
Embrace the unpredictable and let the dice roll

General Information

Levar has earned the name of "Trickster" not by the mortals, but by the Gods of the Pantheon themselves, when he managed to trick most of them into helping him create his own home plan of The Lost Fields. Since then, he does whatever he can to live up to this title and he couldn't be prouder.  


Many people refer to Levar as the Unwanted Son and the reason lies to the origin story of the Trickster. A long time ago, Novirath decided to cut out a part of his consciousness called Chaos and dispose it. He thought this act would help his world become a more stable and balanced place. So, he took Chaos and buried it deep inside the bowels of a Mountain, hoping that it will wither and eventually die.

But there was something the Protector didn't anticipate and that was the mortal free will and the tendancies it had towards chaotic and improbable decisions. Slowly but steadily, every unthoughtful decision and every impulsive act, empowered Chaos until it reached its breaking point.

According to legend, Chaos became so gigantic it managed to break his stone cage and release itself. And then, in the aftermath of the explosion, a strange new God appeared where Chaos previously stood. It was Levar, the unwanted child of the Protector and everything suggested he came to the world to stay and live everything Kena'an had to offer.



Levar loves nothing more that the pleasures of the material plane. He frequently chooses to visit and he does so assuming several different forms. His favorite one is that of a witty halfing thief and bard. When he comes to the material plance he tries to enjoy every minute of his visit. He drinks a lot, he gambles, he eats and has sex with both men and women. It is said that many half celestial beings are the product of Levar's visits.  


Levar is against the rules and any kind of restrain. He supports chaos and teaches that true freedom comes from embracing the randomness of luck. He wants his followers to enjoy the gift of life as much as possible. The act of love, gambling, drinking, singing, dancing, eating and everything in between are what the Trickster desires. He enjoys it when his worshipers manage to trick the authorities or inspire an adventurous new feeling to those bored of life or stuck in a certain routine. One of his main teaches is that since life is so short, no one should take it so seriously.  

The Tale of the Lost Fields

Soon after his creation, Levar, the child of Chaos, struggled to understand his true nature and capabilities. Driven by an insatiable curiosity, he roamed the material plane of Kena’an, observing every facet of life. Not content with just the material world, Levar ventured further, visiting the divine realms— The Moon and The Sun, The Crossroads and The Underworld

But as he explored, Levar found himself yearning for a realm of his own, a place where his chaotic spirit could thrive. Yet, he knew he was still weak, his powers untamed and unpredictable. While time and patience might have granted him the strength he needed, Levar's restless nature could not wait. Instead, he devised a cunning plan to achieve his desires without lifting a single finger.

Levar began by whispering to the gods, sowing the seeds of his deception. He approached his father, Novirath, and suggested that the gods needed a neutral ground—a place where they could gather to discuss their disputes under a shared set of rules. Levar promised that this suggestion was a gesture of goodwill, a way to earn his father’s approval. Trusting his son’s apparent sincerity, Novirath set aside his doubts and agreed to help.

Next, Levar sought out Ondrul, the God of Creation. To him, Levar spoke of a realm where the gods could freely exchange ideas and test their powers without risking harm to the material plane. Ondrul, ever eager to foster creativity and innovation, embraced the idea and pledged his support.

Finally, Levar visited the sisters of death, Siona and Zinxa, who had long been at odds over the purpose of the soul and the afterlife. Levar proposed a new place, a purgatory, where the dead could wait in safety before being judged. For the first time in ages, the sisters found common ground and agreed to lend their power to the creation of this new realm.

With all the gods believing they were working towards a shared goal, they came together, pooling their divine energies to create the realm Levar had promised each of them. But as their powers collided, chaos ensued. Novirath crafted a courthouse, Ondrul shaped a blank canvas for creation, and the sisters of death united their wills to form a purgatory. The result was a chaotic, unstable pocket world, a realm born of conflicting intentions.

At that moment, Levar saw his opportunity. With a mischievous grin, he seized the chaotic energy and claimed the new realm as his own. He named it The Lost Fields and declared himself its ruler. When the gods realized they had been deceived, their anger burned hot. But before they could act, Levar vanished into his new realm, where he was untouchable.

The gods, though furious, knew they could not destroy the Lost Fields without harming a part of themselves, for each had invested a piece of their power into its creation. Reluctantly, they accepted their fate and withdrew, leaving Levar to rule his chaotic domain. Thus, the Trickster god's first great deception was complete—a trick that would define his legacy and earn him the title of the Trickster, not just among mortals, but among the gods themselves.


Gnomes and Halflings

Levar, ever the trickster, found endless amusement in teasing his father. One of his favorite things to challenge was the Protector's creation—the humans. While they were sturdy and adaptable, they lacked the spark of unpredictability that Levar so adored. With mischief in his heart, he decided to create his own race, one that would mock the seriousness of humanity while embodying the joy and whimsy he cherished.

First, Levar crafted the gnomes—small, clever, and brimming with curiosity. He poured his love of invention, playfulness, and trickery into them, shaping them into beings that thrived on creativity and chaos. However, as he watched his gnomes flourish in his realm of The Lost Fields, Levar grew too fond of them. Their ingenuity and boundless energy brought him great joy, and he couldn’t bear to release them into the material plane where they might be stifled by the order of the world. So, Levar kept the gnomes close, allowing them to roam freely within his chaotic domain, where they could tinker and play to their hearts' content.

