The Mage


Controlling the magical elements of the world, the Mage can do the impossible. Light logs without matches, freeze water in the hot months, and even destroy objects by pulling on the threads of magic within the air. The Mage is bound by no magic school and can learn spells from any list.  

Power Threshold Table


Hit Points

Starting Hit Points is 8 with a D6 Proficiency Die for anything related to disease, condition saves, etc. For every level gained, they utilize the D6 to add additional HP or half the die automatically if they roll a 2 or below.


The Mage is not skilled with any armor sets.


The Mage is skilled with the use of Staffs, Wands, and spell books and may use them with no penalty. Should the Mage attempt to use any other weapon, they receive a -5 to hit.


The mage is always easy to spot in a crowd should they have their focus in hand. These Focuses allow for castors to pull on the threads of magic and are always close at hand.

Primary Casting Stat

The mage may cast it's spells utilizing the Inteligence, Charisma, or Wisdom for its Primary Proficiency Die.


You may select two talents that are granted at a +2. No talent may exceed a +5.  

Additionally, you may select one of the following features.


As an Action you may use a Hero Point to draw down against the threads of magic gaining a +2 when attempting to beat a Power Threshold (PT).


As an Action you may use a Hero Point to Embune one ally's weapon with an additional 1d4 of damage. No PT is required.  

Level 1 Class Features

You may select one of the class features below.  

Stat Boost

You may choose to apply two points to a talent class. You may also spend 1 point on two different talent classes. No talent may exceed a +5.  

I run away

Your base speed is increased by 10 feet.  

Battle Mage

You become skilled in Light Armor Sets.  

Select your Focus Group


You may use Staffs as a Focus element for casting. While wielding the Staff you gain the ability to trip an opponent of equal size in front of you by making a Dexterity Proficiency Die attack against the targeted foe.  


You may use wands as a focus element for casting. The wand may be canceled with a Dexterity (Sleight of hand) check to determine its DSDC to be found.  

Spell Book

You may use spell books as a focus element for casting. The book may be used to store and learn spells encountered within the world.  

Level 0 Spells

You may select 3 level 0 spells    

Level 2 Class Features


You may select one talent and add +1 on your talent tree. No talent may exceed a +5.

You may select one of the class features below or one from the previous level.


Stat Boost

You may choose to apply two points to a talent class. You may also spend 1 point on two different talent classes. No talent may exceed a +5.  

Base Camp

As an action you may spend 1 Hero Point to create up to a 25 by 25-foot square perimeter around you that magically alerts you to movement entering or exiting the square. No PT is required.  

Blinding Light

As a reaction against a melee attack you may raise your focus to cast a blinding light. Creatures who see this light have a disadvantage on the occurring attack roll. No PT is required.  

Level 1 Spells

You may select 3 level 1 spells  

Level 3 Class Features


You may select one talent and add +1 on your talent tree. No talent may exceed a +5.

You may select one of the class features below or one from the previous level.


Stat Boost

You may choose to apply two points to a talent class. You may also spend 1 point on two different talent classes. No talent may exceed a +5.  


As a passive feature, all of your Proficiency Die Checks that are in the Intiligence or Wisdom tree receive a +1.  


Upon being hit the first time in combat, you may blink up to half of your movement speed away from your current space to a location of your choosing.  

Level 2 Spells

You may select 3 level 2 spells  

Level 4 Class Features


You may select one talent and add +1 on your talent tree. No talent may exceed a +5.

You may select one of the class features below or one from the previous level.


Stat Boost

You may choose to apply two points to a talent class. You may also spend 1 point on two different talent classes. No talent may exceed a +5.  

Enhaned Embune

You may now spend up to 2 hero Points as an action to enhance 2 allies weapons.  

Magic Inclined

When attempting to identify magical elements around you, you may make this check with a +5 to your Proficiency Die Roll.  

Level 3 Spells

You may select 3 level 3 spells  

Level 5 Class Features


You may select one talent and add +1 on your talent tree. No talent may exceed a +5. At level 5 your Hero has suffered enough to have more prowess in battle. you may select one of the following features.
  • A plus 2 to your Primary Proficiency Die
  • A plus 4 to your lowest Proficiency Die
  • A plus 1 to two Proficiency Dies of your choice

You may select one of the class features below or one from the previous level.


Stat Boost

You may choose to apply two points to a talent class. You may also spend 1 point on two different talent classes. No talent may exceed a +5.  

Ritual Caster

The Thread is beginning to make more sense, you may spend 10 uninterrupted minutes casting a spell without a need to hit the spell's Power Threshold.  

Magical Mastery

You may add one level 5 spell to your spell listing.  

Level 4 Spells

You may select 3 level 4 spells
"I am power" - Some Mage