Character Creation Process

Hero Basics

  Each Hero has six main stats that are derived from the following; Strength (STR), Constituion (CON), Dexterity (DEX), Intelligence (INT), Wisdom (WIS), and Charisma (CHR). For now, lets define what each stat does.  
  • Strength (STR) - Determines how much a Hero can move, lift, and carry by multiplying the max roll of the chosen Proficiency die by 30.
  • Constituion (CON) - Determines how healthy a hero is and their Hit Point pool.
  • Dexterity (DEX) - Determines how nimble a hero is as they dodge, move, or work with fine motor skills.
  • Intelligence (INT) - Determins how book smart your Hero is. Are they learned? Or do they struggle in their pursuit of knowledge.
  • Wisdom (WIS) - Determins how much you understand the inner workings of the world in a natural sense.
  • Charisma (CHR) - Determines how likable your Hero is to the world around them. Are they gifted at conversation, dressing up, or even how attractive their physical person is.
  Of the 5 stats (Strength, Dexterity, Intelligence, Wisdom, and Charisma), a Player may designate one Proficiency Die type of D4, D6, D8, D10, and D12 for each of the stats. The 6th stat, Constitution, is set by the class framework. A framework is to help the player and the GM to work together to create a hero. To better articulate, these fall into three categories. Of the three frameworks, each type has the additional constitution score (mentioned above) which dictates their Hit Point pool and Proficiency Die type for that stat. Furthermore, Each class of a framework has a Save Proficiency Die (SPD) that may have additional modifiers (Plus or minus) for stats that require a SPD.  
Save Proficieny Die (SPD)
A Save Proficiency Die (SPD) assists with doing a test against select spells, actions, or events within the game. These are set by utilizing the primary die selected for each of the 5 stats (D4, D6, D8, D10, D12). The Constitution SPD is set to the framework of the class you select.  


Talents are skills that are governed by the Proficiency Die set to the primary stat that it falls under. These talents are modified by the selected class of your choosing as described on the specific class page. There are 18 Talents divided among the six primary stats of Strength, Dexterity, Constitution, Intelligence, Wisdom, and Charisma. here is a brief description of how each of these is used.   These Talents are:
  • Acrobatics (DEX) - Determines your ability to navigate in the air while jumping, falling, etc.
  • Animal Handling (WIS)- Determines your ability to work with or around animals without incident.
  • Arcana (INT) - Determines your ability to understand if an object has any magical history.
  • Athletics (STR) - Determines your physical abilty for feats requring strength.
  • Deception (CHA) - Determines your ability to hide the truth from a creature.
  • History (INT) - Determines your ability to understand what occurred with a creature, place, or thing.
  • Insight (WIS) - Determins your ability to read into a situation and infer its meaning.
  • Intimidation (CHA) - Determins your ability to force something to happen through fear.
  • Investigation (INT) - Determines your ability to look at a place and find clues.
  • Medicine (WIS) - Determines your ability to use the correct healing methods and determine the cause of an injury or illness.
  • Nature (INT) - Determines your ability to understand the natural world around you. Be that a beast's normal temperament, a plant's properties, or weather patterns.
  • Perception (WIS) - Determins your abilty to see things.
  • Performance (CHA) - Determins your ability to entertain others.
  • Persuasion (CHA) - Determins your ability to sway someone's thoughts, opinions, and actions.
  • Religion (INT) - Determins your ability to know the inner workings of a religious institution.
  • Sleight of Hand (DEX) - Determines your ability to move objects from one place to another undetected.
  • Stealth (DEX) - Determins your ability to move from one place or another undetected.
  • Survival (WIS) - Determins your ability to live in a situation that is not optimal.
  • Crafting (INT) - Determins your ability to create or modifiy items within the world.


This character is intended to be in the thick of all melee combat and has a high desire to be the shield of the team. An example of this would be a Pretorian-type class. Starting Hit Points is 12 with a D10 Proficiency Die for Constitution and for the Save Proficiency Die (SPD).   For every level gained, they utilize the D10 to add additional HP or half the die automatically if they roll a 4 or below.  
A Front-Line Example:

The Switch

This character is intended to be able to bounce between front-line combat and back-line combat. An example of this would be the Thief-type class who may be good at ranged combat with physical weapons but can also deal damage up close. Starting Hit Points is 10 with a D8 Proficiency Die for Constitution and for the Save Proficiency Die (SPD).   For every level gained, they utilize the D8 to add additional HP or half the die automatically if they roll a 3 or below.  
The Switch Example:


This character is intended to stay out of the melee and support the team by casting spells or utilizing ranged equipment from a distance. A Caster-type. Starting Hit Points is 8 with a D6 Proficiency Die for Constitution Proficiency Die and for the Save Proficiency Die (SPD).   For every level gained, they utilize the D6 to add additional HP or half the die automatically if they roll a 2 or below.  
Back-Line Example:

Core Leveling Mechanics

Each Hero created at level one will acquire talents as directed in the class description. Those Talents can be found here: Talents & Traits  

Starting with Level Two, each hero may assign 1 bonus point to a talent as long as no other bonuses take it past a +5. Every level-up has the option for the player to select additional talents (as long as no other bonuses take it past a +5) in that specific talent, or a specific class feature to build a more unique play style. Outside the Hit Point level-specific options per class framework, each level gains 1 additional Defense and Hero Point per level.


Hero Carry capacty

An astute mind may realize that no item within this game has a weight. While many may get annoyed by this, a person should be able to use common sense to decide if they can carry a dragon's horde, or a flower from 10 miles away from a city. If they cannot figure this out, the GM will tell you if your Hero is overweight or attempting to carry enough volume of items that it is not pheaseable.      


  Any race within a fantasy setting is acceptable, however, the GM may reserve the right to tweak anything that may be presented. In the future, specific Race Features may become available to select from. What is currently more important are the two following categories; Size and movement speed.
  Use the above chart to determine your race size and speed for your Hero.

Back Story Help

While I am always happy to assit you here is some quick details of the world.  
  • To be born in this world you must be under the age of 50.
  • Anyone over the age of 150 does not have the option to be a native born of Keth
  • Always be able to answer why your Hero would be willing to leave the safety of towns or cities to explore the world.
  • If you are not from Keth, know how you came to be in Keth.
  If you need to recall the Core Mechanics of the game click, How to Play Core Mechanics.
I do request you have a few sentences or paragraphs (not a novel) about your PC. The Back Story Help (above) and other articles can help tell you about the world to help you form the Hero

Campaign Expectations


While I will do my best to adapt to the table expect this particular campaign to be narrative focused. There may be times where back to back sessions do not feature direct combat encounters. However, direct encounters will largely feature a battlemap and minis. As such, please have something to represent your PC. If you do not have a piece, I will provide one.


This campaign is expected to last upwards of 25 sessions on a monthly basis before the next section takes place.


I intend to record sessions to my laptop for personal review. I use this to help ensure I am not missing details of the campaign and to help keep things I say straight from session to session


At this time I expect this to be a monthly game held on Sundays.

Class List

The Switch