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Cryptids and Legendary Creatures

Throughout the history of Kermoria, from the time of The Old World through modern day, peoples of every race, civilization, and locale have reported sightings of creatures that can not be explained. While the paranormal, supernatural and even extraplanar can often be explained by organizations such as the Brotherhood of the Silver Sword or the Royal Society for the Exploration of the Natural and Physical World, there are, to this day, some that still defy explanation.

The Gwenalion Monster

During the Lyras War, dozens of people from multiple villages and towns along the shores of Lake Gwenalion made reports to the government of a giant monster living within the lake. Little manpower could be spared to investigate, but a group of fishermen from Langenfirth spent an entire summer tracking and hunting a beast that they reported witnessing several times, but were unable to approach close enough to attack. They described the beast as 'vaguely turtle-like' in it's appearance, though their size descriptions placed it as nearing 40 feet in length, and nearly that in width. The shell-like structure on it's back was described as being covered in armored plates, spikes, or spines (accounts varied), being more akin to one of the armored dinosaurs living in the wilds of Qi'Reshalia.

The Gwenalion Monster continues to be sighted sporadically to this day, with the most common sightings being made by fishermen and barge-operators near the north-western side of the lake, a few miles offshore from Langenfirth. No scientific discovery has ever been made, nor has any evidence except witness reports ever come forward to verify the claims.

In 218AV, the Monstrosity's Menagerie launched an expedition which included multiple boats and utilized the swimming and flying abilities of many of their members; this search lasted nearly 3 months, but ultimately came up empty handed.

The Banshee of the Moors

Within the Darkmist Moors, as local legends state, is a banshee. While this, in and of itself, is not disturbing (as banshees are known to inhabit small areas of pain and loss), what makes the Darkmist Banshee unique is that she appears to not haunt a single locale within the moors, but, instead, the entire moor. Hundreds of travelers through the area, for more than two hundred years, have reported the wails of a banshee from a number of locations within the moor, from the western edge near Darkwatch Tower, all the way to the southeastern edge, near the village of Shadow's Reach

Efforts have been made by the Ilithi government on a number of occasions to identify the banshee, or to eradicate her, but to no avail. Organizations such as the Brotherhood of the Silver Sword and The Chapter of Devils have investigated the Moors on a number of occasions, and though they have determined a large amount of negative energy exists within the Moor, they've not found a banshee. Many representatives of those organizations have, however, publicly acknowledged the existence of 'something' within the moors, something which struck fear into the hearts of their expeditions. But no evidence other than the screams has ever been discovered, leading some skeptics to believe it is an elaborate, long-lived ruse.

The Wolf of Ratha

On the northern end of the Isle of Ratha, on the fourth and uppermost tier, a creature of nightmare is said to reside. Tales among the farmers of the fertile land describe a massive wolf-like creature, nearly eight feet tall at the shoulder, that is able to (at least temporarily) stand on it's hind legs. Descriptions of this beast vary only slightly, and typical variations involve the color of it's fur, described as silver, black, or a russet red.

While it is bipedal, it appears to utilize it's forelimbs in much the manner as a humanoid, however, accounts indicate that it retains it's dog- or wolf-like paws, lacking physical dexterity or fingers. It also attacks and feeds as a quadrupedal beast, biting and tearing with it's teeth; over the last fifty years, hundreds of livestock ranging from sheep to cows have been reported either missing, or found disembowled and shredded in pastures and fields.

When word reached the mainland of these attacks in 182AV, a pair of witch hunters from the Hallowed Order travelled to the island, assuming that this so-called wolfman was nothing more than a werewolf or other sufferer of Lycanthropy. They conducted investigations and experiments for nearly three months, eventually claiming it to be a hoax and hanging several farmers for their lies. But the killings, the mutilations, continue to this day. There have not yet, however, been recorded attacks by this beast on humanoids; a farmer and his family were brutally mutilated in their home in 207, but the culprit was eventually discovered as a man and not a beast; he now resides within the halls of Bloodshore Prison.

