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The Church of Helios

The Church of Helios is a radiant beacon of faith and hope. At its core, the church worships Meridian, the sun, with unwavering devotion and reverence. Its followers find solace and inspiration in the symbolism of light, warmth, and the promise of returning home.   Within the towering walls of the church, fervent worshipers gather to honor and praise Meridian. They raise their voices in harmonious hymns, their words infused with heartfelt gratitude and unwavering belief. The grand sanctuary, adorned with vibrant stained glass depicting the sun's glorious rays, bathes the faithful in a kaleidoscope of colors, as if the sun itself is present among them.   The Church of Helios is not merely a place of worship but also a pillar of strength and support for the people of Springstar. It serves as a haven for those yearning for their homeland, whether Meri or Zenite. Within these hallowed walls, the community finds solace, forging bonds of unity and resilience.   Guided by the clergy, whose unwavering faith and deep understanding of Meridian's teachings serve as beacons of wisdom, the church provides spiritual guidance and moral compass to its followers. The clergy offer prayers of hope, perform sacred rituals, and share timeless wisdom, all with the purpose of illuminating the path toward a brighter future.

Tenets of Faith

  1. Exalt Meridian: The foremost commandment is to honor and worship Meridian, the force of divine light as embodied by the suns. Through prayers, rituals, and devotion, the faithful show their gratitude and reverence for the sun's benevolent presence.
  2. Embrace the Light of Hope: The followers of Helios are encouraged to embody hope in their daily lives. They believe that hope is a guiding force that leads them towards a brighter future and sustains their spirits during challenging times.
  3. Seek Unity and Community: The faithful are encouraged to foster a sense of unity and support within the community. They are called to treat others with kindness, compassion, and understanding, creating a harmonious environment where everyone feels welcome and valued.
  4. Cultivate Gratitude and Appreciation: Expressing gratitude for the blessings of life is a cornerstone of the faith. The faithful are encouraged to cultivate an attitude of gratitude, acknowledging the gifts bestowed upon them by Meridian. They believe that gratitude nurtures a sense of contentment and deepens their connection with the sun's divine energy.


Worship in the Church of Helios encompasses a range of everyday practices, rituals, and traditions that allow the faithful to connect with Meridian and express their devotion. Here are some of the key elements of worship within this religion:
  • Daily Prayers: The faithful begin and end each day with prayers to honor Meridian. These prayers can be personal expressions of gratitude, seeking guidance, or offering praise and adoration to the Meridian.
  • Sun Salutations: In the morning, worshippers often engage in sun salutations, a physical ritual involving stretching and movement, while facing the rising sun. This practice symbolizes the connection between the individual and the divine energy of Meridian.
  • Sacred Gatherings: Regular gatherings are held within the community, where worshippers come together to inspire each other with their homes and dreams of home. One formal process is that with each "service" one member will tap into the world shown in their Sunbeam and open their minds to Communion. Anyone that wishes to can also experience this member's home, see their friends, loved ones, and the sights. It's a intimate bonding activity, but seems to be very cathartic for those that partake.
  • Offerings and Sacrifices: Worshippers may present offerings to Meridian as a sign of devotion and gratitude. These offerings can include flowers, fruits, candles, or symbolic representations of the sun. In some cases, voluntary sacrifices of personal possessions or acts of service may be made as a form of dedication to the divine.
  For those who are especially devout, additional, more intimate services are offered and led by Hieropoios Natalia. Those that come by the Church frequently enough to be known faces at the "services" may also be approached by priests and priestesses and invited to join in smaller ceremonies. Always taking place during Springstar's dawn or dusk, these ceremonies have a markedly different vibe. Attending these ceremonies is an exclusive honor that will reduce attendees' Discord and has a subtly addictive quality that will encourage them to return.


The faithful of the Church of Helios are guided by a select group of priests and priestesses. These religious leaders are appointed through a combination of divine inspiration and the recognition of their spiritual gifts and dedication to the faith by Hieropoios Natalia. It is believed that Meridian itself bestows its divine guidance upon those chosen to lead the community.   Priests and priestesses are distinguished from the rest of the flock by their advanced knowledge of the faith, their ability to interpret the sacred texts pased down from generations past, and their role in leading religious ceremonies and rituals. They are often identified by ornate robes of white and gold. However, it is important to note that the Church of Helios also emphasizes the importance of all believers, recognizing that each individual has a direct connection with Meridian. While the priests and priestesses hold a special role, they are viewed as facilitators of the faithful's personal relationship with the divine rather than intermediaries. They encourage the entire flock to cultivate their own spiritual connection, offering guidance, support, and inspiration along the path of faith.
Priest and priestess robes

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