Not yet satisfied, Levar turned his attention back to the humans. With a mischievous grin, he set out to create another race—one that would walk the material plane and serve as a playful counterpoint to the solemnity of humanity. Thus, the halflings were born. Levar designed them to be a mirror image of humans, but with a twist: they were smaller, more carefree, and far more attuned to the pleasures of life. Where humans were driven by ambition and duty, halflings found joy in the simple things—in good food, good company, and the thrill of a well-executed prank.

Levar released the halflings into the world, knowing they would thrive, bringing laughter and lightness wherever they went. To him, they were a delightful jest, a living mockery of the seriousness with which his father and the other gods regarded their creations. Yet, in their own way, the halflings became a beloved race, spreading Levar's spirit of joy, freedom, and unpredictability across the material plane.


Clergy and Temples

Though Levar commands a sizable following of clerics, his temples are anything but traditional. These sacred places reflect the chaotic and unpredictable nature of their god, embodying the very essence of Levar's trickster spirit. The temples are characterized by their strange, labyrinthine architecture, with winding corridors, hidden doors, and rooms that seem to shift and change. Finding what you seek within these walls is less a matter of planning and more a matter of luck.

The clerics of Levar take great pleasure in maintaining this sense of disarray. They believe that luck is the true force that drives the world, and they seek to instill this belief in the hearts of Levar’s followers. Within the temple, worshipers might find themselves wandering through ever-changing passages, stumbling upon hidden treasures or secret rituals—each discovery seemingly guided by the whims of fate.

To the clerics, this constant state of uncertainty is a form of worship in itself. They delight in tricking and surprising the faithful, believing that these experiences teach the value of embracing chaos and the unpredictable nature of life. For the true followers of Levar, the temple is not just a place of worship but a test—a reminder that in a world ruled by chance, the only certainty is the unexpected.



Levar holds a complex relationship with the other gods of the pantheon. His nature as a god of chaos and unpredictability puts him at odds with many of his divine peers, yet he navigates these relationships with a blend of cunning and charm.

Levar’s relationship with his father, Novirath, is fraught with tension. Born from the part of Novirath’s consciousness known as Chaos, Levar represents everything Novirath sought to control and suppress. The Protector views Levar as a constant source of disruption. For Levar, however, the relationship is a mix of defiance and a desperate need for acknowledgment. He delights in playing tricks on his father, using his cunning to create situations that challenge Novirath’s rigid sense of order. Despite their differences, there is a subtle undercurrent of respect between them—Novirath for Levar’s undeniable power and wit, and Levar for the strength and stability that Novirath embodies.

Levar’s interactions with the other gods are characterized by a mix of grudging respect, lingering resentment, and a sense of wary caution. Ondrul, while still holding a grudge about being tricked by Levar, admires the Trickster's creativity and ingenuity, even if it was at his own expense. The sisters of death on the other hand, are more conflicted. Siona views Levar with distant amusement, recognizing the necessity of chaos, while Zinxa, harbors a deep resentment for being outwitted. Despite this, both sisters remain wary of Levar’s tricks, knowing all too well his ability to turn situations to his advantage.

Lilyore, once a halfling princess turned goddess by Levar’s love, occupies a unique place in Levar’s heart. Though his love for her remains one sided, Levar’s feelings for her are genuine and deep. He respects her independence and admires her strength. Their relationship is one of bittersweet companionship; Levar is always ready to assist her and heed her desires, even when they conflict with his own plans. Lilyore remains one of the few beings capable of tempering Levar’s chaotic tendencies, her presence a calming influence on the otherwise unpredictable god.

Ephelion, the creator of the elves and protector of arts and love, is one of the few gods with whom Levar shares a genuinely positive relationship. Unlike many of the other gods, Ephelion appreciates Levar’s chaotic nature, seeing in it the same kind of spontaneity and inspiration that drives creativity and love. Levar, in turn, respects Ephelion for his artistry and the beauty he brings into the world. The two gods often collaborate in subtle ways, with Levar providing the spark of chaos that can ignite creativity, and Ephelion channeling that energy into magnificent works of art and moments of profound love. Their bond is built on mutual respect and a shared appreciation for the unpredictability of life—Levar enjoys the artistic chaos Ephelion cultivates, while Ephelion finds value in the raw, untamed energy that Levar represents.

  • Symbol: A glass of wine; broken but full
  • Titles: The Trickster, The Prankster, The Chaos Song
  • Home Plane: The Lost Fields
  • Alignment: Chaotic Neutral
  • Portfolio: Arts, Rogues, Humor, Thieves, Artists, Wine, Laugh, Halflings, Chaos, Gambling
  • Worshipers: Halflings, Rogues, Thieves, Artists, Gamblers, Bards, Pirates
  • Cleric Alignments: CG, CE, CN
  • Domains: Chaos, Luck, Trickery, Liberation
  • Sub domains: Whimsy, Imagination, Thievery, Innuendo, Freedom, Revolution
  • Favorite Weapon: Rapier
  • Sacred Animal: Fox
  • Sacred Colors: Orange, Purple
Divine Classification
Intermediate God
All the images used are AI generated by the author, unless otherwise stated.


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