
General Information

Mioran is one of the most fearful Gods of the Pantheon. Her control over plagues and diseases, makes mortals to both fear and respect her command.  


Mioran was created during a rare solar eclipse. According to lore, at this moment a shadow touched the crown of Siona and stole a single, yellow gem. In that gem, the goddess of Death and Magic had stored all the diseases and plagues to keep them away from the mortal world. The gem broke and everything it held were released in Kena'an. And from the remains of the gem, emerged Mioran- the mistress of massacre and the dark queen of plagues.  


Mioran frequently appears as a fearsome war priestess adorned in the decayed skins of her victims. She wields a bone-made scythe and carries an artifact of her own design: an incense holder from which all known and unknown diseases are born. Her presence is marked by an aura of decay and malevolence, reflecting her dominion over plagues and darkness.  

Unnur's Creation

Mioran and Zinxa share d a profound connection from the very beginning, a bond that transcended mere alliance and into a deep, complex love. Their understanding of one another was almost uncanny, a silent agreement on the darker aspects of existence. Together, they conceived a plan so sinister and cunning that it threatened to unravel the very fabric of reality.

Driven by their shared desires and a thirst for chaos, the two goddesses devised a dark and mystical ritual of their own design. This ritual was an intricate fusion of their powers, a ceremony steeped in forbidden magic that would bring forth a being of unimaginable destruction. Mioran became the vessel for this creation, and from their union, a new god was born—Unnur, the God of Destruction. His existence was the embodiment of both Mioran’s malevolent plagues and Zinxa's deadly touch, a perfect amalgamation of their darkest aspects.

Mioran and Zinxa were more than satisfied with their creation. Unnur was everything they had envisioned—an unstoppable force of chaos and ruin, a god who would bring about devastation in their names.



Mioran revels in chaos, darkness, and suffering. Her dogma emphasizes the spreading of disease and the torment of her enemies. She despises quick and clean deaths, preferring her followers to inflict prolonged and agonizing suffering. The darkness and despair caused by her plagues and tortures are sources of her power and delight.  

Clergy and Temples

Mioran’s clergy is predominantly female, with males being rare and often lacking in skill. Her priestesses are known for their barbaric appearance, often mistaken for warriors or barbarians. Her temples are hidden and accessible only to those deemed worthy of her dark blessings.

The interiors of her temples are steeped in the smell of death and decay, with shrines made from bones and remains of those who died from disease. Blood sacrifices are required, and they must be as torturous and gruesome as possible, reflecting Mioran’s preference for prolonged suffering.



Mioran and Levar have a distant and antagonistic relationship. Although both deities embody chaotic elements, their focuses are vastly different—Levar's on trickery and enjoyment, and Mioran's on suffering and destruction.

Mioran and Ephelion have a contentious relationship. Ephelion’s focus on art and love is in stark contrast to Mioran’s dark and destructive nature, leading to a lack of mutual respect and frequent conflict between them.

One of Mioran’s greatest enemies is Siona, the Goddess of Death and Magic. Siona harbors a deep sense of responsibility for Mioran’s existence, as the gem that gave birth to the Maiden of Plagues was stolen from her very crown—a gem in which Siona had sealed all the world’s plagues and diseases, vowing to protect creation from their horrors. Ever since, Siona has been consumed by the mystery of who stole the gem and unleashed Mioran upon the world.

In the meantime, Siona seizes every opportunity to oppose Mioran, seeking to undo the damage caused by the dark goddess’s malevolent influence. Mioran, however, remains largely indifferent to Siona’s efforts. Instead of engaging directly, she focuses on aiding her lover Zinxa in their shared goal—to see Zinxa replace her sister Siona once and for all, seizing control of the realm of death and magic. This cold and calculated approach allows Mioran to continue spreading her plagues and chaos, all while supporting her lover's ambitions in the shadows.

Mioran’s relationship with Haestrom is fraught with complexity and betrayal. During The Purification Era, Mioran staunchly supported the Frozen Lord, standing by his side as he waged war against his luminous brother, Novirath. Their alliance seemed unbreakable, with Mioran’s plagues and Haestrom’s icy wrath combining to challenge the forces of light. However, in the aftermath of the war, the Frozen Lord's true intentions were revealed.

Unbeknownst to his allies, Haestrom had cunningly extended his influence over the "cousin" orc tribes of his Glaciarc children, subtly shifting their worship towards himself. This deceitful maneuver, undermined Mioran’s son, Unnur, who was the original creator and rightful deity of the orcs. Mioran’s motivation to defend Unnur is not driven by maternal love, but by a desire to preserve her own power. Unnur’s strength ensures her dominion, and Haestrom’s manipulation is a direct threat to her influence. This betrayal has left Mioran seething, and her once strong alliance with Haestrom has been poisoned by distrust and resentment.

  • Symbol: A decayed hand holding a lit candle
  • Titles: The Maiden of Plagues, The Dark Queen, The Massacre Lady
  • Home Plane: The Abyss
  • Alignment: Chaotic Evil
  • Portfolio: Plagues, Torture, Insects, Spies, Massacres, Darkness
  • Worshipers: Evil Casters, Undead, Spies, Torturers
  • Cleric Alignments: CN, NE, CE
  • Domains: Darkness, Death, Evil, Madness, Destruction
  • Sub domains: Loss, Plague, Torture, Nightmare
  • Favorite Weapon: Scythe
  • Sacred Animal: Worm
  • Sacred Colors: Yellow
Divine Classification
Lesser Deity
by Marvin P. Sola
All the images used are AI generated by the author, unless otherwise stated.


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