The Thief


The Thief. These enigmatic figures, skilled in the elusive craft of thievery, carve their names into the annals of legend. In a world where magic courses through the very air, these clandestine experts employ their unparalleled agility and cunning intellect to operate in the shadows.  

Hit Points

Starting Hit Points is 10 with a D8 Proficiency Die for anything related to disease, condition saves, etc. For every level gained, they utilize the D8 to add additional HP or half the die automatically if they roll a 3 or below.


The thief is skilled with the use of Light Armor sets.


The thief is skilled with the use of finesse weapons and receives a +2 to hit. However, They lack the ability and skills required to wield heavy weaponry and will receive a -5 penalty in the attempt to use such a weapon.


You may select two talents that are granted at a +2. No talent may exceed a +5.  

Additionally, you may select one of the following features.

Tuck and Roll

As an Action you may use a Hero Point to tuck and roll around an opponent to their backside. Any strike from this angle grants you an advantage while wielding a finesse-based weapon.

Look for an Opening

As an Action you may use a Hero Point to to strike an opening on a target with a ranged weapon. This strike is made at an advantage when beyond five feet from the target.  

Level 1 Class Features

You may select one of the class features below.  

Stat Boost

You may choose to apply two points to a talent class. You may also spend 1 point on two different talent classes. No talent may exceed a +5.  

Coated Weapon

As an Action The Theif may use a Hero point to coat their weapon with a common burning toxin. The toxin lasts for 2 rounds in the open air adding +2 to a damage rolls on hit.  

Double Shot

As an action the Theif may use a Hero point to fire off two range attacks as one attack roll. The attack must be at the same target and The damage is rolled twice for each attack.  

Level 2 Class Features


You may select one talent and add +1 on your talent tree. No talent may exceed a +5.

You may select one of the class features below or one from the previous level.


Stat Boost

You may choose to apply two points to a talent class. You may also spend 1 point on two different talent classes. No talent may exceed a +5.  

Cheap Shot

As a reaction, you may throw a small stone, coin, or object from your pocket to impose a disadvantage on an attack roll against you or another creature within 15 feet.  

Smoke Screen

As an action you may spend one Hero Point to create a smoke screen to hide your body. This allows for a free disengage from melee combat or a +2 to armor class. The smoke dissipates at the start of your next turn.  

Level 3 Class Features


You may select one talent and add +1 on your talent tree. No talent may exceed a +5.

You may select one of the class features below or one from the previous level.


Stat Boost

You may choose to apply two points to a talent class. You may also spend 1 point on two different talent classes. No talent may exceed a +5.  

All Seeing

As a passive feature, you have a +2 to armor class for any attack you can see as you are more apt to naturally dodge the attack.  

I'm Over Here

At the start of combat, you may re-appear anywhere up to your movement speed to re-position.  

Level 4 Class Features


You may select one talent and add +1 on your talent tree. No talent may exceed a +5.

You may select one of the class features below or one from the previous level.


Stat Boost

You may choose to apply two points to a talent class. You may also spend 1 point on two different talent classes. No talent may exceed a +5.  

Enhanced Tuck and Roll

Tuck and Roll no longer costs an action and is considered a Free action to spend the Hero Point. (You must have taken Tuck and Roll as a pre-requisite)

Enhanced Look for an Opening

Look for an Opening no longer costs an action and is considered a Free action to spend the Hero Point. (You must have taken Look for an Opening as a pre-requisite)  

I am the shadow

You become like a shadow, unable to be grappled. Any attempt to grapple you is made at a disadvantage.  

Level 5 Class Features


You may select one talent and add +1 on your talent tree. No talent may exceed a +5. At level 5 your Hero has suffered enough to have more prowess in battle. you may select one of the following features.
  • A plus 2 to your Primary Proficiency Die
  • A plus 4 to your lowest Proficiency Die
  • A plus 1 to two Proficiency Dies of your choice

You may select one of the class features below or one from the previous level.


Stat Boost

You may choose to apply two points to a talent class. You may also spend 1 point on two different talent classes. No talent may exceed a +5.  

Student of Traps

You and the ambush have become one. You may spend an hour crafting a finicky trap that immobilizes a large creature or smaller that must be recreated after a long rest. This trap is kept inside of a steel box you carry on your person that protects you from when the trap inevitably goes off. When using the trap as a thrown weapon it requires an action as a ranged attack. A targeted creature must beat your daily DSDC for your Primary Proficiency Die if hit. This trap may be thrown up to 20 feet, or attached to a common triggering system within an area. If attempting to hide a trigger system, your DSDC of the day will dictate how well hidden you hid the trap.  

Silver Tounge

When attempting a persuasion or deception check you have a +2 to your rolls.
"Shhhhh" - Some Thief