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Ilithi Infantry

Unlike traditional infantry, with massed formations and shield walls, the Ilithic approach to combat involves far more light infantry, skirmisher screens, and wild charges by reckless, barbaric attackers, paying homage to the province's roots as a tribal and steppe society.



The standing army of Ilithi is, comparatively, smaller than that of the other provinces.  However, with far more ground to cover, they dedicate more of their soldiers to cavalry than infantry.  At the last accounting, at the turnover of the Ferdahl, the Infantry measured just over 200,000 strong, scattered throughout the entirety of the province.


Every infantryman is different, though as a norm, they're outfitted in fur parkas, winter boots, a wooden shield and some variation of leather armor.


Many infantrymen have adopted crossbows, a sort of 'volley before the charge' aesthetic; in melee, the axe and the hammer are far more common than anything else, a testament to the Dwarven heritage of the province and it's roots.


The Ilithi Infantry is modelled in many ways after the Zoluren Expeditionary Force; each unit has a commander, who reports to another, higher commander, and so forth.  Ultimately, the infantry is broken into four armies.

The First Army (The Northern Army.)
The First Army is tasked with the maintenance and protection of the northern borders of Ilithi, including the gondola,  the Dragon's Spine Mountains and the Great Divide.  The Northern Army prides itself on the amount of combat they see, as there are constant skirmishes between the soldiers and the various tribes of goliaths, orcs, ogres, and other not-nice creatures that call the mountains home.

The Second Army (Army of the Wyvern Road).
The Second Army is defends the western border of the province, including the current project of rebuilding the once grand bastion sitting atop Wyvern Mountain.  Their troops number the most numerous amount of auxiliaries, as it is commonplace for tribesmen and barbarians to serve as guides and scouts within the ranks of the second army.  These local troops have proved invaluable in finding, and eliminating, a large number of otherwise hidden encampments of greenskins, orcs, and other creatures which call the steppes home.

The Third Army (The Army of the Wall).  
Ilithi's Third Army is tasked with the defense of the southern borders of the province, a lucrative posting for anyone wishing an easy enlistment.  As the southern borders are guarded by Corik's Wall, which is, in turn, patrolled by the para-military forces of the Order of The Emerald Knights, the Third Army rarely sees any real action; the majority of the days are spent 'training', which is military slang for doing very little while being paid for it.

The Fourth Army (The Dragon's Eye). 
The Fourth Army is the training post and retirement position for many of Ilithi's most senior troops, or those that have seen enough action for a lifetime. It is, typically, filled with veterans who are close to retirement, and officers who spend more time writing treatises on warfare than actually practicing it.  However, should the need arise, the Fourth contains those same veterans who could, at a moment's notice, man the walls of any city and defend it with their lives, as the Fourth also serves as the garrison force for many of the more major trade hubs throughout the province.
Two volleys, boys.  Shot, reload, shot.  Draw steel, and meet them in the field.  Just hold long enough for the cavalry, then skedaddle on home before tea gets cold.  -Elizabeth Harding, former Field Marshal, before being slain by an Orc axe.
Overall training Level
Assumed Veterancy
Parent Formation
Ranks & Titles


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