The Big Fella of the Faldesu

If the tales are to be believed, then somewhere within the Faldesu River, bordering on the edge of the Hegarangi Expanse, there lies a crocodilian creature of such size and ferocity that it can swallow small boats whole, and utterly destroy larger ships with a few simple swipes of it's massive tail.

First reported by a whaling vessel returning from Northguard in 204, "Fella" or "Big Fella" was supposedly sunning himself on the southern shores of the Faldesu, in plain sight of some twenty mariners. It was described as a standard crocodile in every way, except for his obviously massive size, which was estimated to be nearly double that of a standard Saltwater Crocodile or Blue-Belly Crocodile, both of which are native to the area. If that initial report was to be believed, it would place this massive beast at some forty feet in length.

The Monstrosity's Menagerie immediately sent several seasoned hunters to the area in an attempt to bring back such a prize (alive, if possible of the six members of the expedition, one body was found, having been killed by a Three-Toed Arrow Frog, and the other five were never found. This merely fueled the rumors of the great beast, and sightings (and supposed attacks by it) increased over the next few years. However, sightings are now limited to only a few per year, and are mostly now attributed to mis-identification or distortion of size due to the brackish, discolored water of the river's estuaries.

Since it's initial sighting in 204, some fifty deaths and eleven ships (not including canoes, rowboats, and other small craft) have been sunk or damaged, the attacks attributed to an angry, obviously territorial monster crocodile.

Aesry Vampire Weasel

A large weasel, or perhaps a smaller, more lithe badger, the Vampire Weasel is thought to be to blame for multitudes deaths amongst small house pets and farm animals on the eastern side of the Isle of Aesry Surlaenis'a.

Eyewitnesses to this rodent's dark-colored rodent's attacks describe it as lightning-fast, exceptionally agile creature that could easily slip past fences and gates and into livestock pens, chicken coops, and otherwise 'secure' places, swiftly slaying an animal and draining it of blood with it's long, hollow fangs.

In 213AV, a farmer declared that he had captured one, alive, inside a magical trap he'd paid to have built, using one of his chickens as bait. When a team of investigators and hunters arrived, the trap was empty, except for a chicken which had died of dehydration while waiting for the team to arrive. No other specimen, living or dead, has been brought forth for examination, but no other explanation for the killings and the exsanguination has ever been put forth.

The Worm That Walks

Deep within the Velaken Desert lies a beast that is only spoken of in hushed tones, when it is spoken about all. It's presence within the sands can go unnoticed, stalking a caravan or merchants or a nomadic tribe of peoples for days on end, until suddenly, and without warning, it strikes. Not as an ambush, not from the skies, but as a weary traveler who approaches you, and then slaughters your company in the night.

Dozens of missing caravans are attributed to this beast, as are hundreds of deaths, with survivors telling the tale of a traveler joining them, only to reveal themselves as some sort of wriggling mass of worms in a vaguely humanoid shape, casting aside it's sun-bleached cloak to burst forth and begin a wanton slaughter on the hapless victims. What few survivors it leaves are usually by chance; oftentimes they were away from the caravan when it arrived, and watched the carnage from a distance before fleeing into the sands.

This crazed, worm-like beast is described as wearing humanoid clothing and approaching the caravan as if a lost or weary traveler, seemingly capable of speech (or mimicking well enough) in order to earn trust; once within the defensive perimeter of the caravan or encampment, it's worms burst forth and begin a wholesome slaughter; survivors often claim that victims were killed sheerly for the enjoyment, and not out of a need to feed or to drive them from territory.

Many survivors return to Havaral making these claims, but none, so far, has been able to bring back any evidence of an attack; when guards and volunteers rush into the desert to assist, often they find nothing but the sand blowing in the breeze, and no sign of the caravan, it's cargo, or it's operators. When wreckage is found, bodies are mutilated and horribly damaged, but do not typically indicate any sign of feeding except from local, known scavengers.

