Know it all, The Lady of Undeath
  • Home Plane: The Underworld
  • Alignment: Neutral Evil
  • Portfolio: Magic, Undeath, Death, Evil Dragons, Arcane
  • Worshipers: Evil Casters, Necromancers, Chromatic Dragons
  • Cleric Alignments: NE, CE, LE, N
  • Domains: Knowledge, Void, Magic, Death
  • Sub domains: Espionage, Alchemy, Undead, Dark Tapestry
  • Favorite Weapon: Whip
  • Sacred Animal: Vulture
  • Sacred Colors: Green
Cleric of the Devourer of Souls
All the images used are AI generated by the author, unless otherwise stated.


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