
Laugh, Learn, Shine

General Information

Lilyore is the only goddess of the pantheon that used to be a mortal. Through the intervention of Levar, Lilyore defied death and achieved her God status.



Lilyore is unique among the gods of the Pantheon as she was once a mortal. As a Halfling princess, she was renowned for her extraordinary beauty and grace, but her life was tragically cut short. Her soul was captured by her murderer, intended to remain trapped for eternity. Levar, the Trickster god, intervened out of deep affection for her. He rescued her soul, but instead of delivering it to the The Underworld, he brought it to his realm, The Lost Fields. There he imbued a portion of his power into his beloved's soul and so Lilyore became the newest goddess of the pantheon. She has no memory of her mortal life, even if she knows she used to be a mortal.


The Discovery of the Gnomes

Upon arriving in The Lost Fields, Lilyore encountered the gnomes—beings created by Levar but kept secluded in the divine realm. The gnomes, a race of small, ingenious creatures, were initially discarded by the Trickster as he had no place for them in the material plane. Lilyore was immediately captivated by the gnomes’ cheerful disposition and inventive spirit. She saw in them a reflection of the joy and creativity she herself cherished. Determined to share their unique qualities with the world, she devised a way to bring them into the material plane.

When Levar discovered Lilyore’s actions, he was furious. The gnomes were his treasured creations, and he had kept them hidden away out of love and a desire to protect them. But when he confronted Lilyore, his anger was tempered by his deep affection for her. He could not bring himself to truly oppose her, even though she had acted against his wishes. The truth of her feelings—kind but not passionate—only deepened his internal conflict.



Lilyore often appears in the material world as a gnome noblewoman, adorned with radiant gems and exhibiting a distinctive silvery skin tone that reflects her divine nature. This form allows her to connect with her gnome followers and interact with the material world in a way that emphasizes her role as their protector. In her true divine form, she resembles a fair Halfling princess, embodying the grace and beauty of her mortal origins.  


Lilyore's teachings center on the celebration of life through laughter, joy, and curiosity. She believes that humor and happiness can enhance and transform all experiences, and that knowledge is essential for unlocking the full potential of the world. Her followers are encouraged to be inquisitive and adventurous, embracing the mysteries of life while remaining vigilant of its dangers. Lilyore advocates for diplomacy and peaceful resolution, asserting that words and negotiation can achieve results as effectively as physical force. She values peace and understanding, emphasizing that true strength lies in wisdom and the ability to connect with others.  

Clergy and Temples

The clergy of Lilyore are known for their joyful demeanor and their focus on fostering happiness and creativity. They often serve as diplomats and mediators, using Lilyore’s teachings to navigate conflicts and promote understanding. Temples dedicated to her are characterized by elaborate designs and vibrant decorations, featuring gemstones and intricate carvings. These sacred spaces are designed to inspire wonder and creativity, reflecting Lilyore’s love for beauty and craftsmanship. Her clerics also engage in teaching and scholarship, guiding their communities in the pursuit of knowledge and personal growth.  


Levar, the Trickster god and Lilyore’s benefactor, harbors deep romantic feelings for her. While he admires her compassion and creativity, she does not return his affections, seeing him as a friend rather than a suitor. Despite this, their relationship remains strong, with Levar frequently assisting Lilyore and respecting her achievements, even though he struggles with the pain of her unreciprocated love.

Ephelion, the creator of the elves and protector of arts and love, shares a positive relationship with Lilyore. Both deities value creativity and joy, and their mutual appreciation for beauty and artistry fosters a strong bond. They often collaborate in promoting artistic endeavors and cultural enrichment, finding common ground in their shared values.

Ondrul, the god of creation, respects Lilyore for her creativity and the success of her efforts to bring the gnomes into the material plane. Although their relationship is somewhat formal, he acknowledges her contribution to the world's diversity and her ability to bring beauty and joy to its inhabitants.

Novirath has a complicated relationship with Lilyore. While he recognizes her achievements and the positive impact she has had on the world, he is aware that her ascension to godhood involved bending or breaking certain rules. This creates a tension between his respect for her accomplishments and his adherence to the order he upholds.

The sisters of death, Siona and Zinxa, have a strained relationship with Lilyore. Both goddesses resent her for escaping death and avoiding the finality that they oversee. Siona holds a grudge but remains distant rather than openly hostile. Zinxa, on the other hand, harbors a deeper resentment, viewing Lilyore’s escape as a personal affront to her authority over death and the afterlife.

  • Symbol: An oval diamond
  • Titles: The Shiny One, The Clear Diamond, The Rare Gem
  • Home Plane: The Lost Fields
  • Alignment: Neutral Good
  • Portfolio: Gnomes, Humor, Tricks, Gem Cutting, Jewelry, Diplomacy
  • Worshipers: Gnomes, Merchants, Bards, Rogues, Gem Cutters
  • Cleric Alignments: NG, LG, CG, N
  • Domains: Charm, Community, Knowledge, Luck
  • Sub domains: Captivation, Cooperation, Education, Memory, Imagination
  • Favorite Weapon: Gnome’s Hooked Hammer
  • Sacred Animal: Hummingbird
  • Sacred Colors: Pink, Violet
Divine Classification
Lesser God
All the images used are AI generated by the author, unless otherwise stated.


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