Many of the suspected attacks by the Worm That Walks are attributed to Anarsis, Terror of the Sands, who has been known to attack caravans in the past, leaving many skeptics unconvinced of anything more than a spiteful dragon attack.

The Devil Moth of the Deriel

If the legends of The Forest of Night are to be believed, creatures not of this world have taken residence within the towering boughs; creatures of shadow and tooth and, oddly, winged tentacles?

Supposedly, the forest itself has given birth to a creature, or, as some accounts insist, several creatures, which attack from the skies, wielding numerous tentacles of multicolored hues, covered in sharp stingers and weird sucker-like protrusions.

Survivors of attacks from the moth-like creatures are often covered in circular wounds, many of which with punctures encircling the ringed edges.

The Beasts of the Dunshade

Supposedly inhabiting the Dunshade Moors between El Bain's Stop and Therenborough is, or are, either a single large cat, or an entire family of large cats. While big cats are not unheard of in and around the Gemfire Mountains, the idea of a tiger-sized, black panther or family of such roaming the roads and the Dunshade Moors has grown in popularity since the first supposed sighting in 204.

Since then, more than fifty livestock deaths have been attributed to this mysterious cat or cats, and more than a hundred sightings, including from skilled hunters and trackers, have been reported. In 206 and again in 211, the Monstrosity's Menagerie investigated, and found no sign of any large cats in the area; they attributed the attacks to wolves, the local gryphon population, or other, natural predators, and the sightings were dismissed as misidentification of ordinary animals.

The Honkmother

Legends say that, deep within the Pridelands, on the outskirts of the Great Kingdom of Edeli and it's surrounds, there lives a great beast known solely as 'The Honkmother'. A creature of immense proportions seen flying through the sky, survivors of her vicious attacks often speak of her as some great, goose-like beast that descended without warning, causing carnage and chaos amongst them with her toothed beak and honking shrieks, causing deafness for everyone nearby.
Members of the Monstrosity's Menagerie have repeatedly attempted to hunt this creature, and many report that, if the beast should exist, that it may actually be a Roc or Thunderbird, as there is no evidence of any such massive goose-like creature existing within Kermoria. Be that as it may, dozens of survivors are identified each year, and their stories almost universally speak of a great honking on the wind, followed by the silence of the dead.

The Great Wyrm Xairroanti

The Great Wyrm Xairroanti is a legendary cryptid that is said to roam the deserts of the Pridelands, striking fear into the hearts of all who hear its name. Though many believe it to be a dragon, those who have seen it up close know it to be something altogether different. The Xairroanti is actually a Sand Worm, however, this Sand Worm is much larger and more fearsome than any other creature of its kind. It is said to be over 100 feet long and capable of swallowing an entire caravan of travelers whole.   The Xairroanti is rarely seen, but its presence is felt throughout the Pridelands. Many believe that it is a harbinger of death, appearing only to those who are about to meet their end. Others believe that it is a protector of the desert, guarding ancient treasures and lost ruins from those who would seek to loot them.   Despite the many legends surrounding the Xairroanti, no one has ever been able to capture or kill one. Those who have tried have either been swallowed whole or perished in the desert trying. As a result, the Xairroanti remains one of the most mysterious and feared creatures in all of the Pridelands.

The Void Stalker of the Kingdom

Supposedly seen within the deserts of the Great kingdom, the Void Stalker begets fear in the hearts of all who behold it.  A large, reptilian creature that appears to be made of darkness itself, it's said to move through the shadows, only emerging to attack its prey. The Void Stalker is a fearsome predator, able to take down even the strongest of prey with ease. Its skin is nearly impenetrable, and its teeth and claws are razor-sharp. Some believe the Void Stalker to be an otherworldly creature, while others think it might be a product of magical experimentation gone wrong.


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